Medical Master's World

Chapter 676

I didn't expect that my uncle had descendants. He felt a little uncomfortable when he thought that his sister was here, and he was looking forward to being adopted like these children every day.

Hurry into the dean's office. Dean Miao is a middle-aged man in his forties. He is slightly fat and wears glasses. He looks a little greasy.

But after all, he was the head of the orphanage. Qin Jun respected him.

"Hello, director Miao. I'm a friend of director Zhao. I'm here to meet Qin Yaya."

The director of the Miao academy laughed, and the folds on his face were all crowded together, like a Maitreya Buddha.

"It's master Qin, isn't it? OK, I'll call her here now."

Said, Miao president made a phone call, "Hello, let Qin ya come to my office, her brother came."

Qin Jun was waiting in his chair, but he was still a little nervous.

After all, Qin Yaya is not a child. She is ten years old and has independent thoughts and consciousness. She doesn't know what her character is.

Soon, the door of the office opened, and a little girl with a ponytail came in. She was wearing a little princess dress and looked clean and beautiful.

The young girl's face was a little dazed. She turned her head. After seeing Qin Jun, her face became a little strange.

"You, my brother?"

Qin Jun looked at her up and down and said softly.

"If there is no accident, it should be, let me see your ankle?" As like as two peas,

little girl lowered her head and pulled her socks down, and saw the red birthmark on her wrist.

Then, Qin Jun took her by the hand, stood up and went through the formalities with President Miao.

"I'm your brother. Would you like to go with me?"

Qin Ya Ya nodded and showed a sweet smile, just like those children outside.

With Director Zhao's greeting, Qin Jun soon went through the formalities.

Back at Qin's house, aunt Feng was very excited when she heard about Qin Yaya.

There are only a few old people left in the Qin family. I didn't expect that Qin Yushu had descendants.

Back at home, Qin Yaya seems very clever. She doesn't talk much. She can do whatever she wants.

Qin Jun looked at the birthmark on the little girl's ankle and said suddenly.

"Yaya, I'll feel your pulse and see what's wrong with your body."

Ya Ya Leng for a while, "no, brother, I'm in good health."

"Never mind. I'm afraid you don't eat well in the orphanage."

Qin Jun also can't help her refuse, directly grasped her wrist.

Feeling pulse for two or three minutes, Qin Jun released his hand, "not bad, rest early today, I'll arrange other things for you tomorrow."

With that, Qin Jun went into the room, and aunt Feng began to find a room for Qin Yaya, settle down and make delicious food, which was called a passion.

At night, everyone went to sleep.

Suddenly a small figure quietly got up, walked into Qin Jun's room, began to look around, the voice is very small, the pace is very light, also don't know what to turn.

Looking for a while, no results, suddenly out of thin air in the hands of a knife!

It's said that this knife is a three edged army dagger. It's similar to a three edged thorn. It's extremely sharp and has three blood grooves.

Once pierced into the artery, three blood tanks quickly bleed, can be killed.

The little girl raised the three edged thorn in her hand and stabbed Qin Jun!


Once stabbed into, there is no sense of frustration, Qin ya ya face a change, know inside is not Qin Jun, should be quilt!