Medical Master's World

Chapter 885

"I don't need anything. I'm very grateful that you can help me cure my leg."

Qin jundao said, "Yaya is my uncle's only blood. If you can take risks to help her, you are my benefactor of the Qin family. Naturally, I want to thank you."

With that, the staff of the notary office took out a contract and handed it to song Yanling.

"Ms. song, these are the four commercial buildings presented to you by Mr. Qin. Each is a super complex with 55 floors."

Song Yanling was confused.

Four commercial buildings?

Four buildings?

If Qin Jun gave her a house, she might not be so surprised. After all, Qin Jun was also the young master of the Qin family, and some money in his hand was normal.

But Qin Jun gave her four commercial buildings! This is a bit of a fantasy!

According to the market price of the East China Sea, each 55 storey complex commercial building will exceed 100 million yuan!

Four buildings, that is more than four billion!


Song Yanling was confused, "Mr. Qin, are you sure?"

Qin Jun laughed, "of course, you don't need to work in the future. Just be a charterer."

With that, the staff took out the contract and handed it to song Yanling.

The contract clearly states that the construction of the four commercial complexes on Qinghua Street will start at the end of this month and be completed next year.

When song Yongqiang heard this, he became sour.

"Four commercial buildings? Is it true that you have the financial resources to give such a big gift? "

Song Yongqiang went up to him and took a look. He turned his mouth and looked jealous.

However, the more I look, the more I feel that something is wrong, "Qinghua Street Isn't that right? "

With that, song Yongqiang took a look at the courtyard on his contract. Isn't it in Qinghua street!

Song Yongqiang hastened to look carefully and found that the four commercial buildings in Song Yanling's hands were just built around Qinghua street, which surrounded the courtyard.

Four commercial buildings just surround the courtyard. It's a leaky and dark place.

Song Yongqiang's face changed greatly.

"What kind of commercial building are you? You've blocked my courtyard!"

The four commercial buildings surround the courtyard tightly. Water, electricity and light can't get in. Even people can't get in. Maybe they have to open a door in the commercial building to get in.

Qin Jun said with a smile, "if you can't block your courtyard, I can't manage it. If you don't like it, you can move away."

Song Yongqiang's face suddenly became ugly. "What do you mean, deliberately disgusting me? These four commercial buildings are illegal buildings. Do you believe me to sue you? Let you take it down

Qin Jun light smile, "then you try."

Song Yongqiang gritted his teeth and immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed their property phone.

"Hello! I am the owner of siheyuan. What's the matter with you? How can you let other real estate build commercial buildings around? How can I live in my house when these four commercial buildings are built? "

"What! Is it a real estate? What about a company? What's the matter with your company? Didn't you do a good job in planning? Why do you want to build a house like this? "


After Song Yongqiang said a few words, he hung up the phone like ashes.

Whether it's a commercial building or a courtyard, it's a project of he's real estate.

For the same real estate company, people can plan as they like.

You go to court? With whom?