Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1036

She has recovered her memory. She should hate him to the bone.

"You scuffled together at that time, and the bodyguards rushed in rashly. Doctor Liu would certainly take you as a hostage. I can relax his vigilance and let him let you go for a while." Jiangrao Road, at that time, the bodyguard has quietly to her side.

Hearing this answer, mu Xianxu stayed, then laughed, not disappointed.

Naturally, this answer is taken for granted.

That's a good answer

She didn't hate him to the point that she wanted him to die, and she was willing to save his life.


Really good.

Mu Xianxu smiles. He doesn't know how reluctant his smile is, even more rigid than the smile on the clown's mask.

He let go of his hand and stepped back. "Then you can take notes. I'll buy some dishes you like in the evening, OK?"

"No, Xiaoyi asked me to go to her tonight. I haven't seen her baby for a long time. I miss her a little."

Jiangrao light tunnel.

This is undoubtedly a refusal.

But mu Xianxu didn't care. He quickly said, "what about tomorrow? What would you like to eat tomorrow?"

Jiang Rao looked at him, "I thought you knew what I meant."


Mu Xianxu bent down and looked at her pale and beautiful face. The expression on his face was distorted by pain.

When he understood that she had long remembered everything, he knew why she had left him for revenge and hatred.

She deliberately asked him to do this and that, just to see him look like a clown.

Now Jiang Rao, who admits that she has recovered her memory, doesn't want to play such a game any more.

His shoulders slowly collapsed, his body gradually dropped, and he squatted down in front of her. For a long time, he pulled the corners of his mouth with self mockery, his voice was dry, "in fact, it's ok... I don't care... I can..."

He doesn't care about being played by her as a clown, as long as he can stay with her.

"I can't."

Jiang Rao said so.

When he released her hand and closed the wooden door, she suddenly wanted to open it.


She can't, she can't accept him anymore.

Mu Xianxu almost looked at her in embarrassment, his eyes were very red, "no, Rao Rao..."

I really can't.

What is he without her?

Jiang Rao looks at her with low eyes, and her heart is not untouched. In fact, he has been wearing a clown mask for some time, and she can't see his face. At this moment, she finds that Mu Si Shao, who was once superior, is so humble in front of her.

She did not even doubt that if she asked him to ask her, he would kneel down without hesitation.

He squatted in front of her, reached out to touch her, and then stopped. He just said, "really can't..."

Jiang Rao sat in a wheelchair and sighed silently, "Mu Xianxu, let me take you to a place."

Mu Xianxu looked at her with a trace of resurrection in his eyes.

It was the best thing that she was willing to talk to him.


Mu Xianxu didn't accept the infusion any more. Jiang Rao changed the time to take notes. Accompanied by Lin Yi's bodyguard, she took mu Xianxu to a place.

It's a beautiful garden in the suburbs, where all kinds of flowers are planted, like colorful ribbons, reflecting in the blue sky, like a inverted rainbow.

This is not a scenic spot. Few people come here, but the scenery is incomparable.

In the distance, there are mountains, and in the near, there are clear streams.

Some lovely dolls are standing in the flower bed, birds hover in the sky, hesitant to land. Mu Xianxu had some difficulty pushing Jiang Rao in the wet and soft field until he came to a doll. To be exact, it was not a doll, but a large pink rabbit, standing between the heart-shaped flowers, facing the sunshine, grinning

The mouth is laughing. It's cute and witty.

"Do you have a knife?"

Jiang Rao asked.

"Only nail clippers. What are you going to do?" Mu Xianxu asked.

"That's fine." Jiang Rao held out her hand to him.

Mu Xianxu looks at her suspiciously and puts a nail clipper in her hand. Jiang Rao takes it and touches her hair. She pulls a strand of it and cuts it off with a nail clipper.“……”

Mu Xianxu looked at the black hair on her hand.

Jiang Rao looks at him and hands back the nail clipper, but mu Xianxu doesn't move.

Seeing that he didn't understand, Jiang Rao pointed to his hair again. Mu Xianxu still didn't understand. Jiang Rao was helpless. "You lower your head."

Mu Xianxu bent down in front of her obediently, put his hands on his knees and put his head close to her.

He's no longer the one who was just released from prison. His hair has grown a lot, but it's still shorter than her.

Jiang Rao poked his hair, pressed a wisp of it and cut it off slowly with a nail clipper.

"What are you going to do?"

Mu Xianxu looks at her unintelligibly. Jiang Rao returned the nail clipper to him, sat there, tied two strands of long and short hair into a knot, and said in a low voice, "in fact, I didn't know long ago. It turned out that after my accident, Xiaoyi used all her savings to buy such a piece of land for our daughter

Fang, plant flowers and bury a lot of our daughter's belongings here, including those from my abortion, Including the files I gave Baojian and the clothes I bought. "

It's all buried here.


Hearing this, mu Xianxu was shocked. He turned his eyes to look at the flower beds around him. His heart suddenly seemed to be gripped by a hand, which made him breathless.

This is their daughter's graveyard“ Over the past few years, only Xiaoyi will come here for a walk, but we as parents have never done anything for this lost child. " Jiang Rao gave him a bitter smile, tied the knot of her hair and handed it to him, "you can bury it, tell me

Tell the baby, mom and dad finally came to see her


Mu Xianxu stood there, almost rigidly took Jiang Rao's hair, and then walked forward step by step.

Just a few steps, he stepped on the thorns, stepped on a sea of fire.

There was something in his throat.

Mu Xianxu squatted down in front of the flowers and scraped the soil on the ground with one hand. The cracks between his nails were full of mud. Every time he dug, it was like digging his own heart.

He had a child, older than mujingluo, older than Yingjing

But now, there is only a pile of lifeless soil left.

There was a tear on my hand.

Mu Xianxu closed his eyes, buried his hair in it, and sealed the soil bit by bit under the doll rabbit.

He raised his head. The sun hurt his eyes.

He remembered that this doll rabbit was a gift he bought for his children. At that time, he wanted a daughter

He was looking forward to it.

But he could never see his little daughter jumping around with a rabbit in her arms. Jiang Rao sat at the back, his eyes fell on him. He lowered his head, and his thin back trembled violently. In the end, he knelt down feebly.