Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1212


Bai Cha stood there, speechless.

When did she submit the manuscript?

Listening to the radio, the whole classroom looked at her. Zhou Chunxi looked at her pleasantly, "have you contributed to the radio station? Can you still write novels? It's amazing. "

She didn't contribute.

On the radio, the girl said clearly in the correct Chinese language, "the name of the novel is overbearing schoolmaster falling in love with me, cough..."

Read a title, the girl choked with laughter, next to a low voice came, full of disgust, "what ghost? What's the age of this kind of novel? Isn't that funny? "

"Shh, I'm on the radio."

The girl gave a angry smile.

White tea stands there, immediately understand that he has been calculated.

She had already ripped off the novels she wrote in junior high school and put them in the garbage can. As a result, they are now broadcast on the radio all over the school.

Listen to this beginning, everyone in the whole classroom looked at her in the wrong way.

When he was sitting in his seat, he took out the earphone from the box and was about to put it on. Suddenly, he heard the broadcast. His eyes were bright. He threw the earphone and went to his bag.

After several turns, he didn't find what he wanted, and his face became ugly quickly.

"What are you looking for, Shige?"

Wan Cheng looks at him with the cup box in his arms.


When the scene, calm face, stand up and run out, with a gust of wind.

Wan Cheng was at a loss. On the radio, the girl continued, "I'm a 12-year-old girl. My name is Lorraine Diana talasha margarina. I'm of mixed race. My mother is the most powerful diplomat. My father is the biggest diplomat in the world

My grandfather is the originator of martial arts, my grandmother... Poof, ha ha, sorry, my throat is itchy. "


In the class, people either frown and smile, or watch white tea whisper.

Zhou Chunxi sat there, looking forward to it at first, but he felt that it was not right. His smile was gone. He turned his eyes to white tea and was worried.

How can white tea contribute such a manuscript?

Bai Cha stood there, listening to the shameful novel she had written being read out a little bit roundly. Her face turned white gradually, and there was a sneer in her eyes.


She just wrote some words for entertainment. She made trouble for her for two generations.


That's enough.

Reading to the back, the writing is immature and exaggerated. The more you listen to it, the more bizarre it becomes. The class can't hold it any longer. They all laugh.

"Damn, how can such a shocking novel be cast to the radio station with confidence?"

"The mixed race of the sixteen countries, how to mix? Are they all hybrids for generations? Ha ha ha... "

"The world's largest Arsenal. Is her father a terrorist?"


Bai Cha stood there, listening to the laughter and ridicule of the people. It seemed as if she had gone back to the days when she was criticized for plagiarism. The readers scolded, satirized and resisted her

don't worry.

Just laugh.

My sister lives four years longer than you little kids, calm down.

Bai Cha laughs pointlessly, picks up the book, packs several books, throws them on her shoulders and walks out alone.

"Pa --"

Someone slapped the table hard.

When she came to the door, she heard Ling Yu's angry voice, "what's so funny about laughing, farting and laughing! Have you ever had a dream of Huashan discussing swords in martial arts drama? "

"That's it Wan Cheng also stood up, holding the cup box and staring at the class with an ugly face, "who can smile again, I'll clean him up with one finger!"


The whole class fell silent.

Some people are not angry and say, "Wan Cheng, Ling Yu, what's wrong with you? She dares to write white tea and take it out. What can't we laugh about?"

"This kind of level is also assigned to the top class. It's really lucky."

"No wonder the results are at the bottom of the table. I used to spend my mind on it."


Wan Cheng's mouth is stupid. He can't say it for a moment. Ling Yu is the only one left.White tea listen to the noise inside, look light, carrying a bag to leave.

Behind him came a trot of footsteps.

Zhou Chunxi caught up with her and ran so fast that her tied hair was scattered. She was panting and looked at her anxiously, "white tea, did you write that?"

"I wrote it, not me."

White tea did not hide.

Wen Yan, Zhou Chunxi frowned, a grasp of her hand, "go."

"Where to?"

White tea is inexplicable.

"Of course, tell the radio station to stop broadcasting and ask them to apologize! They are too much. You have not submitted a manuscript. Why should they read your novel without permission? " It's rare for Zhou Chunxi to be so angry that he is about to leave with her.

Bai Cha took out her hand and said lazily, "I wrote what I have to say. It's really bad, so it's for everyone's entertainment."

She has long struggled with the insistence on novels.

I gave up, too.

"That's not what I said!"

Zhou Chunxi looked at her solemnly, her soft temper suddenly became fierce, and her eyebrows were firm. "Go, we must make them apologize!"

"What are you doing?" White tea laughs, "the whole school girls crowd you, don't you also don't care?"

Zhou Chunxi opened his big eyes and said anxiously, "it's because I've suffered from being excluded. I can't let my friends be excluded any more! Absolutely not


Bai Cha was stunned and looked at her.

In such a daze, Zhou Chunxi walked forward for many steps. After passing the classrooms, the students rushed out and pointed at her and laughed.

"Look, that's white tea. Transfer students."

"My God, this kind of writer can go to Jinhua."

"It's killing me. She wrote a joke."


Chou Chun HSI ignored them and took the white tea forward with great strength.

The radio rang all over the campus, only listening to the girl still reading novels with a smile, "he grabbed me and saw my crazy eyes. In 0.001 seconds, he fell in love with me... Poof... Haha, eh? We should be able to meet the needs of the students. "

The sound of reading a novel came to an abrupt end.

Then, when the scene, the voice with anger sounded in the campus, "this manuscript has been with me, where do you come from? Are you stealing? "

Where is the manuscript when it comes to the scene?

Bai Cha was stunned, and then he was pulled forward by Zhou Chunxi.

They ran into the broadcasting building. Zhou Chunxi took her all the way up to the door of a broadcasting room. The door was open. There were many men and women standing there, looking at each other anxiously. There were two teachers standing.

Standing in front of them and pressing the manuscript on the desk, his face was very gloomy. White tea was pulled by Zhou Chunxi in the past, saw two teachers over there to persuade, "well, well, when the scene, it's just a piece of cake, they know it's wrong."