Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1021

See Jiang Rao sitting there, brow tightly frown, a pair of beautiful eyes written dissatisfaction, no blood color lips close.

"Are you hurt?"

Mu Xianxu looks up at Jiang Rao and frowns at her hands and feet.

"I didn't!" Jiang Rao retracts his hand and stares at him. "Don't you buy it for me?"

"I'll buy it."

After looking over and over again, mu Xianxu was relieved to see that there was no scar. He covered his wound and stood up, "you two don't move. I'll clean up the broken glass."

"I'll help."

Lin Yi made a sound, but her hand was held by Jiang Rao. Jiang Rao lost her anger just now and looked at her simply, "sister, I want to see the clown king, can you help me?"

"Wait a minute. I'll get some water, or the fish will die."

Lin Yi said with a smile.

"Let the clown king do it. The clown king will do everything." Jiangrao road.

"The little fish must be saved quickly."

Lin Yi patted her and raised her feet to do things. Lin Yi put the basin into the bathroom and washed her hands. When she came out, she saw Jiang Rao half lying on the bed, watching the TV program, while mu Xianxu was picking up the pieces. Her movements were skilled, which was obviously not the first time

I did it once.

Lin Yi sits beside the bed, peels an orange for Jiang Rao, and hands it to her one by one. Jiang Rao takes it with a smile and looks at her with big eyes. "Elder sister, I saw that someone on TV said you were a murderer. It was the woman who fell down on her own. Shall I clarify it for you? I'm a star. I have a public opinion

Influence. "

Lin Yi sat there, lowering his head and concentrating on peeling the white silk on the orange petals. Hearing the words, he fixed his eyes. When he raised his head again, he had a faint smile on his face. "You don't need to worry about these things. You can take good care of yourself."

"I don't like them scolding you."

Jiang Rao is serious.

"If they scold them, we won't listen." Lin Yi said, turning to ask, "by the way, have your parents been to the hospital recently?"

Hearing this, Jiang Rao bit an orange, then turned her head and looked at the busy mu Xianxu with a smile, "I don't need them. I wish I had a clown king. I only want him."

Mu Xianxu turns his head.

Through the empty mask, Lin Yi saw that mu Xianxu's eyes were full of smile and softness.


Lin Yi looked at mu Xianxu and Jiang Rao, and said nothing more.

After staying in the ward for a long time, Lin Yi waited for Jiang Rao to fall asleep before she left. She went into Jiang Rao's doctor's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in, please."

There's a male voice in there.

When Lin Yi pushes the door in, he sees Dr. Liu in a white coat sitting at his desk. As soon as Li Jian and Jiang Rao's early illness are over, he goes back to work as a herdsman. Dr. Liu is Jiang Rao's attending doctor, and he has been following Jiang Rao.

"Dr. Liu."

Lin Yi nodded to him with a smile. As he was about to go in, he suddenly saw a familiar face sitting on the examination table beside him.

She is a little surprised, "Gu Ming?"

Gu Ming sat up from the examination bed and pulled down the hem of his shirt. His handsome face was no longer the kind of arrogance he used to be, and his eyebrows became very deep.

Seeing her, Gu Ming was also stunned. Then he jumped out of bed with a smile, "Tut, long time no see, Lin Yi."

When he smiles, it's rare for him to be arrogant.

"It's been a long time."

Lin Yi smiles. Although he doesn't see the news, he can always hear it.

Gu Ming's father became the decision-maker of Gu's family. Although Gu's family fell out of the four major families, Gu Ming's value has risen with the tide.

When she was born in Xiaojing, Gu Ming sent someone to give her gifts. When she was attacked by public opinion, Gu Ming also said good things for her when she attended the event. It's a rare person to give her a helping hand.

Gu Ming stood in front of her and gave her a deep look. He said with emotion, "how thin are you? Have you had a bad time recently? "

"No, it's just that the media think I'm having a bad time." Lin Yi smiles indifferently.

"What are you doing here?" Gu Ming was puzzled, then frowned at her, "are you sick? Ying Hannian, isn't he spoiling you? Why don't he accompany you? "

"No, he was taken out for recreation by mu Xianguang. I'm not sick either. I came to ask Dr. Liu a few words for my friend."Lin Yi said.

"That's good." Gu Ming breathed a sigh of relief, "I tell you that Ying Hannian will be bad to you. I'll beat him for you."

Lin Yi laughs, "can you fight?"

"..." Gu Ming said with a black face, "I said Lin Yi, why do you still have such a powerful mouth after such a long time? Thanks to my worrying about the previous public opinion events, you are not a woman that people can worry about."

Don't worry about it.

If there's anything, she'll take care of it herself.

Lin Yi didn't run on him any more and asked, "are you here?"

"Oh, my stomach is uncomfortable. I don't know if it's growing. I'll have to film later."

Gu Ming shrugs his shoulders in his suit and looks indifferent.

"Are you all right?"

Lin Yi's smile faded, and her friendship with Gu Ming was not deep, but she didn't want to hear any bad news from him.

"Who knows, it's a blessing, not a curse, but a curse." Gu Mingdao is very open-minded.

"Here's the checklist."

Doctor Liu over there has made out the checklist.

Gu Ming took it to Lin Yiyang and said in a relaxed tone, "then you ask, I'll go out to check first."


Lin Yi nodded and watched Gu Ming leave before sitting down at his desk.

"Does Mrs. Ying want to ask Jiang Rao about her illness?" Doctor Liu nodded at her and called out the medical record from the computer, saying, "Jiang Rao's current condition is very optimistic, several examinations are good, everything is very stable."

"I want to ask whether the operation will make Jiang Rao change her temperament?"

Lin Yi asked.

"A change of disposition?" Doctor Liu was stunned, and then said, "Mrs. Ying, what you said is too subtle. If you think Jiang Rao has changed her personality, it may also be that she has changed her mentality. It has nothing to do with the operation."

"In Dr. Liu's opinion, is the technology of intelligence recovery completely immature?"

Lin Yi asked again“ In fact, we have studied the new technology with Mr. Li. In my opinion, there is no problem. To be honest, I always feel that Jiang Rao's intelligence and memory can't be completely unchanged. But now the reality is like this. I prefer that she still needs one more time

A long recovery period. "

Doctor Liu couldn't give her a clear answer. He thought she was worried that Jiang Rao didn't recover her intelligence, so he said, "Mrs. Ying, you'd better give Jiang Rao more time. I believe it's possible to recover slowly."

This is not what Lin Yi thought. She asked after a few seconds of silence, "have you ever given Jiang Rao an intelligence test after surgery?"