Medical Master's World

Chapter 884

Song Yongqiang and others immediately said.

"Lingling is good now, and she is qualified to raise Qin Yaya. This time, can we discuss the issue of custody again?"

Qin Ya frowned and understood what they said. She was in a dilemma.

Song Yanling and Qin Jun are very kind to her. The most important thing in the world is these two relatives.

Song Yanling also likes Yaya very much and wants to live with her, but she also understands the purpose of the Song family. Once Yaya really comes, the fund and the house will be in their hands, and they may be in dire straits in the future.

Qin Jun naturally understand, a faint smile, said.

"Don't you want the siheyuan and education fund in the will? Well, Siheyuan and education fund can be given to you, but I have a condition."

Song Yongqiang's eyes suddenly brightened. That's his purpose. Since Qin Jun took the initiative to discuss with him, it's the best. Otherwise, if they really go through the judicial process, they may not be able to win.

Qin Jun pointed to song Yanling, "you expel her from the genealogy and let her leave the Song family. I can give you the siheyuan and the fund unconditionally, and I don't need you to raise Yaya."

Song Yongqiang Leng for a moment, a little can't believe, "really? You don't need to raise this little girl to expel song Yanling from her family? "

Qin Jun nodded, "yes, I can sign a contract with you."

Song Yongqiang didn't even think, "OK! I agree. Sign the contract! "

For song Yongqiang, this contract is nothing but profit.

Originally, song Yanling was a burden at home. There was no psychological pressure to drive her out of the house. Now that Qin Jun put forward this condition, he could take song Yanling away.

Besides, they don't have to raise Qin Yaya. The Song family didn't have any feelings for Qin Yaya, so it's a tug of oil to keep Qin Yaya at home. Their purpose is just for the legacy of the young master of Qin family.

Song Yongqiang and Qin Jun immediately signed a contract.

Song Yanling looks at this scene beside her, her face is as pale as death. She has worked hard for the Song family for so many years, but she didn't expect to end up like this. The Song family kicked her away just like a ball.

After the signing of the contract, Qin Jun called the staff of two notary offices to notarize the will of his uncle.

There are only two families, the Qin family and the Song family, who are eligible for the custody of Qin Yaya, so they can negotiate on their own.

In the end, Qin Jun gave up inheritance, so the courtyard and 50 million education fund all fell on Song Yongqiang.

Song Yongqiang was very excited when he got the notarial certificate.

Their family is just doing a small business. Such a large sum of money is absolutely earth shaking for them.

Song Yanling frowned. She was very unhappy and said to Qin Jun.

"You shouldn't be so cheap on them."

When song Yongqiang heard the speech, he gave a cold hum.

"Song Yanling, you just left our song family, so you said something sarcastic? What is cheap US? It's just a courtyard and 50 million yuan. Don't our song family support you? "

Song Yongqiang was so arrogant that he wanted to drive them out.

Qin jundao said, "I'll give you something while my friends in the notary office don't leave."

Song Yanling Leng for a moment, "send me?"