Medical Master's World

Chapter 864

Qin Jun's words caused an uproar again, and everyone under the stage was wide eyed and stunned.

Good boy, no wonder Dean Meng has to call you here. You really don't know the superiority of heaven and earth?

Don't you want to be crazy to call so many experts?

"Ha ha, young people really don't know that the sky is high and the earth is rich. So many experts are here. Do you have the share to talk about?"

"Don't! Let him say it! I'd like to see that I, Meng Zhaolin, have been questioned by a student's parents! "

Qin Jun is not polite. He goes to the front of the platform and picks up Chen Ke'er's paper.

"I heard that this article, on the importance of nursing in the relationship between doctors and nurses, was totally rejected by you?"

Director Meng said, "yes, this paper is my own death, which exaggerates the role of nursing, exaggerates too much, and does not conform to the reality."

Qin jundao, "reality? You mean, care isn't that important? "

President Meng shook his head. "Of course not. Doctors are doctors, and nursing is nursing. The role of doctors is to cure patients. The role of nursing is to maintain the disease, and to be an assistant to doctors. Can you tell me, is nursing more important than doctors?"

President Meng's words resonated with everyone, and most of them were doctors.

Doctors play a leading role in medical care. After all, it's doctors who treat diseases. Nurses just do other jobs. In terms of importance, doctors are more prominent.

Qin Jun sneered, "say your level ability is poor, that is to praise you, according to me, you are simply ignorant!"

When Qin Jun finished, everyone glared at him!

Dare you say they are ignorant?

The people in this room are all the top experts in the provincial capital and the pillars of the major hospitals. Who dares to say that they are ignorant?

Director Meng's face was very gloomy, and his tone was not as kind as before.

"This parent, don't think that you are a student's parent, you can talk freely. If you don't understand today's matter, I must discuss it with you!"

Qin Jun light smile, said.

"Nursing has existed since ancient times. In the early years, doctors had to master both treatment and nursing, but in recent years, nursing has been separated separately."

"Because the knowledge of doctors is very complex, it is difficult to master comprehensively, and nursing is the same. It seems that a new discipline has been opened. Therefore, to separate the two can be regarded as specialized in the field of technology, which can make the latecomers learn better."

"But in fact, after years of evolution, the nature of nursing has been changed by people. Nursing is not a doctor's assistant, and nursing itself needs treatment. "

" do you know the nine needles for protecting the heart created by Bian que

At the beginning, everyone was noisy, but after a few words, everyone was quiet.

The so-called expert will know if there is one at a time. As soon as Qin Jun opens his mouth, everyone knows that he is an expert.

Is not the kind of unreasonable parents of students, but the real industry.

In particular, Qin Jun's last sentence made everyone confused.

Heart protecting nine needles?