Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1037

Wind blowing, shaking leaves, blowing a sad song.

Jiang Rao hears mu Xianxu say sorry in a low voice, and her eyes are red.

In fact, not only he but also she is the first time to face up to her unborn daughter. She is also the first time to dare to come here.

"Baby." Jiang Rao said in a low voice, "Mom and dad are here. Are you... Happy?"


Mu Xianxu knelt there and held his hand on the rabbit doll. Hearing the words, he held his fingers tightly“ I'm sorry, baby. A few years ago, mom and Dad were all children themselves. They were not mature at all. They didn't know how to be parents at all. " Jiang Rao said, blinking sour eyes, trying to smile, "but now mom and dad grow up, I know

You taught us how to deal with everything. Thank you


Mu Xianxu looks back at her.

The four eyes are opposite.

The eyes are moist.

Jiang Rao sat in a wheelchair, patted her legs and laughed with ease, "Mu Xianxu, I don't hate you anymore."

It's a light word.

Mu Xianxu stands up from the ground and rushes to her quickly. Jiang Rao's long eyelashes move. Mu Xianxu has bent down to hold her tightly.

Her body is very thin, so thin that he loves to hold it in his arms.

Mu Xianxu could no longer help crying like a child.

"Rao Rao, I've been waiting for this sentence, I've been waiting for..." he's going crazy.

He hugged her and lowered his head to the side of her face. His breathing was rapid and trembling.


Jiang Rao sat quietly in her wheelchair, motionless.

Mu Xianxu noticed her stillness and realized something. The expression on his face gradually solidified. He slowly released her and looked at her face.

Jiang Rao is still smiling with red eyes, smiling more moving than ever.

"In fact, I wanted to torture you, two people never die, because I think you failed me, you caused all this." Jiang Rao confessed her own psychology, "but when you were fighting to protect me, I suddenly figured out that it was not your fault to make things like this. At the beginning, we were too immature. You shouldn't find me. I shouldn't promise you. It was wrong at that time

We've all made the wrong choice between the two

If they had never been together, there would have been nothing later.

She is a social flower in the entertainment circle, and he is a four little shepherd, who should never have intersection.

Mu Xianxu suddenly understood why she brought him to this place. He kept shaking his head, "not like this, Rao Rao, not like this..."

"Will you hear me out?"

Jiangrao road.


Mu Xianxu pursed her lips and looked at her sadly“ Xianxu, actually I know you very well. " She looked at him and laughed, "if I didn't choose revenge with my life, you wouldn't have such a shock. You would regard me as an ordinary relationship, and the past would have passed away. But I surprised you, and you ended up

You realize your mistake, so you go to jail, you break your thumb, you protect me with your life. "


"I always feel that what you have done is nothing. I can't get anything back. I'm stuck in my obsession. I forget that confession is actually a kind of goodness in essence."


"I'm very happy, because the person I love is a real man at last." Jiang Rao said, "although we shouldn't be together, I didn't love the wrong person once, did I?"


Mu Xianxu watched her, tears streaming down her eyes“ You've done enough, you've lost enough, and you deserve to be forgiven. " Jiang Rao held out her hand and held his thick fingers. Her eyes were red and she looked at him attentively. "Xianxu, listen, I'll announce for my daughter that you are released in court

Let's go. You can go


Mu Xianxu shakes his head and holds her hand anxiously. "I don't want to be released. I don't want to leave."

Looking at the anxious color on his face, Jiang Rao is like a frightened child who has lost an important baby. She smiles and tears. She shakes her head and says, "don't accept the appeal."“ Then you give me another chance... "Mu Xianxu looked at her eagerly and grabbed her hand." if you forgive me, just give me another chance. I will do better than before. I will take care of you all my life. I won't hurt you any more, you knowTrust me

"I believe, I believe you can take all the responsibilities now, but you can't

Jiang Rao didn't have any hesitation.

He has grown from the young man hiding in the shade to a towering tree, but she can't use his shade any more.

Mu Xianxu listened to her words firmly and completely collapsed. He wiped the tears on his face and asked in a trembling voice, "what should I do? In this world, I can't find anything else but love you. You don't want me. What can I do? "


Jiang Rao is distressed to hear that.

It turned out that after so many years, she would still be distressed.

She looked at him in silence and listened to his question, "Rao Rao, do you really forgive me? How do I think you are punishing me and you are killing me?"

"Don't do that."

Jiang Rao said goodbye.

"Tell me, where am I going? Where can I walk? " Mu Xianxu asked, "Rao Rao, I can't stand up without you, I..."

"If we are together again, what is our daughter?"

Jiang Rao interrupts him with a choking voice.


Mu Xianxu was asked and looked at her stupidly.

"We can't go back. We will only have endless pain together. I don't want to torture each other any more."

Jiang Rao some strength tunnel, "I want to try a new life."

"A new life?" Mu Xianxu was stunned there and suddenly realized everything, "you really put it down."

People, only put down to have a new life.

"Yes, Xiaoyi is right. I shouldn't let down so many people who are looking forward to me." Jiang Rao looked at him, "Xianxu, you should put it down."

"What if I can't?" Mu Xianxu, with tears on his face, said to himself, "is that the only way to die?"

Jiang Rao's heart tightened when she heard that.

She closed her eyes and said for a long time, "we can't be lovers, we can be parents."


Mu Xianxu looks at her sadly.

"Let's make an appointment." Jiang Rao opened her eyes and looked at him, "after that, we will come here every year on the day of our daughter's due date, OK? Just the two of us. "

The date of abortion was not chosen, but the expected date of delivery was chosen.

Because that day represents hope, not despair.

"Are you pitying me? Give me a day every year. " Only then did mu Xianxu realize that he was so sad“ I don't feel sorry for you, but it's too painful to be a lover. It's only when I'm a mom and Dad that I have strength, because I want to manage myself well and show my daughter that we can all become better people. "