Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1080

She reached for her shoulder and it hurt badly.

Ying Xuefei suddenly recalled that in her last life, she met Gu Ming for the first time in a food competition. He was so rampant and high-profile that she beat him up.

At that time, he howled so bitterly.

Pestering her to pay for the medicine, asking her to give him food and drink.

Later, she also called this paragraph "not to fight, not to know each other" and "happy enemies". Now, when you think about it, how can there be so many happy enemies in reality? It is clear that they are too good at acting.

She sat on the bed and looked at the big room, a familiar place.

It's the same as what she saw in her last life. The bedding is gray, the furniture is gray, and even a few handicrafts are gray.

She stayed in this room for a long time. At that time, she just felt depressed lying in this room, but she never thought about why she was depressed.

The tone here is like Gu Ming's spiritual world.

He was cynical outside, wearing all kinds of colorful clothes, but when he returned to his bedroom, he was immersed in a gloomy gray.

She didn't see Gu Ming's true face until this life. It's like a joke. Ying Xuefei's eyes fall on the bed. In this bed, they lean on the head of the bed and fight for the TV remote controller. Gu Ming can't beat her, so he rolls her from the head of the bed to the end of the bed, gnawing and biting at her lips, just like a mad dog


Often at this time, she was not willing to use her brute force to deal with him, and he was very proud.

She has seen Gu Ming's most unrestrained smile, the tenderness in his eyes when he drinks a glass of water with himself, and the fierce possessiveness in his eyes when he overwhelms her

In retrospect, in those fragments, has there ever been a real moment of Gu Ming?

Xuefei can't think of it. She wipes her medicine, pulls on her clothes, closes her medical box and puts it back in the closet.

The moment the wardrobe door closed, she saw Gu Ming standing at the door.

Gu Ming stood at the door with his arms in his arms, his long narrow eyes staring at her thoughtfully.

Suddenly, he strode toward her, pulled her arm, bowed his head to smell her shoulder, with a faint smell of medicine.

His eyes flashed a touch of Yin cold, "how do you know there is a medicine box in my wardrobe, and medicine that can cure your injury?"

He put the medicine box behind a partition in the closet. He couldn't see it from the outside.

And he got the medicine from abroad. It's all written there. It's a very minority language. So coincidentally, can she recognize the words on it? And use it on yourself?

Xuefei was suddenly attracted by him. In this room, he just came over to let her have the illusion of time travel, as if they were still in their best time.

She woke up, pushed him away and said coldly, "before I robbed Mu Xianquan and his wife from Gu's family and left, I knew about Gu's family like the back of my hand."

"Even my bedroom?"

Gu Ming is suspicious. I'm afraid even his parents don't know that he has such a medicine box in his room.

"I'm careful, can't I?"

Ying Xuefei sneered, raised her leg and went out, with one arm in front of her.

Gu Ming stares at her with low eyes and looks at her. "Before, in the coffee shop, you and Lin Yi said that you are the same person as her. How can you be the same kind of person?"

"Sure enough, you installed eavesdropping on my mobile phone."

Ying Xuefei doesn't know that she has been working for Gu Ming, let alone that she has been stolen by Gu Ming. Listen, last time she went to find Lin Yi, Lin Yi ordered someone to check all her belongings and told her it was safe.

"Answer my question."

Gu Ming approached her aggressively, his eyes more gloomy. "You were born in yingmen, she was born in S City, you are an orphan, she has roots, you are alone, what does she want? How can you be the same person?"

"What does that have to do with you?"

Ying Xuefei looked at him sarcastically, "thinking about Lin Yi, it's a pity that you can't fight Ying Hannian. You don't want to rob people from him in your life."

Here comes the needle again.

He can see clearly, should Xuefei also dare to come back, is to desperately in his chest prick, the more he stabbed blood dripping, the more happy she is. Gu Ming took a deep breath, his eyes clouded. Suddenly, he raised his hand, took her by the neck, pushed her down on the bed, and glared at her fiercely, "do you like to provoke me? Do you know it's not my opponent, or do you even want to provoke me?”


Ying Xuefei coldly raises her legs to kick him. Gu Ming simply bends down and presses most of her body against her.

Although Ying Xuefei practices Kung Fu a lot, the soft part of her body is also soft. As soon as she comes into contact, the natural fit between men and women emerges. It's hard for a woman's face to show a touch of embarrassment. Seeing this, Gu Ming's eyes flashed a touch of ridicule. Evil came from his heart, and he reached out to tear her clothes. As Sheffield resisted even more fiercely, he struggled recklessly, and the embarrassment retreated, leaving only his face covered

Gu Ming, don't disgust me

It's a very real disgust, disgusted to the core.

Gu Ming suppressed her, and his eyes lingered on her face again and again. He looked at her through his eyes, and said, "I'm really curious about you now. Why do you hate me so much? What old grudges do I have with you? "

Hate to stab him.

Hate to know that he is not easy to provoke, but also come back to look after his family around in front of him.

Every word is like peeling his skin and gnawing his bone.


Ying Xuefei is lying on the bed, holding the clothes in front of him with her thin fingers. When she hears the words, her eyes become blurred.

"Since we met for the first time, your hatred for me has been undisguised." Gu Ming sneered, "hate me as if I killed your family. What's the situation?"

"You want to know?"

Ying Xuefei stares at him, lips slightly move, curl up sexy radian, "you guess."


Gu Ming's eyes were cold, and his hands were full of strength.

It's like killing her.

Ying Xuefei just feels suffocated. She kicks back her leg at the end of the bed and kicks away the dark lattice at the end of the bed. The dark lattice suddenly jumps out and bumps into Gu Ming's leg. He subconsciously retreats.

Ying Xuefei responds quickly and sits up, grabs a dagger placed in the dark grid and stabs him with fierce force.

Gu Ming was shocked to see her series of actions, but without reaction, she cut her arm severely

Blood was pouring out.

When Xuefei stabs again, he comes back to his senses and blocks it with his backhand. After some entanglement, he kicks off the dagger in her hand and ends up panting. Gu Ming covers the wound and looks at her in disbelief. Does she even know his dark grid?