Medical Master's World

Chapter 984

Gao Fang's family was full of embarrassment. Before that, they made a mockery of others, saying that they could not marry a daughter-in-law with good conditions, and that they were right. As a result, Qin Jun directly married the richest man!

Your family is not even qualified to carry shoes for the richest man.

Lou Zhenggang glared at his daughter and said, "it's nothing. Don't join in the fun. You're not qualified. Go home!"

Lou Tingting had to nod her head and didn't dare to speak any more.

Qin Jun and his second aunt get on the bus. Lou Zhenggang drives them to Liu's house.

On the way, Tang Min looks worried.

"Xiaojun, it's a real rich family. Will the present we prepared seem too shabby?"

Tang Min and Lin Yu also bought some meeting gifts, but they are all expensive wine, cigarettes, tea and so on. It's absolutely no problem to visit everyday. It's very high-end, but it's hard to avoid being a bit shabby to go to Liu Qingqing's house to meet his in laws.

After all, he is the richest man. What battle have you never seen?

Qin Jun said with a smile, "second aunt, you also said that she is the richest man. What hasn't she seen? It's just a heart. You don't have to send too much money. "

Tang Min nodded, "indeed, it doesn't matter whether we send valuable ones or not, but what about you? What gift have you prepared? You can't give it too casually. You're the hero today. "

Qin jundao, "second aunt, don't worry, I have prepared a gift."

Qin Jun also prepared a gift. It depends on whether they know the goods or not.

Soon, I arrived at Liu's house.

This is the richest man's home is not the same, the front decoration is very luxurious, just like the ancient kind of courtyard.

The overall decoration looks very grand, but it doesn't give people too luxurious feeling. It's very high-grade and tasteful. The layout of things in the yard is also very particular about feng shui, which gives people a comfortable feeling.

Liu Qingqing sat in the room, a little worried.

"Mom, shall I go out and pick it up?"

A beautiful woman sat beside Liu Qingqing, frowning and saying.

"Pick up what, they're new here, give them a break."

Liu Qingqing is very speechless, and she doesn't quite understand why the in laws have to make it difficult for others.

To the yard, found empty, Qin Jun several people a little embarrassed, carrying things do not know where to put.

"Jun, why didn't anyone come out to pick us up? Is it the wrong way? "

Qin Jun frowned, raised his wrist, looked at his watch and said.

"Ten seconds. If we don't come out, we'll go."

Even if it is to give Liu Qingqing face, also can't let two aunt suffered aggrieved.

The second hand went by, and after five seconds, the door suddenly opened. Liu Qingqing could not help but come out and quickly took the gift from the second aunt. She was very polite.

"Hello, I'm Liu Qingqing. You can come as soon as you come. Why are you so polite to buy gifts?"

When Tang Min saw Liu Qingqing, his eyes lit up and he liked it very much.

"This girl is really good-looking, good-looking and sensible."

This Liu Qingqing, beautiful, temperament, rich, but also grounded, no shelf, to Tang Min's first impression is excellent.

It's just that her family doesn't seem very enthusiastic.