Medical Master's World

Chapter 655

Qin Jun had three needles in a row, penetrating the key points.

The patient's left hand was raised and several silver needles were inserted under her armpit.

The patient's brow suddenly stretched out, as if the pain had disappeared.

"Oh, it doesn't hurt any more. The doctor is so smart!"

With a faint smile, Qin Jun took off the needle.

Change the needle and insert again.

Only by doing this for three times can acupuncture be considered finished.

"After acupuncture and moxibustion, I'll give you a prescription. Your disease is chronic and needs to be recuperated slowly."

"After taking Gegen decoction, Xiaochaihu Decoction, Baihu Decoction and Xiaochengqi decoction, it will return to normal after three months."

Aunt repeatedly thanks and went out contentedly.

Gao Dao's face was also full of admiration. Looking at the three doctors, he asked.

"How about three experts?"

Doctor Yan nodded, "there are some methods of acupuncture. They have solid basic skills. They are not impatient. They are a bit of masters."

The other two also nodded, "yes, young people can have such Kung Fu, the future is limitless."

After the second patient came out, these experts have greatly changed Qin Jun's outlook. At least if this patient falls into their hands, it may not be so easy to cure.

Director Gao said with a smile, "do we still watch the third one?"

"Look! Of course. "

In fact, after the two patients came out, they have affirmed Qin Jun's medical skills. Among the same age group, Qin Jun is absolutely the best.

However, if you want to admit that Qin Jun is better than them, it's still a little bit worse. After all, they have become famous for a long time. It's a little unconvinced to let a hairy boy compete with them.

And they also want to see Qin Jun again. What else can they do.

Director Gao nodded, took out his walkie talkie and said, "the third patient comes up."

This time, it was a family of three. Their parents were holding a child. The child was about six years old. She was a little girl. At this time, she was lying in her father's arms crying all the time, crying and spilling.

"I'm not going, I'm not going, Wuwuwuwu..."

Parents are distressed, "do not cry, let's see a doctor."

"I don't look, I don't look, wow..."

When they saw that it was a child, their eyes fell on the expert surnamed Zhong.

Dr. Zhong is an expert in pediatrics. He has a way of dealing with children.

The child cried. Dr. Zhong stood up and went to the child and said with a smile.

"Little girl, come on, let's see what's wrong with Grandpa."

Dr. Zhong is chubby and looks rich. He looks very happy, so he is more likely to be a child.

Dr. Zhong walked over and the little girl looked at her. With this turn of her head, Dr. Zhong was startled.

The little girl's face is all red pimples, one by one, like chickenpox, but this is not the same as ordinary chickenpox, with red or red, blue or purple.

The little girl should be suffering all over. She took a look at Dr. Zhong, turned her head directly, and then made a scene.

Children never pretend to be ill. They only cry when they are uncomfortable. Parents are also very distressed.

"Doctor, please help my family to have a look."

Dr. Zhong, with a dignified face, took the little girl's hand to feel her pulse.

After a few seconds, he frowned.

"This disease is not easy to treat. It needs acupuncture and moxibustion."

As soon as the little girl listened to acupuncture, her crying became louder.

"I don't get an injection, I don't get an injection, I want to go home, wow..."

Dr. Zhong's face is embarrassed. What can I do if the little girl doesn't cooperate?