Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1053

Otherwise, these three people won't call her all the time.

"The sky won't fall down." Ying Hannian sat down beside her, put his hand on her shoulder naturally, plucked her hair, and lowered his head to smell the fragrance of her neck.

The call was put through at once.

She dialed Bai Shuya's phone, but mu Xianguang's roar came out, "Damn it! Lin Yi, where are you? I can't find you around! "

Mu Xianguang just roared out the double effect of mobile phone amplification.

Lin Yi was stunned. She and Ying Hannian didn't come to this swimming pool very much. Today, Ying Hannian is suddenly interested. It's estimated that no one else will look for them here, so they are in a hurry.

Ying Hannian coldly snatched the mobile phone from her hand and said coldly, "be polite to her."

On hearing Ying Hannian's voice, mu Xianguang choked, and the decibel dropped slightly. "Lin Yi, it's agreed that my sister will have a baby. Where are you going to be?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi almost got up from the reclining chair and said, "is Xia Xi going to have a baby? I'll be right here! "

Before that, Xia Xi repeatedly asked, saying that when he wanted to have a baby, Lin Yi could accompany him into the delivery room.

Xia Xi said that she was the one she admired most. She always hoped that she could become such a person. She also said that as long as there was a female god of war, she would be spiritually inspired to survive the pain of childbirth

The goddess of war.

Lin Yi doesn't know that she is such an image in Xia Xi's heart. Although she feels absurd, she agrees to Xia Xi's repeated pleadings.

"Come here..." Mu Xianguang is also listening to the phone due to Ying Hannian. He swallows the word "fart" abruptly. "It's all over."



Lin Yi is shocked. Is it over?

She was stunned, subconsciously asked, "mother and son are safe?"

"Mother and daughter are safe." Mu Xianguang told him at the other end that he suddenly thought of something. He suddenly laughed and said, "it's the mother in the cold year... Women, women, women, women are safe."

"Stuttering is cured early!"

Ying Hannian hung up the phone calmly and left his cell phone aside.

"..." Lin Yi was very happy to hear that his mother and daughter were safe. Looking at Ying Hannian's smelly face, she couldn't help laughing. "Why, seeing that Jiang Qixing gave birth to a daughter, are you jealous?"

"I envy him? Ah

Ying Hannian sneered, "I still have a son, does he?"

Who is worse than who.

Lin Yi came down from the reclining chair, stretched out his hand to trim his wet hair, and heard the speech pat him on the shoulder, "yes, he has a daughter, you have a son, you have both children."


Ying Hannian's face is black.

"All right." Lin Yi stopped joking, "you're too tired. Stay home and sleep. I'll go to see Xia Xi."


Ying Hannian didn't trust her to go alone and stood up.

"Really?" Lin Yi glared at him, "I'm afraid you can't stand the stimulation, come back and force me to have a second child."

"Besides, I'll really do something to have a second child!"

Ying Hannian threatened to pull her arm, and her eyes were staring at her.


Lin Yi quickly shut up.


In the face of this global financial storm, many countries have jointly responded and issued various rescue measures, which has appeased investors.

The decadent market was soon saved. The first move of the four families to take on the responsibility made their image soar, and those scandals were immediately forgotten by the public.

Ying Hannian was praised and publicized by foreign countries, officials and herdsmen, and became the first person to rescue the market.

In a bright situation and a voice of support, Mulan immediately returned the decision-maker's position. Yes, in the face of media inquiries, Mulan used the word "return".

As soon as Ying Hannian came to the top, he announced several new moves, all of which were plans for the benefit of the masses, which naturally got full support.

In just a few months, the position of the decision-maker fluctuated repeatedly, which should have been a very bad thing. However, due to Ying Hannian's soaring image and the move of the new leader, Mu was not half unstable. For insiders, when Mulan was in power, he was so stable that there was no movement for several months. Naturally, most of them still wanted to make more money. A few of them were old-fashioned and thought that they could not let the herdsmen fall into the hands of people with other surnames, but they didn't want toWith, Mu Lan and should cold year contact too closely.

We find that it's useless to talk about Mu Lan and Ying Hannian's undifferentiation. It's Lin Yi, Ying Hannian's wife, who can make them undifferentiated.

It has to be said that Ying Hannian has all kinds of skills. He marries a wife, who is as painful as a daughter when she is in love with the three families

This is to say that Mulan has been sitting for such a long time. What else can he do?

After people want to understand, they all stop.

This event, let everyone see the ability of Ying Hannian.

It seems like a child's joke, but few people can have his courage and ability, and there is no outside thought that the herdsmen are fighting for power.

It can be said that today's herdsmen are more united than when the old man was alive.

In the cold years, one person is the only one.

The herdsman is a big tree that can't be shaken.

In the building of Mu's group, Lin Yi stands outside and looks at the conference room inside through the floor glass. Ying Hannian is holding his first major meeting after his return.

He stood at the front and talked.

She looked at the faces in front of the conference table. Since the financial crisis, she could clearly feel that there was more conviction on the faces of many senior executives and herdsmen.

Ying Hannian had a different surname and wanted to reform the Mu family. He even made trouble for a woman

But he told the world that he had the absolute ability to take responsibility for his actions.

T I can't imagine that his hard work has pushed yinghannian to a higher and more remote place.

Inside, Ying Hannian, who was in a meeting, suddenly turned his eyes and looked straight in her direction.

He pointed to He Yao and continued the meeting on his behalf. He strode to the door, pushed the door and came out, "how can I stand here?"

"I want to see you."

Look back to the peak, no, look at you who are standing at a higher peak.

Lin Yi said with a smile.

Smell speech, should cold year hook hook lips, low head thin lips attached to her ear, "how do you always want to see my clothes, no taste."

"Well, go to the meeting."

Lin Yi is too lazy to pay attention to him, "by the way, I've set aside your time for dinner."

"Date me?" Should be cold years pick eyebrows.

"No, it's mu Xianxu. He wants to invite you to dinner."

Lin Yidao. It's been more than a month since yinghannian came back from abroad. Jiang Rao is much better under the care of Mu Xianxu. He decides to leave.