Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 888

"Thank you."

Mu Xiaxi gratefully took it and drank the hot water.

"I'm really sorry to see you like this. I'll call the doctor at home." Lian Hao said, "I don't know who is on duty today."

"No, doctor fan prescribed the medicine. You can take it."

Mu Xia Xi said weakly.

"All right." Lian Hao didn't bother to toss about for her. He took out the medicine and handed it to her. Mu Xiaxi took the medicine, and Lian Hao reached for her ear hair and frowned, "Xiaxi, I don't want to curse you. You know, I hope you can be better than anyone else, but for people like us, some things are better planned earlier.

Smell speech, Mu Xia Xi's eyelashes quiver, the voice is more and more weak, "do you want me to make a will?"

"I really have no other meaning. Anyway, I will try my best to cure you."

Lian Hao watched her affectionately.

"Would you not be happy if I gave everything I had to my brother's family?" Mu Xiaxi looked at him faintly.

Lian Hao laughs, "little fool, I don't marry you for your property. Of course, you can give it to whoever you want."


Mu Xiaxi's pale face was touched.

"Of course." Lian Hao nodded and even put up three fingers, "shall I swear to you?"

Mu Xia Xi shook his head, and Lian Hao put down his hand.

"There's one more thing..." she looked at Lian Hao with a desire for words.

"You mean the video my sister used to intimidate you? Don't worry. I'll go to my sister and ask her to destroy the video. " Lian Hao said gently, "whatever you want, I can do it for you." Smell speech, Mu Xiaxi's eyes red, there is water mist in his eyes, weakly said, "I'm sorry, cousin, you are so good to me, but my body is not even a day wife's obligations, but also let you put down work every day

Stay with me. "

Tears fell down, very pathetic.

Lian Hao's heart moved and he couldn't help kissing her. As soon as he got close, he smelled the peculiar smell of vomiting on her body. He quickly stopped his action and gave her a virtual hug. "What a fool. I love you. I'm willing to do anything for you."

"Thank you."

Mu Xiaxi is very grateful.

"Well, you lie down for a while, I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back soon."

Lian Hao patted her on the back, helped her lie down, gave her a gentle smile, and then turned to walk out of the room.

As soon as he got out of the room, his face sank down and he lowered his head to smell the smell. It was really bad.

He immediately recruited servants to change his clothes.


In the resplendent living room, Lianyin is accompanying her father to watch international news. She peels the oranges from her hands and removes the white silk one by one before handing them to her father.

"You're sure about the shepherd's side?" Lian asked in a sudden voice.

"Yes, I'm afraid Xia Xi won't be able to do it. The main thing is to control Xianguang in our hands. It's best to use him to deal with yinghannian." Lianyin said, referring to Ying Hannian, he couldn't help thinking of the game of chess at night, and his eyes sank.

Winning a game of chess is nothing.

If the four families win, they are the real winners.

LV Qinghe has gone to Mu Xianguang. Are you afraid that he can't find the way in Mu's family?

Lian agreed, "it's true that our Lian family can occupy the top of the four families, not because we are strong, but because the herdsmen have been fighting for several years. It's natural for them to step back. As long as they continue to step back, Lian's family can rest assured."

"Yes, father."

Lianyin nodded with a smile.

"You've been smart since you were a child. You're better than your brothers. You're the best I can help you." Lian Lao said, patting her on the shoulder, "do well, father has a deep hope for you."

Hearing the words, Lianyin's eyes brightened. He could not help but feel that he was really right in this step.

The herdsman is a big trouble for her father. As long as she messes up the herdsman, she can't be the top decision maker of Lian's family. As they were saying this, Lian Hao, who had changed his clothes, ran down in a hurry and sat down with an angry look on his face. "This Xia Xi, thanks to the fact that I was waiting on her like an aunt, she just told me that she would give all her property to Mu Xianguang! What a disease!

"Look at you. You can't keep calm when you follow your sister."Lian looked at him discontentedly.


Lian Hao drank a large glass of water and sat there and said, "sister, what should we do now? Or I'll take that video to threaten Xia Xi? Force her to give me the property. "“ No, now Xia Xi just thinks that you really love her. She doesn't think too much about it and does it too obviously. She must tell mu Xianguang that if Mu Xianguang is aware of our motivation, then everything we do will be wasted. " Lian Yin peeled the orange on her hand and said


"What about that?"

Lian Hao frowned“ Xia Xi doesn't have many days to endure. Now the most important thing is to let mu Xianguang completely trust us and completely split with Ying Hannian. " Lianyin said that she already had an idea in her heart. In the current situation, she has not only wanted the voice of mu

What she wants is Mu's civil strife.

"Sister, what are you going to do?"

Lian Hao asked, looking at his daughter.

"Now we need to gather Mu's shares. It's better to get together to help mu Xianguang and compete with Ying Hannian." Lianyin said.

"That's impossible. Even if Mu Xianguang and Mu Xiaxi are added together, they can't compete with yinghannian." Lian Hao said that Ying Hannian was not a fool. How could he give the following people such a chance.

"Never mind, I have my own plan."

Lian Yin said with a clear mind, "that's all I wanted to do. But Xia Xi can't do it now. I can only speed up and let her finally make some contribution to our Lian family."

Seeing her like this, Lian Hao breathed a sigh of relief and said, "let's hurry up. I really don't want to wait on the watch girl all day."

Tired to death.

She laughs.

Even old eat orange petals to see his daughter, the way, "do you want to slow down, act too hastily is not a good thing."

"Don't worry, I'm sure. You'll wait to see the future civil strife of the herdsmen." Lianyin said, "my bureau, you will feel beautiful."

Even the old nod, nothing more.


The invitation letter of Lian's birthday party soon floated into the herdsman's house.

Lin Yizheng teased his son in the cradle. When he saw the invitation, he couldn't help laughing. He sat down on the sofa beside him and asked, "who's even invited?"“ It's the sixth and tenth birthday of Lian. Lian's family is now the head of the four big families. Lian's family is very grand. All the famous people in the imperial city are invited. " The housekeeper said, "it's very serious for the four families. The invitation comes first, then the size

I'll invite you in person. "

Did you invite all the famous people in the imperial city?

It seems that Lianyin is going to make some big changes this time.

Lin Yi opened the invitation in his hand. Every stroke in it was beautiful, and the invitation was exquisite and noble. She can't help laughing, "it seems that this colorful network to close the time."