Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1208

A few people just walked out of the campus.

"Give me back my cell phone!"

Bai Cha takes the bag and smashes Wan Cheng. Wan Cheng cries bitterly. Ling Yu applauds and Zhou Chunxi laughs.

When the scene, walk in the front, throw the bag on one side of the shoulder, go straight ahead, ignore what they are making.

The towering campus gate and the big trees on both sides become the foil of time.

It was getting dark.

White tea was taken out by them. Only then did they find a commercial street next to Jinhua high school, which was full of shops for students. They had everything to eat, use and learn, and stood on three sides.

There are fountains on the central square, and student bands are standing there playing and singing. Many people stop to watch.

It's relaxing to leave the tense learning atmosphere of the school and walk into such a commercial street. White tea saw upup in their mouth. It was the biggest leisure and learning city on the commercial street. There was a huge Bumblebee standing at the entrance of the store, which was three or four meters high. The aperture was turning around. The Bumblebee changed its shape from time to time, and said it in the original voice

Some lines, very technical, very funny.

"Upup has everything from eating to playing to studying. Many students will come here and stay here for a week without going out. They will not feel bored."

Zhou Chunxi hugged Bai Cha's arm.


White tea answered and followed them in.

A waiter in overalls came out and gave a room card with a smile.

Ling Yu, who had changed his casual clothes, took the room card and went to press the elevator. He said to Bai Chadao, "when you first came here, my brother opened a meeting room here. For a long time, he specially gave us three make-up lessons. Now you have another one. Are you happy?"


White tea wood face does not speak.

"White tea, I'll say you don't know what's good and what's bad. You don't know our elder brother's position at that time."

Wan Cheng throws his mobile phone back to Bai Cha, exaggerating and saying, "do you know how many people ask our brother to make up lessons, but he doesn't care. If you weren't a friend of Xiao Chunxi, you wouldn't be qualified to enter here."

She doesn't want to be a little lover, and she doesn't want to be tutored by a man who wants to divorce her.

White tea took the phone, thought about it, did not connect him, only to the side of the elevator wall.


When you're transferred to work, you don't have to face these two people.

Yeah, just stay away.

"White tea, are you ok? How do you feel that you are worried?" Zhou Chunxi looked at her anxiously.

Leaning against the other side of the wall, Wen Yan lifted his eyelashes and glanced faintly.

The conference room is very simple and clean, without too much complicated decoration. The simple conference table is placed in the middle, and there are bookshelves on one side against the wall, and the books on them are full.

There are also four simple desks, with three leaning together on one side, and the remaining one in the window.

White tea is still looking at the time, the remaining few people have been familiar with the bag to a conference table, each to find the original position to sit.

Ling Yu is lying on the small conference table, pressing the start button, a large screen appears in the center of the table.

"White tea, come and sit with me."

Zhou Chunxi took white tea and sat down enthusiastically.

The wooden conference table is rectangular. Zhou Chunxi and Bai Cha sit on one side, opposite Ling Yu and WAN Cheng.

When the scene, a person sitting alone in the main seat, in the right hand side of white tea, from her only 20 or 30 cm position.

"Here we go."

I didn't like to waste time when I was in the scene. I picked up the capacitive pen and scanned it on the screen. A graphic problem appeared in the air in the direction of holographic image.

When the scene with a capacitive pen quickly on the screen to write ideas, his words are neat, not scribble, but write very fast.

A total of seven steps.

When you finish writing, throw the pen on the desk and ask, "this is a more suitable solution for you. Which step can't you understand?"

"I'm ok. I'll be fine." Ling Yu fiddled with his hair and said, "it seems that I can keep up with my brother's IQ! Excellent

"I can't understand the fourth step."

Chou Chun hee bit his lip and felt embarrassed. His eyes were flowing and I felt pity for him.

"Step two." Wan Cheng looked at it for a long time and said awkwardly, he has always been the king at the bottom of this small team.When it comes to the scenery, he looks at the white tea with dark eyes.

The rest looked at her, too.

White tea sitting there, in the face of people's line of sight, a face calm, "topic."


Everyone is silent.


The corner of the eye jumped when the scene came.

"Talent!" Ling Yu clapped his hands for her sincerely. When it comes to the top class, even if it's as bad as Wan Cheng, it's impossible to say that he can't even understand the topic.

"Ling Yu, don't do that..." Zhou Chunxi was so anxious to speak for Bai Cha, "she just did it because I was hurt."

The cabbage insisted on throwing the pot to itself.

"It's none of your business. I have no talent for math." I can't listen to white tea any more.

"White tea, I like the way you look when your brain is not good enough!"

Wan Cheng gave her two thumbs.

Sitting there and not talking when the scene is right, I can't see what he is thinking.

Zhou Chunxi bit his lip and looked at him expectantly, "when it comes to the occasion..."

Wen Yan raised his eyes when he met the situation and said, "you study by yourself first. I'll teach you this alone. I'll talk about it when it comes to Wancheng's level."

Bai Cha was stunned and looked at him in amazement.

A little lover's words are easy to use.

Let a busy young man win honor for the motherland and work hard in the laboratory to teach even the learning dregs that he can't understand.


Zhou Chunxi happily patted Bai Cha on the shoulder, "learn first, and I'll order some drinks for you."


White tea sat there, no expression, watching Ling Yu and WAN Cheng quickly withdraw, withdraw to their desks to study, leaving them two sitting on the conference table.

When she opened her math exercise book, she said, "start with the first question, which one won't ask me."



When the scene set to look at her, eyes deep color, not what happy look.

"Just kidding." White tea face expressionless tunnel, low head began to answer.

After a while, Zhou Chunxi came in from the outside with a tray. For fear of disturbing them, he put a glass of strawberry ice drink and a glass of white water between the white tea and the scene, and then turned around to give them to others.

White tea is thirsty. Looking up from the strawberry ice drink, the strawberry cut into small pieces is covered with a thick layer. It looks sweet and delicious.

She put down her pen, flashed her hand over the strawberry ice drink, picked up her glass and began to drink.


When the scene is finishing some exercises on the big screen, suddenly see her drink white water, eyes must be.

Her pale pink lips pressed against the rim of the cup, and she gulped down.

Silence for two seconds, when the scene reached for strawberry ice drink to drink a mouthful.


His thin lips rose where no one could see them“ White tea, how can you drink from my brother's cup? " Wan Cheng's voice came suddenly.