Medical Master's World

Chapter 778

When he talks, he is full of the flavor of the river and lake. He sounds like a person in the river and lake.

And a tendon looks very strong, dressed like a martial arts practitioner.

Qin jundao, "please sit down and talk about the illness."

The big man said, "my name is Yue Chenggang. I'm a martial arts practitioner. I've been practicing martial arts since I was a child and I'm strong. I eat well and sleep well. I don't know what's wrong. One day, my neck is not working well, and I can't move. I've been looking for doctors, and no one can tell me why. "

Qin Jun frowned and pinched Yue Chenggang's neck. There was no sign of bone dislocation.

The position of the spine is normal, and there is no cervical hyperplasia or stiff neck.

"Feel the pulse first."

After Yue Chenggang sat down, Qin Jun began to feel his pulse. A few minutes later, Qin Jun suddenly opened his eyes and asked.

"Usually drink a lot of wine, don't you?"

Yue Chenggang said with a smile, "that's right. Yue's drinking capacity is excellent. He can drink eight Liang to one jin at a meal, and he will be energetic after drinking."

Qin Jun frowned and asked, "are your hands numb?"

Yue Chenggang was stunned for a moment and replied, "Ma, but I've practiced iron sand palm. I think that's the reason."

Qin Jun shook his head, "of course, that's not the reason. If you twist your neck, is there any noise? "

Yue Cheng just twisted his neck and it clattered.

"Yue has been practicing martial arts all the year round. There is always this kind of noise in his joints..."

Before Yue Chenggang finished, Qin Jun shook his head, "it's not that simple."

After feeling the pulse, the king of Qin has decided.

The double pulse is powerful, the Yang Ming meridian is hot, the two Yang are combined, the head is sweating, the neck is even, and the damp heat is in the stomach.

It's stomach trouble.

This kind of disease is quite special, the root of the disease is far from the surface.

One in the neck and one in the stomach.

I thought my neck hurt, so when Yue Chenggang went to the hospital, he was definitely in the Department of orthopedics or the Department of brain. No matter how he did the examination, he couldn't find out the problem.

This is the drawback of Western medicine. The departments are too detailed to find out the chain effect of many organs.

Traditional Chinese medicine is more versatile in this aspect. After pulse diagnosis, it can analyze where the cause of disease is.

Qin Jun asked, "Wan'er, how do you think to prescribe the medicine?"

Ye Wan'er thought, "Zhimu 40, Chaihu 60, huangcen 30, Houpu 60..."

Ye Wan'er blurts out a prescription. Qin Jun starts to take the medicine directly, then grinds and boils it.

The process of boiling medicine is not fast, even very long, but in the last round, it is not fast.

And when Qin Jun was cooking medicine, there were many details, such as the heat, lifting the lid several times, and how to stir. Although they were all the simplest basic skills, Qin Jun's movements were too fluent, solid, decisive, and there were no redundant movements. You can see that all the Chinese medicine practitioners below were infatuated.

This is really a talent, a simple medicine, even can do so extreme, other aspects must be more amazing?

After boiling the medicine, Qin Jun let it cool and gave it to Yue Chenggang.

"Yue Chenggang, right? I don't know if you are afraid of pain. I'm going to give you acupuncture."

Yue Chenggang said with a smile, "Yue has been practicing martial arts since he was a child. What he is most afraid of is pain. Just come."

Qin Jun smiles, "OK, that's what you said."