Medical Master's World

Chapter 877

The little girl at the counter took the bank card and found that there was no magnetic stripe on it. She immediately called the manager.

"Manager, look at this card..."

The manager was stunned, "isn't this Mr. Hou's card? Is Mr. Hou here? "

These bank staff, the key customer is naturally know, Hou Shaolong, Hou who do not know?

The manager came out in a hurry to say hello to Mr. Hou.

As a result, it was not Hou Shaolong or his secretary or assistant.

Asked the manager, frowning.

"Ladies and gentlemen, do you know the owner of this card?"

Song Xiaofang Leng for a moment, "know, is Qin Jun."

The card given by Qin Jun, she should think that Qin Jun is the owner of the card.

Hearing song Xiaofang's words, the manager immediately frowned, smiled and said wait a moment.

Then he turns back and dials 110.

after a while, the two policemen arrive at the bank and detain song Xiaofang in handcuffs.

"What are you doing? Why do you arrest me?"

"Excuse me, madam, please cooperate. We suspect that you swiped your bank card. Please follow us to investigate!"

Song Xiaofang struggled, "what are you doing? We don't have it. Don't touch me!"

Song Xiaofang pushed and shoved and slapped the police.

"Assaulting the police? We've taken enforcement action against you! "

Originally, there was nothing wrong with good cooperation, but song Xiaofang dared to fight the police, which was to hinder the official business. The two policemen directly arrested song Xiaofang and handcuffed him.

All three members of the family entered the police station at this time.

They certainly can't swipe the bank card. Because the property fee can't be paid, the house still has to be recovered. If the car repair fee owed to Bentley's owner can't be paid, the car will pay the debt directly.

Song Xiaofang never thought that her greed made the three members of the family become heavily in debt instead of nothing.


After Ya Ya came back to the villa, she had made it her home.

Aunt Feng said to Qin Jun, "young master, although this Yaya is a member of the Qin family, there are still people in her mother's family. Many people have come to me these days and want the custody of Qin Yaya."

Qin Jun frowned, "want ya ya's custody? What are they going to do? "

With a sigh, aunt Feng took out a document from her bag and handed it to Qin Jun.

"You see."

Qin Jun took a look. It turned out to be a will.

This will was written by my uncle!

Of course, writing a will doesn't mean that he has a premonition that he is going to die. He just makes a complete preparation.

The content of uncle's will is not much. The general content is that he left a house for Qin Yaya.

Because it's wrong that my aunt and my uncle are not in charge of the family, so it's almost impossible for me to get married.

So in order to leave something for my aunt and children, my uncle wrote such a will, just in case.

In addition to the luxurious courtyard in the center of Donghai, there are 50 million education funds. These two things were only kept by Qin Yaya's guardian when she was 5 years old, that is, this year.

The original Qin Ya Ya is a hot potato, poor girl nothing, we like to kick the ball back and forth.

But now, with the custody of Qin Yaya, she has a courtyard and 50 million yuan, and she becomes a hot potato immediately.