Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1179

When he stood on the podium and looked down, people saw the words "look down on the world" on him.

Even Lao and Wang lowered their eyes.


The international summit is in full swing.

On the other side, a luxury car is parked in front of the fountain pool of Gu's manor. The sun is shining on the water.

The door was opened, and Lin Yi, dressed in white clothes, came down from the car and looked forward solemnly.

At the gate, Gu's parents are standing together. They are both dressed in black. Gu's mother is red with her eyes and leans on Gu's father. Gu's father hugs her. His haggard face is full of sadness. The high attitude of decision-maker has disappeared.


Lin Yi stood by in silence and turned his eyes to the car behind him.

Two bodyguards came forward from behind, one holding the portrait of Gu Ming and the other holding the urn of Gu Ming.

Gu Ming on the portrait has a sunny face and a big smile. He still has the strength of a dandy. He looks heartless and unconquered.

"My son..."

Seeing the urn, Gu's mother couldn't help crying any more. She rushed over and hugged the urn, crying bitterly, "why, why!"

She turned pale and clapped her hand on the urn desperately. She couldn't accept Gu Ming's coming back like this.

Gu's father stood behind her, staring at the son on the portrait, his eyes muddy, and could not suffer such a blow.

The next moment, a big man of Gu's father fainted on the spot. He fell to the ground, and the bodyguard helped him.

Lin Yi looked at this scene in silence. Naturally, he felt uncomfortable.

Gu's mother didn't take care of Gu's father. Looking at the urn, she sobbed, "my mother really took you as her own child. I don't know what you'd put in your heart... My mother is wrong. My mother shouldn't hurt your sister. Come back! Come back and see me

In the face of Gu's mother's cry of pain, whether the urn or the portrait, will never answer her again.

It's no use repenting.

"Child, I beg you to come back... You can come back and ask for our lives. You just leave. What can you do if you leave your mother?"

Gu's mother stroked the urn with her hands shaking and nearly collapsed.

Lin Yi saw that her mood was fluctuating so much that she was afraid that she would pass out, so she raised her foot and went forward and gently took her arm.


Gu Mu turns her eyes and looks hopelessly at Lin Yi.

That kind of look, which belongs to the mother, is heartbreaking.

"Gu Ming didn't leave any last words when he died, but I think you know that he didn't want to be buried in Gu's cemetery."

Lin Yi said, "so this time I want you to have a last look at him, and then I will find a clean place for him."

She didn't bring Gu Ming's body back because it was too bloody.

That's all she can do.

She takes Gu Ming back to Gu's home. She doesn't know much about Gu Ming, but Gu Ming is heartless in everything. Only Gu's father and mother, who are the culprits, don't go down to kill them. Even in the original studio fire, she was injured in order to save them.

She thought, he is willing to come back this trip.

Hearing her words, Gu's mother's lips trembled more severely, and her eyes were full of regret, "it's all our fault, it's all our fault..."

Lin Yi looked at her and could not sympathize with her. If they had thought more about Gu Ming, they would not be so selfish now.

They are the ones who love Gu Ming, and they are the ones who destroy him.

In the face of Lin Yi's argument, Gu's mother couldn't refute it at all.

She clearly knew how much Gu Ming didn't want to stay in Gu's cemetery.

Taking Lin Yi's hand, Gu's mother suddenly knelt down and begged, "Mrs. Ying, I beg you, I must choose a good place for him, I beg you..."

"You get up first."

Lin Yi went to help her, and Gu's mother knelt down and begged her.

Lin Yi had to say, "don't worry. Gu Ming died just to save my son. I will bury him well. I have chosen the place."

"Thank you, thank you."

Gu's mother knelt on the ground and gave thanks desperately.

Lin Yi helped her up, raised her eyes to look at Gu Ming's smile on the portrait, and asked, "Gu Jin is the master of Gu's family now. What are your plans?" Hearing this, Gu's mother turned her head and stroked the urn. Tears fell down and said, "when the news came back, our husband and wife decided that we would turn ourselves in and tell the whole story of Gu Ming's death. We have to make atonement. I can'tIt's not peaceful for my son to get there


Lin Yi was a little surprised. She didn't expect that their husband and wife could do this.

She nodded, did not interfere in their ideas, and Gu mother talked a little and left.

She left with Gu Ming's portrait and urn. Sitting in the car, she could still hear Gu's mother crying.

Suddenly, the crying stopped.

Lin Yi looked back. Gu's mother cried and fainted. The servant helped them to go inside.

Lin Yi takes his eyes back with a heavy heart and says to the bodyguard sitting in the co pilot, "bury Gu Ming and Ying Xuefei together. If it's really smart, they can have a chat together."

"I see."

The bodyguard replied.

Lin Yi is sitting there when her mobile phone rings. She answers it. It's mu Xianxu.

Mu Xianxu's voice on the other end of the phone was a little dull, "sister-in-law, my father has returned home."


Lin Yi was stunned. Didn't Mu Huahong stay in the street of life and death to heal his wounds? Why did he return home.

"I'm in the police station now. He's turning himself in and telling the police that he was pretending to die of illness and fled abroad with a false identity." Mu Xianxu's voice was low, even choked, obviously uncomfortable.

Lin Yi was shocked and opened his eyes wide, "how could this happen?"

Third master, what are you going to do

"He asked me to send you a message. I'll send it to you now. Second brother, you can tell him after the summit." Said Mu Xianxu, then hung up with a choking voice.

Lin Yi sat in the car and soon received a text message.

She opened it and saw a long piece of text.

[mu Huahong, who has been fighting for power for decades, is like a big dream.

As soon as the street of life and death is gone, I live in the pain of guilt every minute. I want to die and apologize, but I don't think I can be so cheap.

When Jingshi was tied up, I suddenly figured out a lot of things. My eldest son Ying Hannian taught me a lesson. He let me see what a father really should be like.

I am a son and a husband in vain, but I should try my best to interpret the role of father one day. I can't live until I die. Today, I surrender myself after careful consideration. There are two reasons. First, my eldest son Ying Hannian is the head of the Mu family. His future is still unlimited. As a father, I will never be a stumbling block or a hidden danger to him.