Medical Master's World

Chapter 995

After the gambling money became one hundred million yuan, it immediately attracted everyone's attention. All the gamblers around gradually leaned over, and the Dutch official was stupid.

A hundred million!

The daily profit of a casino is not so big, especially in a small casino like them, there are not many people. One hundred million is astronomical.

The Dutch official quickly took out his walkie talkie and called the manager. The other gamblers were immediately dissatisfied.

"What are you doing? Give me the money! Can't such a big casino afford a hundred million yuan? Can't afford to play? "

"That is, dare to open a casino, dare not give money? You just can't get in, can you? "

"If you do, we won't play. Refund!"

"Give back the 300000 I lost today. If I don't, I'll ruin your casino!"

"That's right, and my fifty thousand dollars. Give it back with me!"

"More than one million yuan I spent last month will also be withdrawn together!"


Many gamblers are all excited, one by one angry face.

They were in a bad mood because they had lost money. When they saw that others had won, the casino refused to give them. All of them became angry. A group of people stood behind Qin Jun and formed a support group. If they didn't give Qin Jun money today, they would make trouble.

The female lotus official even more flustered a strength explanation.

"Just a moment, everyone. I don't have so many chips here. I'll ask the manager to come and give them to me."

Soon, the manager came.

The manager had just met Qin Jun before. He didn't want to come to see him so soon. He thought that Qin Jun would lose 100000 yuan.

As a result, I didn't expect that such a big thing happened after only five minutes.

The manager looked at Qin Jun's three million chips and the three sieves in the relic sieve cup on the table. His face was a little ugly.

There's something wrong with this boy.

Frowning, he took a look at the official and asked, "what's the matter with you?"

The female lotus official said in a low voice, "manager, I didn't know it would be like this..."

"Go down! Call uncle Chang! "

The manager frowned and drove the woman out.

Then the manager asked the financial department to get a hundred million chip and give it to Qin Jun.

Ten 10 million chips.

Qin jundao said, "how did you drive the lotus official away? Do you want to play? "

The female Dutch officer was driven away by the manager, and others looked at them with a playful look. It seemed that they could force the casino to this extent, which was also a sense of achievement.

The manager said, "that female lotus official is off work, and she is a new person and doesn't understand. I'll find you an old lotus official."

Then an old man came over.

It seems to be between 55 and 60 years old. Although he is not young, he is in good health.

Walking is very calm and steady. After sitting down, I pick up the sieve cup and a pair of old hands seem to be flexible.

"Uncle Chang!"

Some people often hang out here and know that this is uncle Chang, the old friend of this casino.

The so-called "laorely" is the most skilled Dutch official in the casino.

It's up to him whether it's making mistakes or preventing them.

If thousands of experts really come to smash the field, then we have to rely on the hand, otherwise the casino can not always lose.

Always rely on a hand, it represents the highest level of the casino, ordinary veteran can not be compared with them.

After uncle Chang sat down, he picked up the sieve cup and checked the dice inside. He found that there was no problem.

He took a look at Qin Jun and his hands were clean.

After all, they are all experts. What they want to do is clear.

Qin Jun's hands were clean, and there was no sign of a thousand. It is estimated that the two times just now were luck.