Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1160

A crew member leaned over and whispered, "has Ying Hannian been rescued?"“ "If you were rescued by Ying Hannian..." the man glanced at Hu chennan, "these children will die before we reach the shore. The children should walk by themselves. How far can they go? There are only so many people on the old wharf. I can't say they were stolen by stowaways.

Check! Check thoroughly


Ying Xuefei is a little desperate.

She took a look at the guns in her hands and the luggage Gu Ming had put on the ground. Then she turned to look at the surrounding terrain and thought about the probability of taking the child out.

Just thinking about it, Gu Ming suddenly sweeps his luggage out of the gap between the stowaways.

It's like a slow motion

Ying Xuefei opens her eyes wide in shock and looks at Gu Ming in disbelief. She wants to reach for Gu Ming, but Gu Ming holds her hand.

The four eyes are opposite.

Ying Xuefei looked at him blankly, tears could not be restrained to fall, it was a bone deep disappointment.

The stubble man over there is helping the crew to untie the package one by one. A dozen guns are on the heads of the crew, and they dare not move.

The wind is bleak on the old dock.

There was a cry in the crowd.

Hu Chi man pulled a luggage bag and opened the zipper directly. When Xiaojing was lying in it, his little child was lying in it, his little hand was still covering his mouth, his eyes were staring at him in horror, and his whole body was as stiff as wood.

"Here it is

Hu Nan exclaimed excitedly. He almost jumped up and grabbed the child's arm to lift him from the ground.

The sun is getting brighter.

Gu Ming and Ying Xuefei squat face to face on the ground. The tips of the children's beautiful shoes rub across the ground in front of them, making a faint sound.

The next second, a shoe that is not stable falls.

Fall in the sight of two people.

Gu Ming's long eyelashes move. Ying Xuefei looks at the shoe with wide eyes. His heart seems to have been gouged out. Tears are falling down silently.

Suddenly, the child's feet were off the ground.

Hu Nan crazily carried the little child's thin arm, as if carrying a booty, happily went to the freighter to ask for credit.

Gu Ming raised his eyes, and the little figure passed in front of him.

When Xiaojing was carried, the whole person was askew. He didn't resist. He was disheartened and obedient.

His face was still swollen, but his big dark eyes blinked and blinked. He looked at Gu Ming innocently and blankly. His mouth moved, but he didn't make a sound. He probably thought of the advice.

But his eyes seem to ask: uncle, I didn't cry and didn't move, why haven't I seen my parents?

The child was carried forward, he looked back, always looking at the direction of Ying Xuefei and Gu Ming.

Those eyes are beautiful and clean.


Looking at those eyes, Gu Ming's chest seemed to be severely beaten. He forced himself to turn his head.

This is Ying Hannian's son.

It has nothing to do with him.


Ying Xuefei squatted on the ground, raised her eyes and looked at the child's face a little bit away, her vision almost blurred,

She could have saved him.

If she didn't insist on believing that Gu Ming is not so heinous, if she beat Gu Ming hard earlier

That's enough.

That's enough!

Ying Xuefei is fierce in her eyes. She suddenly stands up and rushes over when everyone is unprepared. She quickly pulls out a gun from the waist of the stubble man and shoots him in the back.


The gunfire was loud.

Hu Jiannan didn't expect the result. He couldn't believe it. He opened his eyes and rushed forward.

Ying Xuefei immediately reaches out to pick up Xiaojing and protects her in her arms. She turns around and shoots madly at the crew.

For a time, people kept falling down on the old wharf, and the stowaways screamed desperately in panic.

Xiaojing is shivering in Ying Xuefei's arms.

Ying Xuefei didn't care to comfort the child, holding him, shooting and retreating.

Gu Ming looks at her in shock. Her clothes are covered with blood, and her eyes are red. She has killed her eyes.Stupid!

Gu Ming turns his eyes. Sure enough, the man on the freighter waves his hand, and immediately there are countless guns aimed at Ying Xuefei.

"Give the child up!"

The man roared out hysterically.

That's the leader.

The thief should catch the king first. Ying Xuefei takes a look at the pistol in her hand. According to the number of bullets in this pistol, there should be only one bullet left.

"Get down!"

Gu Ming felt that it was wrong, and immediately called it out.

Ying Xuefei is free to go out. She protects the child behind her with her backhand. She raises her hand and shoots at the man in charge. The man on the freighter falls down very quickly, only his shoulder is scratched.

At the same time, a bullet flew into Ying Xuefei's body.


Deafening gunfire, seabirds continue to fly.

Gu Ming changed his face and looked at her in shock.

The pistol with the last bullet in its hand fell to the ground.

Ying Xuefei stood there stiffly, bowed her head and looked at the fist like blood hole in front of her body. Her long eyelashes flashed, her knees bent down, and she fell on her knees heavily.

When she falls down, she holds xiaojingshi in her arms and holds her arms tightly, letting the child fall down with her arms on her pillow.


The child trembled and looked at her in horror.

Should Xue Fei pull the corner of the mouth to him, just show a smile to come, "fireworks sound good?"? Bang, Bang... "


The little guy looked at her up close, at a loss.

"Bang bang, it's all fireworks, right? The fireworks are beautiful... Mom and dad will be here soon. "

Ying Xuefei stares at him, her voice is weaker and weaker, and she even uses her last strength to laugh.


As soon as I heard my mother, the little guy's eyes were red and helpless.

"When there's a lot of banging and fireworks, mom and dad come..."

Ying Xuefei told him that his voice was a little vague, and all the blood came out of his throat.

The first shot should have been heard in yinghannian.

As long as she drags on for a while, and drags on for a while, it's time to save the child.


Xiaojing looked at her as if she knew nothing.

The first man with his men immediately rushed down the freighter, stretched out his hand to pull the child, Ying Xuefei tried his best to hold it.

Her overdrawn body moved along with the man's pulling, stiff and heavy as a corpse. She opened her eyes and tightened her arms to the child.

Wait a little longer

"Pull it for me!"

The man roared. The two crew members rushed over, grabbed the child's feet and pulled out.

Only a little bit of it was pulled out with all the strength.

"Damn it

The man yelled angrily, pulled out his gun and was about to make up for Ying Xuefei. Suddenly, the sound of a helicopter came from overhead, and there was a radio down“ Don't hurt the children, everything is easy to talk about, otherwise, the consequences are at your own risk! The consequences are at your own risk