Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1079

Mu Xianguang hated why he came back to listen to gossip.

What happened to Gu's family? Gu's family just exploded. What does it have to do with him! What does it have to do with his bonus! My wife just said that she would buy a bag with his bonus! That's good. We'll have to hold the private library.

Seeing that mu Xianguang's face smelled, Ying Hannian was in a good mood. He stretched out his hand and pulled Lin Yi, "let's go, take you to see the jewelry designer."

The wedding is just around the corner and there are so many things to deal with.

"Isn't it the wedding day?" Lin Yi is stunned, "how to still have other itinerary."

"What is a wedding? I said, "I don't have to come out in person to deal with Gu Ming." Ying Hannian put her in his arms, "time naturally has to be free to accompany you to see jewelry."


Lin Yi was carried out by him.

Over the past few months, Ying Hannian has been in a very busy state. The Mu family has to be busy. Gu Ming, who is hiding in the dark, has to guard against it. Now that he and Gu Ming have a thorough showdown, it's easy to prepare for the wedding.

Thinking about this, Lin Yi waved to Mu Xianguang with a smile and went out with Ying Hannian.

Two people walk that call a sentiment, at the foot of the wind.

Mu Xianguang stood there gnashing his teeth and looking at his wallet.


The situation of caring for the family is not optimistic.

Since the showdown, although Gu Ming still had a place in the family in the name of his father, Gu Jin, with the help of Ying Hannian, began to launch a comprehensive campaign against him.

Whenever he sets up a new project, Gu Jinyi's Department opposes it to the end. The two parties often quarrel over their decisions, so that the ceiling of the conference room will be overturned.

Gu Ming has his own ideas about Gu Shi. Many projects are so stagnant. Because of Gu Jin's opposition, several pieces of land he wants have been bought by Mu Shi in the process of dispute

Ying Hannian took the land, either to develop his own things, or to offer a high price to throw it in front of him, deliberately disgusting him.

Since the wedding, Gu's manor has been very quiet.

Most of the people below are Gu Ming's people, and a little of them are Ying Hannian's people. They all do things according to their faces. Gu Ming and Gu Jin are in a bad mood, and no one dares to touch the mold.

Ying Xuefei went into the house from the outside, dressed in a light white T and shorts, and walked into the air-conditioned villa from the heat wave. The whole person was cool.

With a bag of snacks in her left hand and a small bag of spicy sticks in her right hand, she went upstairs while delivering them to her mouth.

When she knocked open the door of her study with her body, she heard a loud bang. Looking up, she saw Gu Ming smashing a landplane to the ground. She was so upset that she tried to loosen her tie.

It's estimated that it's something I ate in yinghan year.

Seeing this, Ying Xuefei leaned against the door and couldn't help laughing.

Seeing her, Gu Ming's face was so ugly that he wanted to kill people. "How dare you come back?"

Haven't you gone to Linyi and yinghannian?

"Why can't I come?" Ying Xuefei walks up to him with a smile, puts a bag of snacks on his desk in a dignified way, and stares at him with a sneer in his eyes. "I haven't seen your disgrace. How can I be willing to go when I see you end up in poverty?"

"I don't think I'll do anything to you, do I?"

Gu Ming's eyes glared at her fiercely, and there was a sense of killing in his eyes.

He's been driven crazy.

"Do it."

Ying xuefeila sat down in a chair and looked at him with arrogance, "our names can be engraved on the marriage certificate. How do you explain to the media that our newly married wife was murdered?"

With the help of Ying Hannian, Gu Ming cleaned up Gu Jin, and he could continue to be a victim in Gu's family. His marriage with her could also be regarded as a piece of paper;

But now, it's Gu Jin that Ying Hannian helps, so even their marriage has become ambiguous. If he wants to continue to be a victim in front of the media, he has to do a good job in refuting Ying Hannian and Gu Jin

Hearing this, Gu Ming's eyes flashed with a chill. He put his hand on the edge of his desk and looked down at her in a gloomy way. "Murder is not going to happen, But there are many ways to make life worse than death. Do you want to have a try? "


Ying Xuefei shrugs her shoulders contemptuously and takes a bite of spicy food.

Gu Ming wrung his eyebrows, snatched the spicy bar from her hand and threw it into the garbage can. "Don't eat these rubbish in my study!"

Then he threw in the snacks she had bought."Are you sick?"

Ying Xuefei looked at his pile of snacks, stood up from his chair and glared at him angrily, "if you can't fight in the cold year, do you want to have an operation on me? Gu Ming, you are really capable

"Who do you think can't fight against the cold years?"

Gu Ming's fire does not hit a place, reaches out to capture her, Ying Xuefei quickly dodges the body, two people then start to move in the study.

Finally, Ying Xuefei is exhausted and Gu Ming puts her on the ground.

Gu Ming directly stepped on her shoulder and glared at her viciously, "Ying Xuefei, please don't provoke me. Maybe I will consider letting you live longer."

Ying Xuefei is lying on the ground. She can't remember that her carpet has already been wrinkled.

She lay sneering, "of course, I will live long. I'm still waiting to see how you die. Ying Hannian has already stepped in to take care of your family. I think you can't even take care of your family soon?"

"Shut up

Gu Ming's eyes are full of blood.

He stepped so hard that her shoulders were about to be crushed.

Don't let her say it?

She said it.

Should Xuefei be stepped on pale face, just squeeze out a provocative smile, "at that time, you or what? You are a poor street mouse. Think about it. I'm really looking forward to that day. "

If you can't take care of your family, if you don't have money, there will be no one to work for

He was left alone.

"I told you to shut up!"

Gu Ming is almost in a rage. Raising his leg is just a kick. Ying Xuefei is kicked to one side and curls up in pain.

Gu Ming knows the current situation better than anyone else. Every word and sentence of Ying Xuefei is like a needle in his heart, making him crazy.

He stood there, breathing more and more heavily! Get out of here


Ying Xuefei stood up from the ground, put her hand over her shoulder, looked at him with a sneer, "don't worry, a couple, I will prepare a coffin for you."

With that, Ying Xuefei staggers out, and behind him comes the sound of Gu Ming smashing things.

She laughed deeper, with revenge in her eyes, but she was sad again. She didn't even notice the sadness.

She just thought that she was happy.

She stumbled into Gu Ming's room, pulled open the wardrobe, and took out a medical box from the inside and put it on the bed.

Sheffield should pull down the clothes on one side of her shoulder, and her shoulder blades are blue.

It's hard to start. She sat by the bed, opened the medical box, took the medicine from it and put it on her shoulder.