Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1178

At the beginning, when Mr. Mu suppressed the four families, they were all over middle age.

But how old is the cold year now? According to his momentum, I'm afraid it will become more and more terrible in the future.

"I understand." His son leaned over his ear and said, "however, I find that the Wang family is also sending out information, which coincides with your idea."

Smell speech, even old turn head to see to Wang old sit of direction.

Mr. Wang sat quietly, and someone was reporting something to him. The two old men looked at each other and both of them laughed tacitly.

"Normal." Lian laozheng turned his face and said, "in the end, you are not promising enough. If you want to succeed, where can we old people use this method?"


His son was taught to look ugly.

Over there, Mr. Wang is also listening to the assistant's report.

"I've heard that Ying Hannian was seriously injured this time and his life and death are unknown. He can't come to today's summit anyway."

"Well." Wang Laodian nodded, smiling, eyeground is full of calculation, "dead nature is the best, do not die, but also should be cold years off layer skin."

Now that the cold year is in chaos, no matter how much the authorities expect of him, when the scandal comes out today, we should think more about it. I'm afraid many directions will have to be changed temporarily at this summit.

"You mean, I'll keep watching."

The assistant nodded and turned away.

People from all over the world came in one after another in the great hall. Under the hot invitation, Mr. Wang and Mr. Lian had to get up to take photos with the people.

After taking photos and making a lot of noise, the crowd took their seats again.

With less than 10 minutes to go before the start of the summit, Rao Shilian, such figures as Mr. Wang and Mr. Lian, had to pick up the papers and look at them more, so that they could speak more smoothly on stage.

For a moment, the whole hall was filled with flashing lights and the sound of turning through documents.

It's quiet.

Occasionally there are people from abroad, with a cheerful tone to ask others what.

Every sentence should be cold years.

Ask when Ying Hannian will come.

There seems to be something wrong with the official side, so he sent someone to ask.

I can't come.

Mr. Lian and Mr. Wang sat down and looked at the document with confidence.

"Here it is

A loud voice suddenly came, startling the silence of the whole hall.

Everybody's looking up.

Lian Lao raised his eyes, touched the ring and stopped immediately. He was shocked and congealed on his face.

Mr. Wang raised his head, and the document in his hand fell on the desktop.

Under the dome, the light is shining to the dazzling gate. Armed special police officers open the road. Behind, Ying Hannian appears in people's view in a wheelchair. His black suit was straight, his back was straight, his hands were casually on the armrest of the wheelchair. He was energetic, and under his sharp short hair was a young face. He was angular and handsome. Under his sword like eyebrows, his eyes were dark, and his lips were shallow

Hook, smile lazy loose.

It seems to be casual, but the eyes are directly aimed at people's heart with a slight lift, with the sharp strangulation, which makes the people in his sight shudder.



Even Mr. Wang and Mr. Wang were shocked and almost stood up holding the table.

Where is this life and death unknown, is not good, looks like a wounded.


In the great hall, a young foreigner jumped up from the table and rushed to Ying Hannian regardless of etiquette to greet him happily.

In succession, many foreigners have gone through the cold years.

These are all on his side when Ying went abroad to organize a joint rescue in the cold year. It's always in a good mood to meet again.

Ying Hannian calmly smiles and talks with them casually.

Chatting and chatting, Ying Hannian suddenly turned his face and looked straight in the direction of Lian Lao and Wang Lao. The two old men had no time to take back their eyes, so they ran into each other.

The next second, Ying Hannian smiles at them.


Naturally, they returned with a smile, but before the smile came to their faces, Ying Hannian suddenly pointed to his head, his eyes full of sarcasm and contempt.

After pointing out, Ying Hannian began to chat with others again.The two old people have a strange look on their faces.

But soon they knew what was going on. Their people came all the way from the curved table and touched them directly. Their face was very ugly and they reported, "the government on the other side of the life and death Street announced the massacre of the Ye family by borrowing trade and barter, and the official also released the news, ye

I'm afraid it's going to be cold this time. "

It's a big crime for such a big family to use the trade and transportation lines between the two countries to bind children and kill police, even if it's a small country.

The authorities used such words as anger and sorrow, and many people in the Ye family were taken away for questioning.

"I'm afraid the Ye family is finished."

Lian Lao sat there and frowned deeply. "I thought Ying Hannian was seriously injured, and the people at the bottom would want to suppress the fight between the two families. I didn't expect that it would be so public."

Mr. Wang, sitting in his own seat, looked angry and wanted to kick his assistant, "how can I get the wind?"? He also said that Ying Hannian's life and death are unknown. Look at him. His spirit is better than that of the special police! "


The assistant stood there in dismay. "There's another news."

"Come on, what's the bad news?"

Mr. Wang frowned tightly.

"The people who were sent to release the news, and the media owners they were looking for... They were robbed by a gang of gangsters just now, and they were beaten hard." Assistant said some difficult to start, "those thugs beat people to turn themselves in."


And turned himself in!

What kind of robbery is this? It's what Ying Hannian showed him and gave him a little warning.

So, Ying Hannian's action just now is to laugh at his bad brain

Thinking of this, Mr. Wang covered his heart and almost came over in one breath. The assistant on one side was so anxious that he quickly gave him water to drink.

I can't stop it.

No one can stop the cold year.

Even the old man's face was extremely bad, and the people he sent out were severely beaten.

What he wanted to do should have been foreseen in advance.

When he raised his head, he saw that Ying Hannian was surrounded by people, and a group of people, including officials, were warmly greeting him

See, even the old shoulder a paralysis.


It is impossible for the situation in the cold year to be lowered.

He closed his eyes hopelessly and said to his son, "remember, when you are dealing with Ying Hannian in the future, you have to go around it. Do you understand

Only in this way can we live in peace.

Otherwise, with the tangle of the past, he can still hold on now, and the next generation may still be liquidated in the cold year.

At the end of the meeting, we should come out at the end of the cold year. He got up from the wheelchair and walked calmly towards the platform. His posture was high and his eyebrows and eyes were absolutely confident.