Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 864

This time, it's Lin Yi's turn to the black line, "I didn't have a silly three years of pregnancy, and I didn't drop my IQ at all."

She just had a great time at the dinner.

"If it doesn't come down at all, you won't take Michelle's precious jewel as cheap as your family. When you go out, you should take a slightly ordinary one, which can surpass the treasure of the desert." In response to the cold year.

"..." Lin Yi was speechless. Indeed, she made some preparations before going to the dinner party. She knew that the treasure of the desert was Lianyin's new treasure this year, and Lianyin would certainly wear it. But she didn't expect Lianyin to use the gem to crush her, so she didn't know

No corresponding preparation measures have been taken.

The result is said to be the performance of IQ reduction by Ying Hannian.

Too much

On this thought, she felt that she had a good evening and really had a good place to play. In fact, she could do a more frightening job.

Suddenly, the back row was silent. Ying Hannian looked at her in the rearview mirror and said, "why don't you talk?"

"Postpartum depression."


Ying Hannian looks at the road ahead, holds the steering wheel in one hand, takes out a box of sour plum from the side grid, throws it back, and accurately throws it into Lin Yi's arms. When she was pregnant, in order to stop her pregnancy and vomiting, Ying Hannian often prepared sour plum for Lin Yi. Now after giving birth to her baby, she has no pregnancy and vomiting. But eating sour plum has become a habit for her. If she doesn't eat one for a long time, she will feel very depressed. Eating it will make her sick


Therefore, this became a new way to coax Ying Hannian.

Lin Yi took out a sour plum and put it in her mouth. The sour taste stimulated her taste buds and made her feel better.

Ying Hannian looks at her in the rearview mirror, stares at the corner of her raised lips, and her thin lips are also curved.


The night is as cool as water.

Bai Shuya sends Mu Xiaxi to her residential area before leaving. Mu Xiaxi stands on the side of the road and waves to Bai Shuya with a smile, watching her leave.

Bai Shuya's car disappeared in her sight, and the smile on Mu Xiaxi's face suddenly disappeared.

She turned around and wanted to go to the community. After two steps, she looked back and saw a black car parked on the side of the road not far away. It stopped there quietly, never driving, always in that position.

She knows that this car can be seen in front of her own community before and after work. It will always stop outside and will not drive into the community.

Suddenly, Mu Xiaxi didn't want to go home. She walked along the road at night and went to the small park opposite the community.

Wearing a long evening dress, she went to the park in the dead of night. She stood by the lake and looked at her reflection in the water, like a ghost.

Mu Xiaxi sat down on the steps by the lake, and the stone steps were cold.

Looking at the calm lake and thinking about what happened at the dinner party today, she shivered unconsciously and her eyes turned red.

Bai Shuya keeps asking her in the car if something happened tonight. She doesn't say that she knows that Lin Yi and Bai Shuya are very concerned about themselves. The more concerned they are, the less she wants them to worry.

Looking back on the scenes tonight, tears ran down his cheeks. Mu Xiaxi lowered his head, buried his face in his arms and cried out in silence.

Wang Tiantian's words are hard to hear, but she has heard one sentence, that is, she was really not like this before, she was confident, sunny, had countless interests, had countless friends, and dared to do anything, but now

She's really like a ghost.

She wanted to live hard, but she was really... Tired and lonely.

How long will she last?

Mu Xiaxi sat alone by the lake crying for a long time, but her mood gradually calmed down. She raised her face and wiped her swollen eyes with her hands, but she couldn't clean them. As soon as she lowered her head, she saw a package of paper towels lying on the stone steps beside her.

It's unopened.

Lay there quietly.

She didn't know when she was put here.

Of course she didn't notice. How could his skill be that she could.

Just calmed down, the mood was instantly aroused again, like a fire spreading in the body. Mu Xiaxi stood up with a tissue in his hand and yelled around, "you come out!"


Such a big park, even a little echo are reluctant to give her.

Mu Xiaxi is more angry and her eyes are more red. She shouts, "Jiang Qixing! I know you're here. Come out! "High on the stone steps, behind a row of thick trees, a tall figure slowly came out, silent and motionless. His dark coat almost melted into the night.

Jiang Qixing stood there, low eyes looking at her, a pair of eyes engraved in addition to silence or silence.

The four eyes are opposite.

Mu Xiaxi's eyes are red and swollen, and her hair is a little messy. She doesn't have to look at the reflection of the lake to know that she must be very embarrassed at this moment. I don't know why, at the moment of meeting Jiang Qixing, all the grievances and anger she suffered tonight seemed to spread countless times in an instant. She rushed up with a paper towel and smashed it on Jiang Qixing's chest, "you've been with me for so long

Is that enough? "


Jiang Qixing stood in front of her in silence.

"Don't think I don't know. You've been following me since the end of last year's lawsuit!" She knew that she was embarrassed by the editor in chief in the company, and he was the one who helped her out secretly; She knew that no matter how late she worked, she was safe all the way home because of him; She knew that every time she forgot to eat, the aunt who sent the meal from downstairs was also his teacher

The meaning of

She knew everything, but she didn't say anything.

What happened tonight was like a fuse, which completely ignited her.

Smell speech, the Mou son of Jiang Qixing rigidly moved, bow head, "sorry."

There was a husky voice.

"I'm sorry, but don't follow me any more!" She said to him.


If it's the same.

Sorry, he can't. Hearing this, Mu Xiaxi was a little crazy and hysterical, shouting out, "Jiang Qixing, do you understand people's words? You don't owe me. What do you care about me? What if I'm bullied? What if I don't have food? What if I'm ridiculed

What about being humiliated? Whether I live or die has nothing to do with you! You don't have to make atonement with me


"Don't show up again. I'm tired of seeing you!"

Jiang Qixing stood in front of her like a tall wall. It could keep out the wind, but it was too hard and cold.

He was still silent.

It's impossible to quarrel with such a person, because he is ashamed of her. Mu Xiaxi believes that if she stabs him with a knife now, he will not frown, but will show his relief. Therefore, Mu Xia Xi's anger was gone. She began to smile bitterly and tears came down. "Jiang Qixing, you are a wood."