Medical Master's World

Chapter 679

Know Qin Jun not easy to provoke, so find that woman disguised as Qin Ya Ya, thinking of sneaking attack Qin Jun.

The real Qin Ya Ya was thrown to the overpass by them. No one knows what happened now. Maybe she's dead.

After knowing the news, Qin Jun directly picked up a pen on the table, and with a wave of his right hand, he stabbed it directly into President Miao's neck. The blood flowed down the pen tube bit by bit.

Qin Jun raised his foot and broke his limbs. Then he locked the door and jumped out of the window.

Dean Miao was still, lying on the ground, quietly feeling his blood flowing out. He was in great pain and waiting for death.


After leaving the orphanage, Qin Jun went straight to the overpass.

Under the overpass in Donghai, there is actually a small group, which makes a living by begging.

In fact, many people now know that some people are not so miserable, they are pretending, begging is their occupation.

Many beggars ask for money in the daytime and drive to the club in the evening. Such things happen everywhere.

Beggars are also a high-income group now. Thirty or fifty thousand a month is normal.

So this industry is also a lot of people are scrambling to do, it is formed a small society.

At this time, under the overpass, a group of people around a little girl.

The little girl had a hamburger in her hand, which was left over from other people's food.

The girl was dirty all over, her face was covered with dust, only her eyes were very clear.

There were several beggars standing in front of them, one of them was a tall and powerful man in ragged clothes, carrying a bottle of beer in his hand, drinking while he was drunk.

"Little girl, it's a good life. How about a hamburger? What's your income today? "

The little girl squatted on the ground, clutching her hamburger, her eyes a little alert.

"Not much, more than a hundred."

The little girl was driven out of the orphanage because the dwarf pretended to be her, so now she has no identity and can only beg here.

Fortunately, she was so pathetic that many kind-hearted people gave her money and others bought her hamburgers. The more than 100 yuan in the bowl was the result of today's work.

She thought that if she wanted more, she could go to school.

Other children are studying at school when they are ten years old, but she can't do anything. What she learned at the orphanage is washing and cooking.

The man who drank beer sneered, "more than a hundred, less than a hundred? Do you know who I am? I'm the boss in this area. You can call me brother Liang. You're new here to rob business, and you don't know how to say hello to brother liang? "

Qin Ya was a little scared, but she was still very polite.

"Good brother Liang."

Brother Liang sneered and put his dirty big hand in front of Ya Ya.

"Do you know what to do?"

Although Qin Yaya is only ten years old, she has experienced so much that she is quite mature. She knows that she is a vulnerable group and does not resist.

He handed over all the more than 100 yuan in his hand.

Brother Liang nodded with satisfaction, "not bad, little girl is very sensible."

"But you want too little. At your age, you should have more."

"The main thing is that your body is not good. How about if I break your leg and you want more tomorrow?"