Medical Master's World

Chapter 994

This elder sister is also really good. How did she find such an unreliable brother-in-law to save him?

He Guan is also Leng for a while, saw Qin Jun one eye, smile way.

"Are you sure, sir?"

Qin jundao, "open it."

Female he Guan opened the sieve cup, which revealed three ones.

Suddenly, Liu Xiaoqiang clapped his case.

"Lying trough!"

After a cry of astonishment, many people gathered around and saw that Qin Jun was the only one on the table. He had remanded 100000 leopards and won the battle. This really surprised everyone.

The odds of a big or small bet are one for one, while the odds of a leopard are one for 33.

In other words, Qin Jun's 100000 yuan turned into 3.3 million yuan in an instant!

This can be really bull force, a lose 33 can bet, this is to go what shit luck?

The Dutch official was also surprised. He didn't expect that the guests would win. However, it's normal for them to win more than three million yuan. Many guests can win three million yuan at one time.

The Dutch official took the chip and handed it to him.

Sieve cup stops again, female he Guan says with a smile.

"Please bet, sir."

At this time, a lot of people have come to this table to follow the note. Many people were playing at other tables, and when they saw the excitement here, they came with them.

"I bet big!"

"I'll take the small one!"

Most of them are big or small, and their amount is in the hundreds or so, few tens of thousands.

He Guan looked at Qin Jun and waited for Qin Jun to bet.

Qin Jun pushed his chips forward.

3.3 million, all in, leopard!

All of a sudden, everyone was stunned.

What's going on, crazy?

Just now, it's too much to bet all 100000 leopards. I didn't expect that Qin Jun would come here again, and this time it's all bet.

That's 3.3 million!

You can buy two or three houses in many cities.

Actually all Soha, bet leopard so unpopular probability?

Liu Xiaoqiang frowned and his face changed. He took Qin Jun and said quickly.

"Are you crazy? How can you even be a leopard? Don't you think you've lost your three million dollars? "

Even a senior gambler like Liu Xiaoqiang thinks it's a pity that he lost the money because of Qin Jun's Hu bet.

Although gambling is mostly luck, it also needs some basic skills. How can there be so many chances to hit the big luck?

The female lotus official's faint smile, just lost three million, she also had some remorse, but this time for fear of Qin Jun to repent, said the voice to open, quickly opened the sieve cup.

However, the magic is that the number of dice inside is three sixes!

Leopard again! Again?!

Everyone is boiling because the stakes are too high.

Three million three hundred thousand, a loss of 33, directly a hundred million ah!

One hundred thousand yuan, two, directly into a hundred million.

This is the king of gamblers!

Liu Xiaoqiang was also silly. He never thought that 100000 yuan would become 100 million yuan in just five minutes.

This brother-in-law is a bit of a bull?