Medical Master's World

Chapter 876

Fan Yang's face changed greatly. He got out of the car to check.

After a look at the injury, he was shocked. Bentley's two doors were all smashed, and his Mercedes Benz was even worse.

It doesn't matter if you own your car, but Bentley must have to repair it.

"Man, why don't we go private..." Fan Yang is a little guilty.

Bentley owner frowned, "private? I have to go to the 4S store when I'm private. I'll find someone to fix the loss. "

With that, the owner of Bentley sent a video to a friend, and then made a phone call. After communicating for a while, he said to Fan Yang.

"I asked. If it's private, it will cost more than 500000 yuan to repair the car."


Fan Yang was so stupid that he spent more than half a million yuan to repair the car? His Mercedes is only 400000!

It's too expensive for Bentley to repair the car!

Lao Fan came out and said, "it's OK, son. Don't we have insurance? Let's go with insurance."

Fan Yang suddenly realized, "yes, there should be insurance for new cars. Let's take insurance!"

Bentley car owners are not in a hurry. It's reasonable to take insurance because it's so expensive.

Fan Yang quickly took a look at the insurance sticker inside the car and called the insurance company. Soon, the insurance company sent someone over.

"Mr. Fan, please give me your driver's license in case of an accident."

Fan Yang was stunned for a moment, his face slightly changed, "what, I forgot my driver's license."

"Forget it? ID card is OK. We can check it. "

"I, I didn't bring my ID card..."

"ID number is also acceptable."

Fan Yang's eyes dodged several times, and the expression on his face became very strange. Finally he told the truth.

"I, I don't have a driver's license. I haven't finished my subject two yet!"

The insurer's face slightly changed, "sorry, sir, driving without a license is an illegal act, which leads to vehicle damage. Our insurance company will not settle the claim."

Then he called the police immediately.

The insurance company refuses to pay for such illegal behaviors as drunk driving, driving without license and drug driving. Fan Yang must provide more than half a million car damages himself!

Soon, the traffic police came over and directly detained Fan Yang with his car.

Seeing the police take Fan Yang away, song Xiaofang panics and says quickly.

"No, don't take him, we lose money, we have money!"

The police are very polite, "we detain him mainly because of driving without a license. You still have to pay for the damage of Bentley's car. Since you have money, go and get it now."

Song Xiaofang and his wife quickly took the bank card, took a taxi and went to the bank. The couple's face was sad. It was obviously a happy event. How could it be so bad today!

"Old man, look at this bank card. Can you have so much money?"

This card is very delicate. It says Hou.

It's the card that Hou Shaolong sent to Qin Jun before.

Lao Fan took the bank card and observed it for a while. "There should be no problem. This card looks so advanced, and you can see that the house and car that YaYa's brother gave us have all come true. Shouldn't it be fake?"

Song Xiaofang is still worried. Although Qin Jun has given her the house and the car, she always feels that there is something wrong with it.

When they got to the bank, they handed the card to them.

"Hello, let's withdraw the money."

"How much?"

"This Take as much as you can. "

Song Xiaofang is not sure how much money the card has, and how much money can be withdrawn at one time. Maybe she needs to make an appointment. Let's see how the bank staff arrange it.