Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1052

"You know." Lin Yiwei felt his earlobe in embarrassment.

"Now the herdsmen are all talking about your feats. I should say that the women in the cold years have scared a group of old foxes and won overwhelming victory."

Should be cold years laugh evil, but also inexplicably with a kind of pride.


Lin Yi is more embarrassed.

It's really a good thing not to go out, bad reputation spread thousands of miles, she did not do a shrew.

Lin Yi raised his hands, pressed his hot ears and said, "so, I don't need to see people tomorrow?"

She worried that as soon as she went out, the word "Shrew" was hanging over her head.

"What are you thinking about? My daughter-in-law looks so good. What's so shameful?" Ying Hannian pulled down her hand, his hand was still stained with water, cool.

Daughter in law.

He called her more and more.

Lin Yi can't help but rise to hear the corner of his mouth, Ying Hannian smiles and glares at her, "come on, tell me, how do you think of taking a hot kettle to fight?"

He also mentioned that... Lin Yiting had no face to talk about it, but after repeated questioning by Ying Hannian, he could only say, "I've thought about it. Even if I say it well, it's useless to ask them not to give up the previous rescue plan. Even you are not the decision maker of the herdsman, my friend

It's not worth a word. "

"So you took the hot pot?"

Should cold year smile, canthus up the radian is sexy.


Can we stop talking about the kettle. Lin Yi was very embarrassed. "I thought aunt an would cover me anyway. Now in this situation, everyone's heart is in a mess. Will they fall out with the herdsmen for me? Since they won't fall out, they can only swallow this

The tone. "


"I don't care so much as to disturb their conversation."

The words fall, her wrist bone is to should cold year circle to pinch.

Ying Hannian took her hand and put it on her lips for a while. He said with a proud face, "my little group is so smart. It's a standard virtuous wife."


He's a good man.

In the face of his brainless praise, Lin Yi is still sober, "come on, I knew you were so fast that I didn't have to perform that one."

She doesn't mess up. In the middle of their conversation, Ying Hannian's success abroad can stop them from communicating.

Smell speech, should cold year wring eyebrow, grasp her bathrobe to pull down, not pleased to stare at her, "do you think a man will like to hear the praise of speed?"


Where do you want to go again!!!

Lin Yi was held straight bent down, looking at the pool water getting closer and closer to her, she said, "don't make trouble, don't make trouble, I've taken a bath, I don't want to... Ah!"

At the moment when the cry sounded, she was pulled into the water by Ying Hannian.

The bathrobe was wet in the blink of an eye.

Ying Hannian gave her a hand. She quickly put her hands on his shoulder. The water splashed her eyes, and she could only pat him angrily, "Ying Hannian!"

She took a bath!

Just waiting to go to bed!

"It's OK. I'll wash it with you later." Ying Hannian is holding her in the water. She is very understanding.


Does she use him for company? She had already done it.

Lin Yi didn't like the feeling of being in the water very much. He put his hands on his shoulders and didn't dare to put them down. He had to close his eyes and rub them against his head twice. Then he opened his eyes. As soon as he lowered his eyes, he came across Ying Hannian's dark and deep eyes.

There, it was a dark night sky.

It's easy to swallow everything.

He just looked at her and slowly gathered a smile, "Tuan Tuan."


Lin Yi looks at him.

"Thank you so much." Ying Hannian spoke to her in a low voice, with a thin lip kissing her chin.

She handled everything well during his absence.

Smart and good.

And take good care of yourself.

Lin Yi was choked in his heart and said in a soft voice, "I don't work hard, you work hard."The pressure she faced was far less than his.

"Yes, I work hard. Should you reward me?" Should cold year say is a natural and unrestrained turn around, press her on pool wall.


Why can't she expect him to be more affectionate with her?

Lin Yi wanted to struggle. Ying Hannian fixed her with one hand and stared at the bathrobe in front of her. The bathrobe was wet and clinging to her body, drawing exquisite curves. Every inch seemed to be made exclusively for him.

Ying Hannian stares at her, and the Adam's apple doesn't feel like rolling up and down. He turns his face, stares at her lips, kisses her, and whispers vaguely, "I miss you so much."


Lin Yi sticks to the cold wall of the pool, but his body burns.

"How much do you miss me?" Ying Hannian asked in a dumb voice, kissing her lips a little, with a terrifying voice.

Lin Yifu was in the water, climbing his bare shoulder and drooping his eyes, "I didn't think much about it. I just wanted to cook a good meal for you, send you a box of throat candy, and give you three cups of hot milk to let you sleep all night."

He didn't have good food and sleep outside, so he just went back to his country with a half hoarse voice.

Ying Hannian was close to her. He couldn't stop the smile in his eyes. His wet eyelashes seemed to be smiling. He kissed her on the tip of her nose. "Well, it seems that he didn't think much about it, but it's enough."

He was very satisfied.

With that, Ying Hannian kisses her lips again. This time, there is no more conversation, only the temperature of each other's neck

Lin Yi lost himself in his skill of hooking people. He raised his head unconsciously. Ying's thin lips slipped down her mouth and swam down her white neck. His slender hand touched the belt of her bathrobe around her waist, Untie in the water

The mobile phone rings suddenly, resounding in the open room.

Neither of them paid attention.

Only the bell rings again and again, like a beautiful background music, flowing in the pool under the water.

After satiation, Ying Hannian puts a bath towel on Lin Yi's body. He takes one and ties it to his waist. Then he steps on the ground barefoot and walks slowly to pick up Lin Yi's mobile phone.

Lin Yi fell down on the reclining chair to have a rest. On his white face, there was only the tenderness after emotion, as amiable as water.

She looked at yinghannian who had come, "who is it?"

For a long time.

Midway she tried to pick up, but he refused, she could not rival his strength, can only give up.

"Tut." Ying Hannian stooped to hand her the mobile phone and touched it on her chin. "Speaking is like pinching water. Who do you want to seduce?"


Who seduced me.

Lin Yi stares at him and unlocks his mobile phone. There are a lot of calls from mu Xianguang, Bai Shuya and Jiang Qixing. She sat up quickly, dialing back and hitting Ying Hannian with an empty fist. She was a little annoyed and said, "I said I would answer the phone. They must have something urgent."