Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1022

"Of course, she did, but now she's a little slow in thinking. Maybe she'll do it more accurately in a while." Liu said, turning the computer, let her see the above file.

Jiang Rao's case is quite special, and the hospital has made detailed records.

Lin Yi has been watching there for a long time. Is he slow? She recalled Jiang Rao's behavior today, but she didn't seem to be slow... How much did she think?

After repeatedly asking the doctor some questions, Lin Yicai left. As soon as she went out, she saw Gu Ming waiting by the wall. He had a film in his hand, which should have been checked.

"How's it going?"

Lin Yi asked.

"No problem, thank goodness." Gu Ming smiles and looks inside. "Are you finished? How come I've been asking for so long, and I've got all the films. "

"There are some details to ask."

Lin Yi didn't say much. Looking at Gu Ming, who had changed a lot in front of her, she couldn't help thinking of another person, "have you ever been to Ying Xuefei?"

It's all about last year. When she gave birth to Xiaojing, Ying Xuefei sent her cards.

She also met Ying Xuefei at the final of the food competition, but she hasn't seen her since.

"Why did you mention her all of a sudden?" Gu Mingren leaned against the wall and looked at her inexplicably. "If you don't tell me, I forget about such a person."


Didn't Ying Xuefei go to him?

She had such an obsession with him that she couldn't let go of it.

Lin Yi was a little strange, but she didn't speak much when she saw Gu Ming. She only nodded lightly.

"It's not easy to meet. It's also an old friend. Let me treat you to dinner. How about Gu Nanyuan?" Gu Ming said.

"No, I have to go to my friend."

Lin Yi declined politely, with an indifferent smile on her face, "but thank you for standing up for me when the public opinion attacked me."

"Do you see my young master's helpful side? Do you regret choosing yinghan year

Gu Ming raised his chin slightly and slid his palms to his head. He was so smart.

Lin Yi is very calm, "no regret."


Gu Ming's Shuai was half stiff. "I knew I couldn't mention the cold year!"

Lin Yi couldn't help laughing, "what do you compare with him? Aren't you good now? I've heard that you are assisting your father in his work now, and Gu's financial crisis has little impact on him. I think it's just around the corner to return to the past glory. "

This words obviously said into Gu Ming's heart, he nodded, "then borrow your lucky words."

After chatting a few words, Lin Yi and Gu Ming say goodbye and walk towards Jiang Rao's room.

The corridor was long and the walls were painted white without any flaw.

As she walked on it, she could hear her own footsteps clearly.

Walking a few steps, she suddenly stopped, pale pink lips moved, "what do you compare with him..."

I don't know why, this sentence has been echoing in her ears.

What do you compare with him.

What do you compare with him.

What seems to flash into my mind, fleeting, so fast that people can't grasp it.

Lin Yi suddenly turns around and looks back, only to see an empty corridor. Gu Ming has left. She looks at the white in her eyes, and a cold sweat comes out of her forehead.

What flashed past, she did not know, but suddenly felt soul stirring.

She stood there for a long time before she calmed down and left the corridor.


On returning to the ward, Jiang Rao has woken up and is talking to Mu Xianxu.

Before Lin Yi stepped into the door, he heard mu Xianxu's voice of compromise, "OK, OK, I'll push you to see the baby."

The door is opened, mu Xianxu pushes Jiang Rao out of the ward.

"Where is this going?"

Lin Yi looks at Jiang Rao with a smile.

"I'm going to see the baby." Jiang Rao winks at her. Beauty is beauty. Even if she is pale, she is still beautiful.


Lin Yi was stunned.

Mu Xianxu nods to her and pushes Jiang Rao out. Lin Yi stops and goes on.

Mu Xianxu has been pushing Jiang Rao downstairs to the obstetrics and gynecology department, stopping in front of the nursery.Lin Yi followed her from a distance, looking at Jiang Rao sitting in a wheelchair. She was still a simple face. She climbed up the big glass in the nursery for parents to look at their children with both hands. She was very happy, "clown king, look, a lot of babies."

Mu Xianxu stood aside, even though Lin Yi couldn't see his voice, he could still hear the rigidity in his voice

"Wow, how lovely." Jiang Rao looked inside, "I really want one."


Mu Xianxu's hand became a fist.

"Look, look, this baby has big eyes. Do you look like me?" Jiang Rao looks at mu Xianxu with a smile and blinks her eyes.

Those eyes are too clean to look directly at.

Mu Xianxu stood there, each word is difficult to spit, "Rao Rao, it's been a long time, shall we go back?"

Jiang Rao seems to be completely immersed in his own world, did not hear him, but asked, "clown king, do you have your own baby?"


Mu Xianxu looked at her with low eyes and clenched her fist more tightly.

Yes, I have.

"Why don't you talk?" Jiang Rao tilted her head to see him, turned her eyes and laughed, "I know, you must have, right? Is the clown King's baby beautiful? "


hear nothing of.

He hasn't seen it. It's too late in his life.

"Is it a boy or a girl? Like you? " Jiang Rao continues to ask.


If you can start over and have a daughter, you don't have to be like him, just like her. He can compensate all the debts to her.

Mu Xianxu stood in front of her and looked at her with low eyes. His eyes were full of blood.

"Will you show me your baby?" Jiang Rao hands together, please him, repeatedly request, "I really like baby, I help you play with her?"? I will accompany her well, and I can be her godmother. "



Not for the rest of my life.

Mu Xianxu suddenly turned around and strode toward Lin Yi. He choked his voice and left with a sentence: "I'll buy water" and left in a hurry.

Lin Yi looks at Jiang Rao and sees Jiang Rao sitting there, quietly looking at mu Xianxu's back. Her smile gradually disappears in the corner of her mouth.

Lin Yi walked towards her.


Jiang Rao gave her a big smile.

Lin Yi pushes Jiang Rao out of the nursery, taking the route that mu Xianxu leaves. Before they go too far, they meet mu Xianxu.

I saw mu Xianxu squatting in the corner with his head in his arms. The green plants on one side vaguely blocked his figure. His fingers were buried in his hair and his body was shaking. The wound in his palm is probably not treated well, and the blood will flow down his arm, like a bright red vein, stinging and swimming