Medical Master's World

Chapter 983

Lou Tingting was blinded by this slap. What's the situation?

"Dad, what's the matter with you? Why did you hit me..."

Lou Zhenggang was so angry that he widened his eyes and pointed to Lou Tingting.

"Don't talk nonsense here. I'm here to meet Mr. Qin. Go home quickly!"

Lou Zhenggang is speechless. His small business seems to be a rich family to the common people.

But in front of the real giants, he's just a minion.

Liu Qingqing could decide the whole family's life and death in a word, so since he caught up with this time, he would certainly take the opportunity to please.

Originally, it was a flattering thing. If this smelly girl was yellowed, Lou Zhenggang would be very angry!

Lou Tingting is so confused that she really doesn't understand why her father has such a good attitude towards Qin?

"You What's the matter with you? "

Gao Fang also muddled force, ask a way.

"Yes, in laws, what's the matter? It's true!"

Lou Zhenggang's face was speechless, and he didn't understand what these people were doing here.

"Mr. Qin, how can you be with them? This is my daughter. I'm so sorry that I can't discipline her. "

Lou Zhenggang is polite and respectful.

Qin Jun light smile, "nothing, I and your daughter, they are relatives."

Lou Zhenggang was stunned and overjoyed.

"Yes? I can't imagine that Mr. Qin and I are still relatives. Is this too predestined

Gao Fang gave a brief introduction to their relationship. Although their relatives are far away, Lou Zhenggang is also very happy. It's good to have a relationship with Mr. Qin, and he doesn't want to be a real relative.

"In laws, we know Xiao Jun is going to his girlfriend's house today. Let's go to check it out and see if it's each other's family conditions..."

At this point, Lou Zhenggang understood what the situation was.

Looking at Lou Tingting's incomparable appearance, Lou Zhenggang really wants to slap her in the face again.

"You are too inflated. How dare you call yourself a rich family? Lou Tingting, how many stinky money do you think are the gold of a rich family? "

"Do you know who Mr. Qin's girlfriend is? That's Liu Qingqing! Liu Qingqing, the beauty of stratus

Lou Tingting suddenly widened her eyes, full of consternation.

Liu Qingqing?

The richest man in the country?!

Gao Fang is also silly. Unexpectedly, Qin Jun's target is the richest man in China?

Isn't that exaggerating? ยท

originally, I thought it would be good to be an ordinary girl with good family conditions and a house and a car.

It's impossible to be better than Lou Tingting.

However, the truth is too humiliating.

It's Liu Qingqing!

What kind of rich family, what kind of rich family, what kind of Miss Qianjin, compared with Liu Qingqing, is a fart?

Moreover, Lou Zhenggang specially came to meet Qin Jun. to put it bluntly, their Lou family is only qualified to please others!

Tang Min, Lin Yue, Yao and Lin Yu are also confused.

"I rely on my cousin. Is your target Liu Qingqing?"

Their family has seen big waves. What kind of rich family hasn't seen? Before, the Qin family in Donghai was so invincible.

But no matter how powerful the Qin family is, it's only in the East China Sea. Liu Qingqing, the richest man in the country, has a completely different status.

Lin Yueyao is so shocked that her cousin is so powerful. Her girlfriend is always so special.

Before looking for Su Wenqi as a girlfriend, it has shocked their family enough. After all, no one has ever experienced the feeling of marrying a big star at home.

This time, it's really amazing that Qin Jun directly made the richest man his girlfriend.