Medical Master's World

Chapter 668

Master Qin has been praised at the scene.

Lao Yan said with a smile, "what's the matter, old sun, are you ready? Master Qin has real ability. "

Sun Changhai is really convinced. With Qin Jun's accurate diagnosis and the comprehensive prescription, the patient should be well soon.

But many netizens in front of the TV are a little dissatisfied.

"That's it? It's not on-site treatment. I have to go back to take medicine. Isn't traditional Chinese medicine miraculous and can be cured on the spot? "

"Yes, we need to see acupuncture. It's boring."

"Fast, to a complex disease, gout is what serious disease, I can also treat, CCTV will not be on this level?"

"Get a few missing arms and broken legs, and let the Master bring the dead back to life. I believe that this kind of common is too boring."


After all, what Qin Jun said in the program is too professional. It sounds like experts know it's very powerful, but it's boring for laymen to watch it. In the end, he didn't cure the old man on the spot, and he had to go home to take medicine. This is meaningless.

Chinese people have some deification of traditional Chinese medicine, just like Chinese Kung Fu. In people's eyes, as long as they know a little Kung Fu, they should be able to fly over the eaves and walls, pick leaves and flowers.

But in fact, there are not so many soul stirring scenes in the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine. Most of the time, it is common to treat a patient, see a doctor, prescribe a prescription, go home to drink medicine, and it will take three or five days to get results.

But as a program, it's a bit boring. Director Gao takes a look at the reaction of netizens, frowns and says.

"Get the last patient up ahead of time!"

Several directors were surprised, "Gao Dao, do you really want to bring him up? Is it too dangerous? "

Director Gao nodded. In fact, he was worried about it, but seeing that Qin Jun was so skillful, he thought it was OK to have a try. In order to improve the effect of the program, he worked hard.

"Second patient, please."

Xiao Lan has learned the news in the earphone and immediately invites the special patient up.

This patient is very special because he came up with handcuffs.

A young man, about twenty-four or twenty-five years old, is the same age as Qin Jun. he is strong. An old father beside him is holding him. His old father is blind. He seems to have been for many years.

Qin Jun also frowned. How could he still wear handcuffs?

After going on stage, the host began to introduce.

"Audience, you can rest assured that the reason why this patient is wearing handcuffs is not because he is a prisoner, but because he is emotional, so he asked to wear them himself."

Then the host handed him a microphone and said, "you can introduce yourself."

The patient looked down and a little shy.

"My name is Su Renlong. I'm 24 years old. I suffer from intermittent mental illness. I used to He killed my mother and blinded one of my father's eyes

With that, Su Renlong suddenly knelt on the ground and began to cry.

"Please help me..."

A doctor stood up and said, "I remember, isn't he the lunatic who was on the news a few years ago?"