Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1206

"I don't know what you like, so I bought some." Zhou Chunxi smiles sincerely at her.


White tea sits there, the bag in her arms makes her feel heavy.

Someone called Zhou Chunxi. Zhou Chunxi said in a hurry, "I won't talk to you. I'll go make up."

After a few steps, Zhou Chunxi looked back at her and said, "remember to eat."

White tea nodded, smile reluctantly, some difficult to spit out two words, "come on."

"I will!"

Hearing this, Zhou Chunxi left with his dancing clothes full of vitality.

At the beginning of the school party, Bai Cha knew that she was wrong. It's not a show.

The auditorium of Jinhua high school was built with the financial support of Yingshi group, and its magnificence is beyond the reach of ordinary colleges and universities in China.

This is more than that. The whole auditorium is equipped with high-tech equipment, so any simple performance on this stage is of high level.

The students of Jinhua high school are so versatile that they are outrageous.

In the past, she didn't understand what her father always said about teachers. Now she finally understands that it's hard for students who study and live in such an atmosphere to make progress.

Zhou Chunxi's dance appeared in the middle of the party.

She is the leader of the group folk dance.

The light came on Zhou Chunxi's body, and his hands decorated with peacock feathers danced with the rhythm

White tea seems to be back to sitting in front of the TV watching the live broadcast. Every time Zhou Chunxi appears, it's the most amazing.

22 This is true of Zhou Chunxi, who is 18 years old, and Zhou Chunxi, who is 18 years old, is no exception.

The group dance behind her slowly appeared in the fog.

Bai Cha meets Xu an, who has been trying to hit Zhou Chunxi. Zhou Chunxi is probably used to it, skillfully and skillfully avoiding it, with a confident smile on his face.

Zhou Chunxi, who is on the stage, has more air than usual. After a dance, Zhou Chunxi stood in front of her and wiped the sweat on her face. Then she tore off her dance clothes in front of the crowd. She changed into a cool, light-weight dance dress under the light, and began to dance with the dynamic music


With the change of music, the whole audience was lit up.

The atmosphere reached its climax.

One by one, the girls stood up, picked up the flash stick and began to shake. They yelled, "when it comes to the scene! When it comes to the occasion

The mountains and the waves are in order.

Bai Cha took out her mobile phone and looked up the program list. It turned out that there was a song performance when it came to the occasion. Just after Zhou Chunxi's dance, Zhou Chunxi even had a program to accompany him.

In the middle of the stage, a teenager dressed in street fashion rises from the elevator, and his clean and magnetic voice rings slowly with the music.

The light changes suddenly, and the sense of rhythm increases suddenly.

The young man waved his hand, causing the screams below to surge like a huge wave, just like the star chasing scene of a concert.

The temperature is rising.

When the scene is sung is a Cantonese strong song, pronunciation standard, the sound is very accurate, typhoon calm, not inferior to the star.

In addition to Zhou Chunxi's dance, there are also many virtual dancers who break through the dimensional wall to accompany the dance on site, which fully infects the stage technology.

In addition to lyrics and subtitles, there are text introductions on the top of the head. The production, technology and stage effect of these virtual dancers are all completed by students, and the overall design of the program is just in time.

"In time! When it comes to the occasion

With the climax part of the scene, the cry is also more and more loud, not only girls, boys are all hi.

"Why don't you stand up?"

Sitting there became a strange white tea was staring at, people were next to a girl to clench up.

A flash stick was forced into her hand.


Bai Cha didn't wave or sit down. She just stood in the crowd and quietly looked at the teenagers on the stage.




At the moment, he is different from being lazy in class. Every step of him is full of vitality, and any simple action of him causes the whole audience to scream.

He is young and frivolous.

He is in his prime.

It turns out that this is his 18 years old, so high spirited.She had him, how can so full of holes.

In these four years, she didn't even hear him hum a song.

In the past four years, he has never told her the truth or showed any real face. She has always worked hard to get out of the shadow with him, but in the end, his heart is not on her.

Maybe she doesn't deserve it.

Bai Cha laughs at herself and doesn't look any more. She puts the flash stick on the seat and leaves alone in the carnival.

As she walked out of the auditorium, she heard a low Cantonese sentence in response to the scene, "Hey, can I take you home?"

The scream blew up the hall in an instant.

White tea sounds harsh outside.

She walked in the campus alone with her bag. Everyone went to the party, and there were only a few security guards on patrol.

She walked like a wandering soul.

She is carrying two bags, one is her own and the other is Zhou Chunxi's bag for snacks.

After walking for a long time, Bai Cha was tired and stopped in front of the Xiru building of the school.

She sat down on the steps, casually put aside her two heavy bags, and quietly looked at the dark night, her eyes more and more gloomy.

"Little girl, you've been here for a long time. Why don't you go to the show?"

A security uncle came to her with a patrol stick and asked with a smile.

Looking at uncle's concern, Bai Cha can guess how sad she looks at the moment.

She reluctantly squeezed out a smile, patted beside, "Uncle sit."

Uncle security sat down beside her with a bright voice, "what's wrong? I also know that you students who have gone to Jinhua have heavy academic work and great expectations from your family. But it's only three years after you think about it, and you can carry it as soon as you close your eyes and open your eyes. "

Baicha is funny to hear that Jinhua high school is indeed Jinhua high school. Even security guards are part-time psychological counseling for students.

She sat on the steps, hugged her knees and was silent for a while. Suddenly, she asked, "uncle, what would you do if you went back to the past?"

"Of course, buy lottery tickets! Win the big prize and buy a house! "

Uncle security answered without thinking.

White tea was amused, eyes are still dark, "but the lottery is the original person, you know the number to buy is not equal to rob other people's?"

Besides, the lottery didn't want to go to her family.

"That's quite a new idea." Security uncle laughed, "but also said, why rob other people's windfall, then don't buy lottery."

"Don't you want to get rich, uncle?" She continued“ There are many other things I can do without buying lottery tickets. If I go back to the age of seventeen or eighteen, I will serve as a soldier and defend my country. If I go back to the age of twenty-seven or twenty-eight, I will never find a job far away from home, and I will accompany my son well and not let him lose his father's company. "