Medical Master's World

Chapter 331

At the end of the sixth game, everyone clapped their thighs and stamped their feet in anger. They secretly regretted that they didn't follow.

Even if it's 10000 or 20000 yuan!

If they win the six treasures prize, they will be more than 100 times as much!

Wang Yun suddenly excited, "won the lottery? We hit it

Zhu Linlin glared at her, "Mom, calm down. Brother Xiaojun won the lottery. It has nothing to do with you."

Wang Yun rolled a white eye, "I know, I am not happy for him! I don't know if you are my own! "

Wang Yun is also convinced. This smelly boy surnamed Qin is really lucky. He can buy treasures by buying antiques and win a big prize by gambling on horses. I have to say that although he has no skills, he is lucky.

Peng Tao's face can't hang up any more. He just ran away for a reason to avoid embarrassment.

Peng Tao is gone, and other people will not be here to watch.

Won more than 10 million, on the way back, Wang Yun's attitude to Qin Jun was much better, and her words were not so sour.

However, Zhu Linlin has been warning and reminding that this is Qin Jun's own money, which has nothing to do with her. Don't try to make a mistake.

Wang Yun had no choice but to give up and ask Qin Jun for money again.

After all, she is Zhu Linlin's mother. If Qin Jun wants to keep up with Zhu Linlin, he can't escape her.

This ten million will be hers sooner or later.


At the same time, in a classroom of Handong University, Wang Dongxue looks at the date on her mobile phone, her cheeks are slightly red.

Tomorrow is her birthday, before birthday has been a person in the dormitory secretly, but this year she wants to find someone else to live together.

Holding a mobile phone, looking at the address book on wechat, clicking on the dialog with Qin Jun, hesitated for a long time, but never sent this message.

She wants to invite Qin Jun to celebrate her birthday together, but is it too direct? Too active?

The more Wang Dongxue thinks about it, the redder her face is.

Suddenly, several students came, a girl stood in front of Wang Dongxue, toe high gas said.

"Hello, tomorrow my birthday, invite the whole class to dinner, you won't come?"

The speaker, named Zhao Dongmei, is a girl with good family conditions. She was born on the same day.

Wang Dongxue is a little embarrassed and wants to have a birthday with Qin Jun tomorrow.

"Sorry, I have an appointment with a friend tomorrow..."

Wang Dongxue doesn't want to go, so he tells a lie. Although he hasn't made an appointment with Qin Jun, let's say it first.

Zhao Dongmei immediately frowned, "how? Don't give me face?"

"Our whole class can go, you usually don't get along with others, you don't go to the reunion several times, this time you don't need to take money, don't you go? Don't worry. I don't need a gift from you. "

Wang Dongxue hesitated.

"Well, I'll let you bring a friend with you. OK, is that all right?"

Zhao Dongmei said so, Wang Dongxue is also embarrassed to refuse.

"All right."

See Wang Dongxue agreed, Zhao Dongmei this just show a glimmer of proud smile.

"OK, that's settled. No one will celebrate your birthday anyway. You can just follow me."

In fact, Zhao Dongmei knows that they are both on the same birthday, so she deliberately invited Wang Dongxue to come to see her.

Let her see how the whole class gave her a birthday, and how to forget Wang Dongxue's birthday.

After everyone left, Wang Dongxue sighed and felt some regret. However, she had already agreed, and she had to give it a try.

Wang Dongxue sent a wechat to Qin Jun.

"Brother Qin, we will have a reunion tomorrow. We can take a man with us. Can you go with me?"