Medical Master's World

Chapter 677

When things come to light, turn around and run!

As soon as she turned her head, suddenly her neck hurt. The little girl was carried up by Qin Junshan.

Even if it's an adult man, Qin Jun can easily lift it with one hand, not to mention such a little girl.

Seeing Qin Jun's indifferent face, it was obvious that he had been prepared.

The little girl struggled powerlessly, with a ferocious look on her face.

"How did you find out?" Qin Jun pinched his neck and forced out this sentence from his throat. His eyes were not willing.

In principle, her performance should be perfect. Why did Qin Jun find out?

She is completely learning from the children who grew up in the orphanage. They were basically like this when they were adopted. Moreover, Qin Jun has never seen her before. He really doesn't understand how he sees through her!

Qin Jun sneered, "there is a congenital dwarfism disease in this world, which is called pocket person. Although I don't know you, I know pulse condition. A woman in her twenties pretends to be a ten-year-old child. What's the good purpose?"

With that, Qin Jun threw her and pressed her on the ground. Two silver needles went down, and the woman couldn't move.

This woman's acting is really good. Although she is in her twenties, it's quite similar to playing a ten-year-old girl.

And speak very little, will not expose themselves, more like the kind of just entered other people's home a little cramped appearance.

But unfortunately, she can cheat, but pulse can't.

This kind of dwarfism is hard to see in one side. Even if you go to the hospital for physical examination, you will definitely not be sick.

But in Qin Jun's place, he could feel any tiny pulse.

Although the dwarf can't be cured, it's hard to cheat Qin Jun.

The woman closed her eyes and looked indifferent.

"If you want to kill or cut, please don't try to get anything out of my mouth."

Qin Jun sneered, "it's hard to say, but you are too naive."

With that, Qin Jun stabbed a silver needle into the root of her ear, and suddenly a burning sensation came into the brain cavity.

The woman suddenly widened her eyes. The burning sensation from the inside out made her almost collapse.

"I said, I said! Please, I'll say everything

Qin Jun sneered. He was so determined that he pretended to die?

When the silver needle was taken off, Qin Jun asked.

"A total of three questions, a good answer, I let you a way out."

"Well, I'll give you a good answer!"

Qin Jun's silver needle almost killed her. She didn't dare to hide anything.

I thought I could bear the torture, but a silver needle almost killed her.

Qin Jun asked.

"First, the photos don't seem to be fake. Is there Qin Ya in the end?"

The woman weakly replied, "yes, yes, I was originally in the orphanage. I was replaced by my civet cat. I conspired with President Miao. Now Qin Yaya should live on the other side of the overpass."

Qin Jun frowned and sent out a sense of killing, but he asked patiently.

"Second, who told you to do it?"

"It's the Hua family! It's the Hua family who gave me a lot of money to do it! "

Qin Jun nodded, he also guessed that the three families left Hua family, they have this reason to deal with Qin Jun.

"And the third? What's the third question? "

The woman can't wait to let Qin Jun ask her the third one, and then let Qin Jun let her go.