Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 903

Lianyin is eloquent, emotional and rational. She was confused at that time and agreed to marry again because she didn't want Jiang Qixing to go to prison. But Jiang Qixing's confession under the Buddha's stone made Lian Hao flustered. It was the first time that she felt that Lian Yin and Lian Hao didn't mean well. It couldn't be so coincidental. Lian's family just caught Jiang Qixing's video of hurting Wang Zichang, and they couldn't just know what she thought of Jiang Qixing

Qi Xing has a different feeling. After all, even her elder brother doesn't know.

The biggest possibility is that Lian's family has been following her and knows that Jiang Qixing is secretly guarding her. If so, Lian's family will know that Jiang Qixing spent the night in her room.

Even this all know, how can Lian Hao still have to marry her? How can you still be in love?

She is affectionate to Lian's family, but at this moment, she can't help it. She goes into Ying Hannian's study overnight and tells her everything.

Ying Hannian asked her to cancel her engagement, and he solved the video problem.

She remembers sitting at Ying Hannian's desk for a long time before she said, "I suspect Lian's family has a bigger conspiracy. If they cancel their engagement in this way, I'm afraid they will start from other places, and they can't be fortified at that time."

She also remembers Ying Hannian sitting there, looking at her indifferently with black eyes, "you're just worried that I won't get the video back."

Of course she's worried.

Jiang Qixing hit people for her.

"Second brother, don't you want to know what's the plot of the Lian family?" She asked, "I also want to know if Lian family really wants to marry me or what they want from me."

"Even the family takes videos to threaten you. Do you still have to talk about feelings with them?"

Ying Hannian sneers.


She's silent, she's nervous, she's upset.

At that time, she really didn't know what kind of heart Lianjia had for herself. She just surmised.

"Do you know what it means to get married?" Ying Hannian asked coldly.

"A marriage, change back to video, change to Lianjia conspiracy, I think it's worth it."

That's what she said. In fact, she knows the meaning of Ying Hannian. After she married, she was no longer worthy of Jiang Qixing.

She knows. In fact, if she does not marry, how much sunshine can she and Jiang Qixing see? Will Jiang Qixing not have nightmares? Together, he will never regret it? There are too many questions like this. She doesn't dare to think about it. It hurts when she thinks about it. It's better to change the video,

Keep him safe.

This was what she thought was most worthwhile at the time.

Up to now, she still thought it was worth it. Mu Xiaxi sat there, spread out his hand, and put a small U disk in his palm.

During her stay at Lian's home, she closely observed Lianyin and Lianhao, and finally let her find the opportunity to steal the U disk video today.

She threw the U-disk into her wine glass, and her lips slowly pursed a smile of relief.

There's nothing more to threaten him.

People nearby all looked at her, mu Xianguang listened to her words, his eyes darkened, and sneered at himself, "I didn't expect that it was our uncle, our cousin... They wanted you to die."

Before a car, Lin Yi said he played well.

Did you play well? He only knew that he really hated. When Ying Hannian first talked to him, he and Ying Hannian had a big fight. He didn't believe that the Lian family would treat their brother and sister like this. He thought Ying Hannian was too defensive, and even scolded Ying Hannian for giving Xia Xi the medicine so that Xia Xi could spit blood and cheat him on the ground of serious illness


The fight broke up unhappily.

Until LV Qinghe came to him and separated him from Ying Hannian.

Everything is as like as two peas in the cold years, and he realized that even the family was actually giving their brother and sister medicine.

Uncle, cousin... That's the person with blood relationship with him. His mother has been maintaining the relationship between the two families all her life. She has been saying good things about the family in front of the herdsmen all her life. In the end, in the eyes of uncle, their brother and sister are just chess pieces.

Think of here, mu Xianguang scarlet eyes covered with a mist.

Bai Shuya took his hand silently.

Lin Yi looks at their brother and sister like this, in the heart is not very good, she way, "in this world the cold thin is not the family affection, but the person."

Kinship is innocent.

But people have desire, greed and desire to kill

"Yes." Mu Xianguang nodded, "I see Lianyin driving you to death step by step today. That kind of face makes me sick.""Don't feel bad. Isn't it a good thing to see the real face of your family?"

Bai Shuya advised mu Xianguang.

Mu Xianguang nodded.

Lin Yi looks at Mu Xiaxi. She stares at the U disk in the wine glass and asks in a soft voice, "Xiaxi, are you ok?"

"I'm fine." Mu Xiaxi raised his face and said with a smile, "I'm not really suffering from a terminal disease. That's the medicine my second brother gave me. He paid doctor fan, who was on duty at Lian's home that day, in order to make Lian's family believe that I was seriously ill."

She has no incurable disease at all.

"The transfer of shares can't be done in one stroke. I'm afraid you'll have to hide for a while. You can't let Lian's family find out that you're not dead."

Lin Yi said.

"In fact, the death of Mu Xiaxi is a good thing for me. I don't know why. When I heard about this plan, I was relieved." Mu Xiaxi said, "maybe I'm tired of being the sixth lady of the herdsman."

"Xia Xi..."

Mu Xianguang frowns.

"Brother, that's it. Don't let people know that I'm still alive, just let me be an ordinary person."

Mu Xia Xi turns his eyes to see Mu Xian Guang and says softly.

What else does mu Xianguang want to say? Bai Shuya pushes him with her elbow. Mu Xianguang touches his nose and compromises, "as long as you are happy."

"I'm very happy."

Mu Xia Xi said softly, looking at the U disk in the cup so quietly.

For her, it doesn't matter how much difficulty her family suffers or how many shares she gives. The important thing is that she has found this USB flash disk.

She had a smile on her lips.

Lin Yi looked at her quietly, thought about it and said, "Xia Xi, Jiang Qixing doesn't know about these things. You can call him so that he won't worry."

Jiang Qixing was kept in the dark about this.

In fact, they all know that once Jiang Qixing knows the truth, he would rather go to jail than let Mu Xiaxi marry into Lian's family.

But in this way, I feel guilty.

Especially in Ying Hannian, it's not the first time that he's been hiding from Jiang Qixing.

Thinking about this, she silently looked at Ying Hannian. Ying Hanyong coughed and made a meaningless appearance. There was still a trace of guilty in her eyes.

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Mu Xiaxi's eyes were slightly shocked and muttered, "if you let him think I'm dead..."

"If you want to see him go to tulian, you can keep it a secret."

Ying Hannian coldly opens his mouth and gives her a faint glance.

Wang Zichang's fate is not enough to warn her?

"..." Mu Xiaxi stopped in an instant.