Medical Master's World

Chapter 667

In the face of such a master of traditional Chinese medicine's question, it's either because of his good psychological quality and thick skin, or because he has a strong heart.

Obviously, Qin Jun seems to be the latter.

No one doubted it, so Mr. Qin continued to inquire.

"Drink in a bar on weekdays?"

smiled. "Drink, drink less, 22, this person is older. Drinking less Baijiu is good for the body and can soften blood vessels."

Qin Jun laughed and said nothing, then asked.

"urine can be foamed, can it smell?"

Several directors frowned and said to the director, "Gao Dao, this is a live broadcast. It's both urinating and defecating. Isn't it a bit vulgar?"

Director Gao didn't like it. "It's a doctor's visit, not a talent show. People eat grains, of course they have to eat and drink Lhasa. What's so vulgar about that? Don't you defecate?"

The director blushed and stopped talking.

said, "it's foam. It tastes heavy."

Qin Jun nodded, took out a pen and paper, wrote a prescription, and then said.

"If you want to get well, you have to stop drinking. Can you do that?"

The old man was stunned for a moment, "my illness has something to do with drinking? I don't drink much. '

Qin jundao, "then this opportunity, just to refute a rumor. You just said that a small amount of alcohol is good for human body and softens blood vessels. This is just a rumor. "

"Wine is wine. Alcohol is not good for human body. Even if you drink it, it is harmful to you. The reason for this rumor is that those who love drinking make it up to give you a reason to drink."

As soon as Qin Jun said this, he burst into laughter.

I didn't expect master Qin to be so humorous. I thought this conference of traditional Chinese medicine should be a very serious academic discussion program, but I didn't expect it to be very relaxed and humorous.

Many netizens who watched the video live on the platform also laughed incessantly and began to launch barrage.

"Master Qin is too honest, ha ha ha ha!"

"Warn master Qin that you have been removed from the group chat by your beloved family."

"This program is so interesting. Master Qin will be my idol in the future. It's no more interesting to pursue this kind of master than to pursue stars?"


The old man also laughed bitterly, "if it's really because of drinking, it's better not to drink this wine."

The body is naturally put in the first place, the old man deeply feel the pain of gout, so this wine is not worth drinking.

Qin jundao said, "I wrote two prescriptions for you, Yinchen Wuling powder and Baihu Chengqi Decoction. Drink each prescription for ten days. Stop drinking. Don't eat high purine food. It will take effect in three days and recover in one month."

The old man nodded, "thank you, thank you doctor!"

Sun Changhai is a little curious, "can we have a look at the prescription?"

Qin Jun nodded and raised his hand to show them to look around.

The old man handed over the prescription, and the experts immediately stood up and began to look at it. Everyone nodded.

This prescription is really good. It's mild and effective. In addition, a portion of distiller's grains is added to relieve the old man's addiction to alcohol without hurting his body. It's really tailor-made.

It's not a false name for the young man to call him a master if he can make prescriptions like this.