Medical Master's World

Chapter 779

With that, Qin Jun took out a new set of silver needles and showed them to Yue Chenggang.

This set of silver needles is different from ordinary silver needles. Ordinary silver needles, like ox hair, are slender and sharp.

The blade needle is a kind of needle knife, the size and thickness are similar to silver needle, but the needle tip is flat and sharp, like a knife, which can cut into tissue.

Its main function is to cut soft tissue injury, peel off the muscle and nerve adhesion site.

Yue Chenggang's neck, though not the root of the disease, has many tendons and knots. If it is not cut, it will continue to hurt.

Seeing this row of needles, Yue Chenggang didn't feel anything.

Qin jundao said, "Wan'er, you can apply the needle."

Qin Jun wants ye Wan'er to show it.

Ye Waner also lived up to expectations, "OK, I'll come."

Pick up a knife needle and stick it into Yue Chenggang's neck.

Just a stab into the feeling is OK, with the deepening of the blade needle, Yue Chenggang's face becomes ugly.

Deep pain!

No, it's bone drilling pain!

Yue Chenggang, a seven foot man, was cold sweated by the small silver needle.

The blade needle enters the subcutaneous tissue and cuts the tendon. This process is equivalent to a small operation, and it's the kind without anesthetics. Of course, it's quite painful.

"Hiss Ah, ah, ah... "

Yue Chenggang kept shouting, his voice was like a child's injection.

This picture is also funny enough.

Soon, after Yue Chenggang's operation, Qin Jun put a plaster on his stomach and said.

"After the treatment, we can take a rest for more than ten minutes."

After Yue Chenggang sat down, everyone clapped.

This operation of Qin Jun shocked many experts below.

Especially for ye Waner, such a little girl can master the use of blade and needle so accurately, which is absolutely a gifted player.

"We need this little girl in the central hospital."

"Why do you want everyone in your central hospital?"

"Yes, our people's Hospital hasn't said anything yet. There are few traditional Chinese medicine in our hospital, and we need new forces."

"Ha ha, our hospital of traditional Chinese medicine smiles and doesn't talk. Do you think she will go to the West hospital or the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine?"

"If she comes, start with the director."


They robbed Qin Jun before, but now they are robbing ye Wan'er again. These leaders really cherish their talents. If it wasn't for this miracle doctor competition, they would not have seen such excellent young miracle doctors.

After seeing Qin Jun's treatment, Chen Yuan was also astonished. He knew he was powerful on the train. Unexpectedly, he really had two brushes.

"It's my turn."

The patient on Chen Yuan's side is also a strong man, with a red face and a smell of wine.

"Doctor, I'm drunk."


With that, the audience was stunned.

This drunkenness is a very rare feature. The manifestation of drunkenness is very obvious. As long as you eat, it's like being drunk.

No matter what you eat, rice and white water will become drunk, and this kind of drunk is not real alcohol. Blood test shows that the alcohol content is zero.

But the whole person's state is a drunken look, and the body also exudes the smell of alcohol, this disease is commonly known as intoxication.

The crowd frowned, which was a problem.