Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1211

"It's about a girl's privacy. I'm sorry I can't tell you in detail."

"She has nothing to do when she refuses Jing. If it didn't happen, they would be the best couple."

Bai Cha thought of Mu Jingluo's words.

Could it be that suddenly something happened that made Zhou Chunxi feel that he was not worthy of the occasion, which led to the fact that they had each other in their hearts but could not be together?

But Zhou Chunxi didn't lack his arms and legs, and he also jumped out of the national championship.

I've been on TV and I haven't heard any messy scandals.

Everything is very good.

A girl's privacy makes a girl who works hard suddenly feel that she is not worthy of a boy. Should it be

White tea was surprised by her own idea.

No, it shouldn't be that terrible.


Why didn't she ask Mu Jingluo what happened.

Bai Cha bit her lip, turned over on the bed, closed her eyes and forced herself not to think so much.

It's none of her business to do well with Zhou Chunxi when she meets the scene. She only needs to stay away from them and not be hurt once in her life.

An hour later, after taking a bath, Zhou Chunxi walked to the white tea bed. Seeing her eyes closed, he reached out and tucked her in.

White tea lying in bed, can feel how soft her movement.

In the quiet night, white tea's mood was in a mess.

She opened her eyes. For fear of waking her up, Zhou Chunxi walked barefoot on the ground, went back to his bed, opened his quilt and prepared to go to bed.


White tea suddenly called her.

"Well?" Zhou Chunxi turned back somewhat unexpectedly, "you haven't slept yet?"

"You should remember every word I say next." White tea looks at her way, look serious.


Zhou Chunxi was at a loss“ In the next year, don't go out alone. When you are at school, you should be with your parents. Even when you go to the supermarket or the library, you must have someone to accompany you. " White tea way, "also, you immediately buy shock wands, spicy."

Pepper water spray those self-defense things, put it in your own bag, carry around, can not fall for a day. "

"Why do you say this to me all of a sudden?" Zhou Chunxi looked at her in bewilderment.

White tea sat up from the bed, "you believe me, do as I say."

There is a big space between the two beds, and the floor is covered with a silent carpet.

"Are you afraid that they will trouble me again?" Zhou Chunxi asked, sitting on the bed looking at her, a pair of beautiful eyes suddenly red, and then nodded, voice moved to choking, "well, I will do it."

"What are you crying for?"

White tea is inexplicable.

"It's nothing. It's just that I haven't been cared by my friends for a long time." Zhou Chunxi wiped his eyes, "well, don't say, go to bed, and have class tomorrow."


White tea looked at her, sat in bed for a long time, then opened the quilt to lie down, for a long time are difficult to sleep.


The next two days were flat.

When the scene is about to show in front of the little lover, so every night will carry her to upup cram.

Xueba is Xueba. It's more interesting than the teacher. Baicha has really learned some topics, and the class is no longer in the state of completely listening to the book of heaven.

Calculate the time. It's time for the head teacher to come back.

At the thought of being able to avoid the scene and Zhou Chunxi, Bai Cha is in a good mood, and the speed of writing questions is fast.

A breeze was blowing by her side.

Bai Cha raised her eyes and saw that she was walking in front of her when she was on the scene. She walked carelessly and buttoned her sleeve while walking. Her slender fingers turned the sleeve edge, which was incredibly elegant.

White tea takes back her sight, takes out a new cup from the table and hands it to him. Before she leaves, the world can't be finished, but the cup can be finished.

As soon as her hand touched the cup, she heard Zhou Chunxi's voice come from Tiannuo, "when the scene came, last time white tea accidentally used your cup, she bought it for you."


Bai Cha turns her head in amazement. Zhou Chunxi puts a packaged cup on the desk at the time of the scene, and winks cunningly at her as she speaks.This man

Can't she buy one for her at her own expense when she hasn't bought one yet?

When it comes to the scene, I go to my desk, smell the words, lift my eyes and stare at the white tea, with deep black eyes.

"Wow..." Wan Cheng raised his head and exclaimed, "white tea, you can. This brand is not cheap. It's the Bugatti dragon in the cup industry!"


White tea took its hand out of the table, pulled the corner of its lip, and said, "if you don't tell me, I forget that I still owe a cup. OK, since you pay it back for me, I won't buy it. Save money."

Wen Yan and WAN Cheng's attention fell on Zhou Chunxi.

Do you think today's little lover is more kind and lovely?

Bai Cha thought to herself, look, she has a day to help her lover.

Zhou Chunxi didn't expect that Bai Cha would directly expose himself. He sat there awkwardly, "Bai cha..."

Standing there with a bit of laziness between his eyebrows, he looked at the white tea and Zhou Chunxi. He took out his wallet from the belly of the table and put a pile of money on Zhou Chunxi's table. The voice was clear and gentle, "thank you."

"It's not necessary."

Zhou Chunxi sat there more embarrassed and cramped.

"I didn't get to the point of asking girls to pay me when I was in the scene."

When the scene, hook the lips, back to their position.

White tea will take a panoramic view of this scene, tut Tut, reluctant to spend little lover.

I haven't mixed up to the point where I want girls to spend money. How did I eat her in the first four years? I didn't thank her at all.


A man's mouth, a liar.

Bai Cha laughs, but her eyes are even darker. She lowers her head to read a book. Zhou Chunxi leans over with money and looks at Bai Cha for help.

"If he gives it to you, you can take it and buy him some other gifts later." White tea ceremony.

"Then he will pay me back."

"That's better. You can keep buying gifts. For a share of money, you can buy endless gifts."


Zhou Chunxi was speechless about the theory of white tea.

They leaned together and talked. They didn't notice that their forefinger was on the delicate cup box when they were behind. They picked up the cup and put it back on Wancheng's table. "Here you are. I have a new cup."

Wan Cheng is staring at the cup brand drooling, smell speech immediately hold the cup box into his arms, want to kiss two, "thank you big brother!"

Big guy is big guy, such a good cup does not pay attention.


Self study time, white tea sitting in the position to see the time on the mobile phone, almost can go to the head teacher.

Just about to stand up, Wan Cheng asked her to borrow a pen.

Bai Cha looks for a pen. The weekly school radio sounds in the classroom. The voices of young girls are full of vitality. Bai Cha handed the pen to Wan Cheng and was ready to leave. On the radio, the girl said a lot of prefixes, cleared her throat and said, "this time, we received contributions from Bai Cha, an experimental class. Here is her novel."