Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1207

The more the security uncle said, the more excited he was. He arranged his return clearly.

Bai Cha didn't interrupt him and listened to him a lot. It was only when Uncle security's walkie talkie rang and someone asked him to patrol in the East that uncle security stopped talking and said goodbye to her. After a few steps, the security guard suddenly turned around and looked at her with a smile, "classmate, don't take what you don't think you should take, don't do what you shouldn't do. In life, there are many other things you can do, right? Want to open up, you are still young, the future

It's impossible. "

"Thank you, uncle."

White tea bows to him.

Looking at the security uncle's figure disappeared in the night, white tea drooped her eyes and took out two notebooks from her bag.

Open, is her junior high school handwritten novel, writing is very immature, writing is very poor, like boiled water, but that kind of immersed in the inside of the pleasure is nothing can bring her, so, she has been the two novels with her.


White tea sitting on the steps, open, a rough glance, yingbai fingertips pressure on the paper, the paper page by page tear off.

The paper gave out a crisp tearing sound, like a tear from her heart.

Tearing, tearing, she laughed.

Smiling, her eyes were wet.

With hopeless resolution.

The wind came, disordered her hair, fascinated her eyes.

Zhou Chunxi, who is only 18 years old, told her that people should focus on the future; Nearly half a hundred years old security uncle told her, life in the world, should not want, should not do.

Only she, unable to see through, was confused by the persistence in front of her.

If you are too persistent, you will become a devil.

In fact, what else does she cling to, writing novels and writing that there is no way to go, love a person so much that it's all fake

After all, fighting with evil forces is also a mess for her. It's ridiculous to find a situation that she doesn't know now and settle the accounts of her last life.

forget it.

No more.

Really, forget it.

Tear off all the pages of the two notebooks. She stands up, throws the thick stack of paper into the dustbin, picks up the bag and leaves without a trace of nostalgia.

As far as the towering xirulou is concerned, the girl's figure is just a small one in the night.

A gust of wind hit, pile up in the garbage can height of the paper was blown out, scattered in the wind, blowing long.

The tall figure passed on the steps, and a piece of paper fell in front of him.

The well-defined finger took over a piece of paper, and saw several rows of serious and immature handwriting on the paper——

I have a dream.

I want to write about the hero I like, the heroine I like, and their magnificent stories.

I want everyone to see my story.

——Future best selling novelist [white tea]

The wind is blowing bigger, the paper flying in the sky is like snowflakes, rolling vigorously.


After a night off campus, the first thing for Bai Cha to do when she comes back to school is to find the head teacher to transfer classes.

Top class and Zhou Chunxi, she really can't get up.

If you can't, you can always hide.

Looking for a circle, did not find the head teacher, class time, white tea had to go back to the classroom to listen to the book.

As soon as she sat down in the classroom, she felt that her eyes fell on her. She was filled with things in her heart and didn't care about them. She only handed Zhou Chunxi a snack bag, "your bag."

Zhou Chunxi took it and opened it. "Why didn't you eat it?"

She was a little disappointed.

"Last night my parents asked me to go out for dinner, and I didn't say goodbye to you when my mobile phone was dead." White tea lies at will“ Well, no wonder I couldn't find you after the party and didn't answer your phone Zhou Chunxi simply accepted the reason and said, "by the way, when you go out in the future, remember to type the application form. The school is strict in checking the dormitory. I helped you last night

I've muddled through. "

"Thank you." Bai Cha nodded, took the book out of her bag and asked, "do you know where the head teacher is?"

"I know, I know!"

Wan Cheng, lying on the desk, straightened his neck to them. "Old class went to the neighboring city to attend a seminar, and came back in three days."

"Three days?"White tea frowned in depression. As soon as she turned her head, she saw that she was sitting there. She was still wearing a white shirt in her school uniform, with a casual look. She looked at her with black eyes and didn't know what she was looking at.

She avoided opening her eyes.

"Yes, yes, but there is no difference between having him and not having him. He is very relaxed. Other old classes want students to put their lives on study. Our old class wants us to relax every day for fear that we will be stupid." Wancheng road.


There's a big difference.

If the head teacher is not in, who does she want to transfer classes to, or the school leaders?

Just thinking about it, Zhou Chunxi came to see her exercise book, "white tea, why didn't you do a problem? I'll hand it in later. "

"I will not."

White tea is honest.

"That..." Zhou Chunxi looked around, pushed his exercise book to him and whispered, "you copy mine first. Today, I'll deal with it first. I'll give you a lecture later."


Looking at Zhou Chunxi's careful fear of being discovered by others, we can see how good she is at ordinary times and how many cabbages she has. In this way, she also takes the initiative to copy for herself.

Bai Cha took a look at her, then took it from her and quickly copied it without ambiguity.

"Tut Tut, white tea, you are absolutely the best in the field of learning dregs because of your smooth writing and calm brow." Wan Cheng fell on his desk and sighed.


White tea picked up a book and smashed it.

Wan Cheng catches the book with a gesture of catching the ball and laughs, "Bai Cha, Zhou Chunxi, I can't study in the evening. How about going to upup?"

Hearing the speech, Zhou Chunxi looked back at Yingjing and asked expectantly, "when Yingjing, are you free?"

"Yes, Shige has!"

Wan Cheng didn't want to go down the road, and even the man with the chair was kicked out two meters in an instant.

"When did you become my spokesperson?"

He looked at the scene with dim eyes.

Wan Cheng moved his chair back and said, "your little Chunxi is in the middle and lower reaches now. Are you in a hurry? Give me a quick tutor. I'll have a good time with white tea. "

Words fall, the person was kicked to fly out again.

Don't bother to pay attention to him when it comes to the situation.

The action of copying the white tea was very dull.

"Wancheng, you're talking nonsense. Why are you so annoying?" Zhou Chunxi was shy and angry. Fei Yun appeared on his face. His angry voice was soft. "I'm not going to upup."

Words fall, when the scene came from a clear voice, "I'm fine tonight, go."

It's said to Zhou Chunxi. The wind blows, and that's it.

"Oh, good."

Zhou Chunxi's face is redder.


Bai Cha lowered her head and listened to their conversation. The corners of her lips were crooked, revealing a radian that she couldn't laugh at again.

... white tea naturally doesn't want to participate in their small group activities, but Zhou Chunxi is so painstaking. Wancheng's second product robbed her mobile phone and forced her to go.