Medical Master's World

Chapter 865

They have heard of heart protecting nine needles, but it's just a legendary technique. Moreover, this acupuncture method is not a way of treating diseases, but a nursing acupuncture method.

The nine needles for protecting the heart can quickly close the veins of blood essence around the five zang organs of patients in a short time, and protect the internal organs in a short time.

For example, someone has been stabbed in the heart.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of injury is basically inevitable.

Even if it was sent to the hospital on the spot, I'm afraid it would be death by drawing a knife.

But if someone can protect the heart nine needles, the application of acupuncture can save the patient a few minutes.

If something can be done to the broken heart in a few minutes, maybe the patient will come back from the dead.

But it's just a legendary stitch.

Even a lot of doctors don't know the technology that only exists at the top of the nursing pyramid.

This student's parents, even know how to protect the heart nine needles?

President Meng frowned, "what's the meaning of heart protecting nine needles, which only exists in the legend? Real medical skills need to be popularized to the public. Only the skills that most people know are useful medical skills. "

President Meng's words resonated again, and everyone nodded.

It's true. Like this kind of nine needles for heart protection, even if someone really knows it, you're the only one in the whole country. What's the use of it? If it can't be popularized, it can't cure the common people. This kind of medical skill is nonsense.

Qin Jun light smile, "so I say your level is not good, as the dean of Medical College, even the heart nine needle technology can not be popularized, this is also all over the world?"

Director Meng's pupil shrinks and his face can't hang any more. Other experts are a little reluctant. They stand up and point at Qin Jun and say.

"What qualifications do you have to question president Meng? Director Meng can't, can you? "

When we were having a heated discussion, suddenly someone rushed in. It was the former director.

"Dean! There's an accident. One of the students is injured! "

As soon as people's faces changed, it must be something big that surprised the guide's attitude.

Everyone quickly put down their dispute and asked.

"What's going on?"

The guide said, "a boy was upstairs drying clothes. As a result, he accidentally fell down and fell on the guardrail on the first floor of our building. The guardrail pierced his abdomen and is still hanging on the guardrail now!"

Everyone's pupils shrunk, their faces changed and rushed out.

President Meng is at the front, and at this time, it is also a tiger's pace.

This is a big deal!

Students in danger in the school, it is their school's responsibility, especially because of the school's facilities, leading to students in danger, if there is a long and short, how to explain to parents!

Fortunately, this is the medical college. When there is a danger, both teachers and students can participate in the first aid.

Meng Yuan Long step meteor ran out, a see in front of this scene, immediately dumbfounded.

One of the iron bars on the first floor pouted, but the school didn't deal with it in time. As a result, the student on the second floor just fell down and pierced the iron bar in his abdomen. Although it didn't penetrate, it was preliminarily judged that he had pierced the spleen.

The five zang organs and spleen are also extremely powerful. Once they are punctured, they may endanger life.

At this time, several students are supporting the male student below. They dare not pull it out or act rashly. They are waiting for the teacher to help them.

President Meng went to the front and carefully examined the students' injuries. His face also changed greatly.

"Come on, call the fire brigade!"

Now the children are hanging on the iron fence. They can't be cured at all. They have to remove the iron fence with a chainsaw before they can be cured.