Medical Master's World

Chapter 680

In fact, there are many rules in the begging industry. Some people have healthy limbs, while others are interrupted.

Children, in particular, are more likely to win sympathy by breaking their hands and feet on the street. In many cases, a child can ask for several times more money than an adult.

And Liang Ge, the manager, would basically take all the money back, and then only give them a small amount of money to eat, which is even more oppressive than the ancient pickpocketing.

But these children can't help it. They are interrupted. If no one cares about them, they may die in the street. Children don't have so many skills and can only be bullied in silence.

Qin Ya Ya was afraid when she heard that she was going to break her leg.

"Don't hit me. Can I have more tomorrow?"

Qin Ya Ya clenched her fist and looked at them nervously.

Even if Qin Yaya is very poor, but in doing so, there is no compassion to speak of. Even if the poor people are in front of them, they are more and more indifferent.

"More? Just like you, how many hundred? You believe me. If you break your leg, you can get two or three thousand tomorrow. After that, I'll give you a plaster cast, and you'll be fine in three months. "

Qin Ya's eyes are red, "don't, don't..."

The little girl didn't know how to fight and wanted to run, but so many people around her couldn't run out. Qin Ya could only step back.

Brother Liang gave a sneer and went forward to grab the little girl's arm.

"Come here!"

Two big arms and round waists directly press Qin Ya on the ground.

"Here, take her leg."

A man came up and pulled Qin Ya's leg. Two of them picked up a wooden stick and made a gesture on Qin Ya's leg.

"Brother Liang, where to fight?"

Two pointed to the position of Qin Ya's thigh, "hit the thigh, it looks more miserable, hold it down, I'm going to do it."

Finish saying, bright elder brother's hand already high Yang rise.

When I was about to fall, suddenly a burst of drink came from behind me.

"Stop it

Two Leng for a while, a turn around, a fist has hit in his face.

Severe pain swept over, nose tears directly together with spray out.

Brother Liang flew out in an instant, and the whole person fell to the ground like a shell.

Qin Jun rushes forward, kicks in the past, kicks in the arm that pulls Qin Ya Ya's ankle.

With a click, his arm was directly broken and his bones were exposed. He looked very frightened.

Qin Yaya was already sobbing, trembling with fear, and her face was pale.

Qin Jun quickly helped her up, looking at her eyebrows and uncle between so similar, Qin Jun only feel sour nose.

My uncle's children, even if they are illegitimate children, are descendants of the Qin family. They are reduced to this.

it was as like as two peas in the pants.

Qin Jun touched Qin Ya's head and said softly.

"Don't be afraid. I'm your brother. No one dares to bully you in the future."

Qin Ya wiped her tears and shook her head. "You're not. I don't have a brother."

Qin Jun sighed, "I'm really your brother. I'll be with you in the future. No one can bully you. Come on, stand beside me."

Qin Yaya is obviously still a look of disbelief, but standing beside Qin Jun, she is really at ease, at least better than being interrupted.

Brother Liang, whose nose was collapsed by a blow, lay on the ground for a long time without getting up. After several minutes, he was helped up, covered his nose and said fiercely.

"Who the hell are you?"