Medical Master's World

Chapter 656

In fact, the difference between pediatrics and adults is not very big. The biggest difficulty is that children will not cooperate with doctors.

When children are sick, they cry and make noise, and some are afraid of injections.

In fact, acupuncture doesn't hurt at all. Experienced TCM doctors can even make you feel no acupuncture sensation. It's better to have a mosquito bite.

But when children see the needle, they will still be instinctively afraid and don't cooperate.

Dr. Zhong has been busy for a long time. The child really doesn't cooperate at all. He cries and makes noise. He rolls all over the ground when he puts it on the ground, which makes Dr. Zhong sweating.

Director Gao saw that he had been busy for a long time and had no effect, he said.

"Dr. Zhong, why don't you let doctor Qin come?"

Dr. Zhong sighed, "OK, come on."

He is also really no way, sitting there a little depressed.

Qin Jun went to the little girl, looked at it, and felt her pulse.

The little girl's attitude towards him didn't get any better. Like other people, she didn't cooperate with anything she said.

"Pulse floating long, soft and weak, acupuncture and ephedra, can be cured."

"This child's illness has been treated as fever before, hasn't it?"

The father nodded, like a chicken pecking rice.

"Yes, the child had seen a quack doctor before. He said that my daughter had a fever. He treated me according to the fever. The worse the treatment, the worse the result!"

Qin Jun nodded, if not misdiagnosed, should not be so serious.

In fact, most of the common people's diseases are not very difficult to treat. With the development of medical treatment, there are basically no diseases that can not be solved.

But I'm afraid to take the wrong medicine. Once I take the wrong medicine, it will cause many diseases, which are very difficult to treat.

This little girl is so irritable now, besides the disease in her body, she has a lot of anger.

Angry, even adults are very grumpy, not to mention children.

Dr. Zhong shook his head beside him. "It's no use. There's no way to know the disease. Acupuncture is indispensable for this disease. If the child doesn't cooperate, it won't work at all. "

if the child is so young and wants to calm her down, the parents will definitely not agree.

And calmness is really harmful to children, and doctors can't just do it for convenience.

Qin jundao said, "it doesn't matter. I'll try."

Then Qin Jun took out his silver needle bag.

As soon as he saw the injection, the child immediately cried, "I don't have an injection, I don't have an injection..."

Qin Jun said with a smile, "don't be afraid, uncle won't give you an injection, will you give me an injection?"

The child stopped crying and suddenly began to laugh

Even though it's a little uncomfortable, the child is still fond of playing. When she heard that she could give others needles, she was immediately happy.

Qin jundao, "but if you want to give me a needle, you have to take off your clothes."

The little girl hesitated and nodded, "OK."

After taking off his coat, he picked up a silver needle and began to prick Qin Jun's arm.

At the same time, Qin Jun quietly with the other hand holding the silver needle, around the little girl's back.

When she stabbed Qin Jun's skin, she pretended to be in pain.


Ouch, Qin Jun's hand was on the back of the little girl's neck. At the same time, it was punctured into the back of the neck.

The little girl didn't feel it. Instead, she thought it was very interesting to give Qin Jun a needle. She giggled.

However, Dr. Zhong suddenly stood up, and the three experts were stunned.

Blind needle!