Medical Master's World

Chapter 999

Qin Jun light smile, said.

"It doesn't matter."

Even without the silver needle, Qin Jun had other means.

His means, to be far superior to those thousands of skills.

Another 300 million has been exported. The manager is nervous. This is the last chance. It's more than one billion. If he loses this round again, I'm afraid he will inform the boss.

Uncle Chang took a deep breath. In fact, there was no pressure this time.

Because it's an electronic chromon, we don't need any special methods. We just need to do some tricks to keep people from seeing it.

Uncle Chang picked up the sieve cup and began to shake it. The voice of the dice was a little different from that before. Fortunately, uncle Chang had been prepared. He had shaken the dice several times before, so his voice was different. This time, you won't find anything strange.

A few seconds later, uncle Chang buckled the sieve cup. This time, he was obviously confident. With a faint smile on his face, he said to Qin Jun.

"Please bet!"

This time, no matter what Qin Jun bet, he didn't care, because the electronic chromon can remotely control any number, even if his hand doesn't touch the sieve cup, he can change the number of the chromon at will.

Qin Jun is still the same, put 10 million chips in the leopard there.

The gamblers behind him are as crazy as they are mad. They all follow suit.

This time, in addition to Qin Jun, other people also followed him for nearly a million yuan.

If it goes on like this, their casinos will go bankrupt soon.

One person can pay 33, two people that is 66 times, so many gamblers all follow Qin Jun bet, they can't imagine.

Soon, all the bets were finished, and the others were in a peak state.

Everyone's eyes are fixed on the sieve cup in front of him. I don't know if Qin Jun can still create a miracle!

Uncle Chang took the sieve cup and suddenly winked at the camera. Then when he picked up the sieve cup, he suddenly patted the table.

Such a slap on the table will attract everyone's attention.

At this time, the backstage staff control the chromon through the remote control. When the chromon rotates, it will make a little sound, and uncle Chang can just hide this sound.

However, what uncle Chang didn't expect was that the moment uncle Chang patted the table, Qin Jun also patted the table.

Two people do not beat the sound, are a touch that points, like a normal gambler scold a table to vent, scold a few unlucky feeling.

Uncle Chang didn't think much about it. Qin Jun patted the table.


I'm afraid uncle Chang will change. Open the sieve cup quickly.

However, as soon as it opened, the whole room was boiling!

Three five!

Leopard again!

Everyone was boiling up, screaming and cheering. Those who had lost before had all won back. It's amazing that they even hit the leopard five times.

Even if Uncle Chang did it himself, he couldn't stop Qin Jun from winning!

Seeing the leopard again, Liu Xiaoqiang cried out excitedly.

"My brother-in-law! My brother-in-law is mighty

For several consecutive games, Liu Xiaoqiang has been completely conquered by Qin Jun.

It was not easy to conquer his brother-in-law.

After all, Liu Xiaoqiang is also the second generation of the rich. His family conditions were good since he was a child. Now his elder sister is the richest man, and she has a very high status in his heart. Ordinary toads are not worthy of such a person as his elder sister.