Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 863

At the dinner party, Lin Yi talks with Lian Yin. During the dinner, Lian Yin deliberately talks with her about the business relations between Mu Lian and her family. Although Lin Yi doesn't care about Ying Hannian's business, there are some things she knows. Lianyin can tell that Ying Hannian has nothing to hide from her, which makes the new wife dabble in a lot. Lin Yi can't be underestimated,

Not some family vases.

Therefore, Lian Yin talks with her more and more, and Lin Yi copes with it quietly, glancing at Mu Xiaxi's position.

"Did Xia Xi go to the bathroom? Why didn't he come back so long?"

Lin Yi looks at Bai Shuya and asks.

"I don't know. I'll see." Bai Shuya was about to stand up when she heard the sound of footsteps. In a twinkling of an eye, Mu Xiaxi came running to this side and sat down on the chair breathlessly. She lowered her head and covered her nose with her hands. Her eyes blinked a few times, her long eyelashes were slightly wet, and her eyes were still wet

A little red.

"Xia Xi, what's the matter?"

Lin Yi immediately asked, a little worried.

Mu Xiaxi lowered his head more and more, blinked his eyes more forcefully, then raised his face to look at Lin Yi, and said in a soft voice, "it's OK. I just went to the bathroom and accidentally washed the water into my eyes."

Water in your eyes?

Lin Yi looked at her suspiciously and wanted to make it clear that it was inconvenient on this occasion, so she had to approach Bai Shuya and said, "I don't think Xia Xi is in the right mood. You go back and ask. If you can't ask me, I'll ask someone to check it."

"All right."

Bai Shuya nodded and handed the tissue to Mu Xiaxi.

Lin Yi takes back her eyes and is about to taste the delicious food. Suddenly she feels uncomfortable, which makes her embarrassed.

This is the first time that she has been out for so long after giving birth to her baby, and then the embarrassing thing happened during the lactation period - breast feeding.

The chest is swollen and painful.

Lin Yi reaches for his mobile phone and wants to complain with Ying Hannian, but finds that Ying Hannian sent wechat more than ten minutes ago.

Ying Hannian: is it hard or not

He knows.

Lin Yi is playing with his mobile phone under the table with his head down.

Lin Yi: it's hard. What should I do? I want to escape

Ying Hannian: down

Two crisp words.

Lin Yi Leng for a moment, suddenly understand how to come back, heart suddenly ecstatic.

Lin Yi: love you! Honey!]


Lin Yi turns her eyes and looks at Lian Yin. "Miss Lian, I'm sorry. I'll leave first if I have something else to do."

Today's purpose has been achieved, charity has been done, there is no need to stay.

"Go now. There will be a dance company later."

Lianyin appeals to stay.

"No, it's not suitable for lactating mothers to come out for too long." Lin Yi said with a smile, but there was no excuse.

Hearing the speech, Lianyin no longer had the reason to stay with her. She got up to see her off. When others saw that Lianda stood up, they thought that she would stand up one after another.

Lianyin has been taking Lin Yi to the gate of the hotel, followed by a group of people.

"Shall I send someone to take you back?"

Lianyin asked politely.

Lin Yi said to go, Bai Shuya and Mu Xiaxi also followed.

"No, we have a car."

Lin Yi said goodbye to Lianyin and turned to leave. There was a room not far away. The door was open. A tall and tall figure stood in front of the door. The man held something in one hand, and his face didn't show much expression under the street lamp. He slowly looked up and saw Lin Yi walking quickly. He raised his thin lips and laughed,

The coldness just now is gone.

"Is that the cold year?" Then one of the ladies standing at the gate of the hotel exclaimed.

"Is he carrying a child? He came to meet his wife with a baby

"Mrs. Ying is really a good way to win a man's heart."

Said, unexpectedly is a piece of uncontrollable envy.

As soon as Lin Yi saw the baby in Ying Hannian's hands, her eyes were all shining. She rushed over and took the baby. "Great, baby, I want to die."

Ying Hannian stands aside and looks at Lin Yi who has never looked at him from beginning to end. He hums coldly.

Damn it.

He knew that her love for you was not meant for him.Lin Yi gets on the bus. He can't see the inside outside of the window, but Ying Hannian still asks the driver to get off and park the car in a more hidden place.

Ying Hannian brought her a suit of household clothes. Lin Yi takes off her evening dress in the car, puts on her home clothes, holds her baby from the safety cradle, and then lifts her coat. The baby sucks her face to express her pain. She can't help kissing him on his white face

Look, "it's mom's little angel."

That's good.

Ying Hannian sits lazily in front of him. When he hears the sound of turning back, he sees a scene that makes his blood boil. His son's little mouth is mumbling that the bully is occupying the territory that should belong to him. His face suddenly turns black, "what am I?"

Lin Yi looked at him and thought, "send the little angel?"

"I'm a courier?"

Should be cold year unhappy.

"I'm kidding you." Lin Yi smiles and faintly hears that he is really angry.

After eating the milk, xiaojingshi raised his little hand in Lin Yili's arms and went to sleep after a while. Lin Yi carefully put him in the safety cradle and said, "you can drive."

Ying Hannian drove quietly.

Lin Yi arranged his clothes, sat forward and looked at his handsome face, "don't you have a dinner appointment tonight? How can you run to meet me?"

"To send express, remember to give praise."

Ying Hannian's self mockery is that the tone of voice is as unpleasant as it is.

Lin Yi wanted to laugh, "are you worried about me?"

I was worried that she would not be comfortable with her milk and that she would not adapt to attending such a dinner party as Ying's wife for the first time.

"You think too much."

Ying Hannian is driving with a smelly face.

"It's very kind of you to be in the cold year."

Lin Yi flatters him.

"Thank you for your comments."

In cold years, hum.

Seeing him like this, Lin Yi began to laugh. He sat back, turned his eyes and looked out of the window at the night scene. He said in a low voice, "I haven't come to this kind of occasion for a long time, but I can't stand it. It's a pity that the piece of Michelle's yellow diamond that my grandmother gave me is gone."

Yingqing took out a box of diamonds to her, she just wore one, and gave it to her.

"What happened?"

Ying Hannian immediately asked in a dignified tone“ I gave Michelle to miss Lian, and I got a piece of desert treasure. " Lin Yi felt a little sorry and took out the brooch again and said, "however, a diamond for Miss Lian doesn't dare to inflate in front of me any more. Should grandma not blame me?


"I'll wear this brooch to shame her face if the eldest lady wants to press me again." Lin Yidao, to be honest, she was really distressed when she took out Michelle's yellow diamond. She knew that she would wear a less precious one today.

Well done. Ying Hannian can probably guess what happened. He praises her in his heart, but doesn't show it on the face. "It's good that Mrs. Ying didn't make a loss. I don't think her IQ will drop much after giving birth."