Medical Master's World

Chapter 300

Suddenly, she remembered what Qin Jun had said to her.

This watch has been modified. If it is in danger, Qin Jun can receive the signal by pressing the knob three times in a row.

Lin Yueyao quickly pressed the button three times in a row. Seeing that her watch didn't respond, she pressed it several times, but still didn't respond.

I wonder if Qin Jun will receive

Outside Zhao Feng saw two brothers carrying stones and frowned.

"What are you two doing?"

"Smash the car, brother Zhao, or how can you drag her out?"

Zhao Feng rolled a white eye, "you are stupid, this car is rented by us, how much money do you have to pay for smashing it?"

Two younger brothers also very helpless, "that how to do?"

Zhao Feng thought, "are there any screwdrivers in our tent?"

"There should be. It seems that there is. I used it when I installed the tent!"

"Here, I'll pry the door!"

Compared to smashing the car, prying the door is a good choice.

This Lin Yueyao is a must today. After so much effort, it's impossible for them to see her in the car, but they can't help it.

We can only choose a way with the least loss to try.

Hearing that they were discussing with each other outside, Lin Yueyao was really disheartened and desperate.

But there's no way. There's nothing in the car. She can't even find a self-defense object. She can only look at them here and find a way.

Soon, Zhao Feng took a screwdriver, began to knock on the door, a door lock and not much money, pried open Lin Yueyao had nowhere to escape.

However, Zhao Feng is still careful, but there is no mobile phone signal here, and no one to come, they are not worried, play slowly, try to minimize the loss.


The screw driver violently broke open. After prying a few times, a crack appeared in the door. Then, with a screw driver, the door opened directly.

"Ah! Help

Lin Yueyao panicked and yelled in the car.

As soon as the car door opened, Zhao Feng laughed. Lin Yueyao had no way to escape.

Lin Yueyao's legs are kicking wildly in the car, but her strength is too weak to compete with adult men.

Zhao Feng seizes the opportunity, grabs Lin Yueyao's slender wrists and tugs her half body out of the car.

Seeing Lin Yueyao's super long legs, Zhao Feng's eyes are shining. It's really the best.

Lin Yueyao seized the steering wheel, but under the pull of three people, it was useless.

When Lin Yueyao let go of the moment, she completely despair, tears, shouting, two hands aimlessly grab, but nothing.

Zhao Feng begins to untie Lin Yueyao's belt. The other two also grab Lin Yueyao's two arms and begin to tear her clothes.

Lin Yueyao's sad cry reverberates in the mountains.

Just as a few people were about to succeed, suddenly a sound of engine starting came from the foot of the mountain.

Zhao Feng frowned, "what's the matter? How could anyone come to this wilderness

Three people's amazing Kung Fu, an Audi A8 has rushed up, if they have some insight, they will be able to see that this is Meng Wengang's car.

The speed of the car was very fast. At first sight, it was coming at full speed. The car rushed to the front, and a beautiful tail flicked across in front of the three people. Then, a person rushed down from the car.

Her eyebrows were awe inspiring and her hair was full of rage.

It's Mr. Qin!