Medical Master's World

Chapter 330

In six games, as long as he has more pressure, he can save some face.

Later, they went to see the horse. Qin Jun walked around and touched the horse he liked. He quickly wrote the number of the six games.

Peng Tao sneered. As for the virtue of Qin Jun, it is obvious that he is relying on Mongolia.

But after careful investigation, he knew every horse's information like the palm of his hand, and even their origin was very clear, so Peng Tao's judgment was more accurate.

After Peng Tao also held down, the game began.

In the first scene, Qin Jun is in the middle and Peng Tao is in the middle.

In the second scene, Qin Jun is in the middle and Peng Tao is in the middle.

In the third scene, Qin Jun is in the middle and Peng Tao is in the middle.

After three games, we have more trust in Peng Tao.

It is worthy of Peng Shao. He has made a lot of efforts in this aspect. It is not easy to win three games in a row.

As for Qin Jun, the reason is too simple. He must have copied Peng Shao's and followed Peng Shao's.

The fourth game became a crucial one, because Peng Tao and Qin Junya's horses were different.

Peng Tao sneered, "brother Qin's eyes are really vicious. He likes to pick black horses."

Qin Jun light smile, did not say a word.

Peng Tao's understanding of horses and sources of information are all from horse dealers or experts in magazines.

How can this level of information compare with Qin Jun's close observation?

Seeing, hearing and asking are not only for people, but also for animals.

In the fourth scene, Peng Tao's face changed slightly when Qin Jun's horse crossed the finish line first.

The others were silent.

Zhu Linlin is a little excited, "brother Jun, you have won four games!"

Peng Tao was the first to fail, and naturally his face would not look good.

"Hum, it's only four games. I'm not sure about the last two. As long as I lose one, I won't count."

Other onlookers also shook their heads and expressed regret. If Qin Jun was so sure, he would have been able to win four games in a row.

But this guy is greedy. He even won the Liubao prize. This kind of probability is impossible to win.

In the fifth scene, everyone stares at Qin Jun's horse. Although they don't take part in the bet, they want to see Qin Jun's result.

Live up to people's expectations, the fifth scene, Qin Jun in charge!

All of a sudden, everyone's faces changed slightly, and the look of surprise and admiration showed in their eyes.

It's five games in a row. Now if you say that Qin Jun's lack of level depends on his success, I'm afraid it's hard to say. Even Peng Shao can't win five games in a row, right?

When it comes to the sixth game, everyone is nervous. If this game is won, Qin Jun will really win the six treasures prize!

Wang Yun is also excited, and everyone stares at the black thin horse in the sixth game.

With a gunshot, the fence was opened, and the black horse was as far ahead as it was equipped with a launcher.

It's the thinnest and smallest horse, but the mental state is the best.

In full view of the public, he won the match with a rolling attitude.

Qin Jun won all the six games. He lost 125 yuan and won 12.5 million yuan!