Medical Master's World

Chapter 998

And in the face of Qin Jun, he doesn't have to give a thousand. This man has been betting on leopards. He just needs to make sure that what appears in the sieve cup is not leopards.

This can be too simple, do not appear leopard number, this requirement should be very easy to meet ah.

But just now, uncle Chang also failed.

It's really evil to shake three sixes out of 123.

This time, uncle Chang's hand was always on the table. Although Qin Jun still played with the silver needle from time to time, he didn't feel anything, and the table didn't have any strange changes.

If Qin Jun really gave thousands, then the way of giving thousands was too clever.

This time, many people followed.

Qin Jun has been a leopard four times in a row, and there are already red eyed people staring at him. This time, Qin Jun has taken the leopard again. Many people have taken the leopard with him, and there must be hundreds of thousands of them.

Uncle Chang is under a lot of pressure. He opens the sieve cup.

Three two!

Everyone is boiling!

All the gamblers in the whole casino screamed, as if something crazy had happened. Everyone won a lot of money and got excited.

Uncle Chang's face turned white in an instant.

What the hell!

He was quite sure that it was not a leopard, but as soon as he opened it, it turned into a leopard again. What kind of magic was it?

Uncle Chang's face was as pale as death, and the manager's face was not good-looking.

Walking down from the upstairs, the manager shook his head. From all angles, he didn't see any small movements of Qin Jun, only touching the silver needle.

Uncle Chang tilted his head and said to the manager in a low voice.

"There's something wrong with that silver needle. I don't know what's going on, but I can't let him do it any more."

The manager nodded, then went to Qin Jun and said.

"I'm sorry, sir. This silver needle needs to be pulled out."

Qin Jun Leng for a while, "why?"

Other people don't like it either.

"That's why you can't afford to lose, can you?"

"Uncle Chang's hand string can be put on the table, but this silver needle can't?"

"If you really say cheating, the string looks easier to cheat. How can a silver needle cheat? Will you show me?"

"I just can't afford to play. It's funny that such a big shop can't afford to play."


This group of people yelled, gave them a lot of pressure, but the manager said.

"Sorry, this silver needle has affected the experience of other guests. Please pull it out. "

there are people behind who are not too busy to watch the excitement, and they quickly say," it doesn't affect us, it doesn't affect us, don't talk nonsense! "

No matter what those people said, the manager always stood beside Qin Jun and asked him to take off the silver needle.

Qin Jun light smile, "in this case, then take it away."

In order to show fairness, uncle Chang also took off his hand string.

When he took off the bracelet, uncle Chang changed the color unconsciously. This time, he had to use some high technology. Otherwise, if he lost like this again, the casino would really close down.

Suddenly, Liu Xiaoqiang patted Qin Jun on the shoulder and said in a low voice.

"Be careful, they're doing it."

Liu Xiaoqiang experienced this once, so he knew that when Uncle Chang took off the bracelet just now, he took advantage of the opportunity to change the electronic color! That's how he lost!