Medical Master's World

Chapter 299

Qin Feng showed a sneer on his face. Now, he has no need to hide it.

"I'm not Qin Feng, I'm Zhao Feng."

"What Lin Yueyao's face changed. No wonder the man just called him brother Zhao on wechat. He didn't have the surname Qin?

"Then you call yourself master Qin!"

Zhao Feng sneers, "isn't that to cheat you?"

Zhao Feng is also lucky. He is a small staff member. He knows a little bit of medical skills, but he has always achieved nothing. Once before, he went to Mengshi group and just entered Meng Wengang's office. He accidentally saw a gift from Lin Yueyao to master Qin.

There is a greeting card with birthday information on it, and Lin Yueyao's love is revealed between the lines.

Zhao Feng moved a crooked mind, and added Lin Yueyao's wechat. Originally, he wanted to cheat some money. As a result, when he saw that Lin Yueyao's photos were so beautiful, he moved his heart.

So there's the next thing.

At this time, Lin Yueyao was totally disappointed. Unexpectedly, this person was pretending to be master Qin, and she still believed it.

"Brother Zhao, you have a good eye. This woman is as beautiful as the one in the photo. We've had some fun tonight."

"We three brothers come in turn, three times a person, and she's very comfortable after one night's service. Ha ha ha, brother Zhao, come first!"

Zhao Feng also showed a sneer on his face. This time, he was lucky. He was almost exposed by Qin Jun before. Fortunately, Lin Yueyao didn't believe it. Only in this way can he succeed.

Lin Yueyao retreated step by step, her face very pale.

Zhao Feng light smile, before that pair of hypocrite appearance also completely disappeared.

"Yueyao, there is no one in the wilderness. Don't fight. You can be more comfortable with good cooperation. You are so beautiful, we can't bear to beat you. Well, come here and take off your clothes."

Zhao Feng from a tall image, into a lewd and lustful villain, only a few seconds, Lin Yueyao heart has completely collapsed, how also did not expect to be such a result, three people have gradually surrounded, she simply can't run.

The road at the foot of the mountain has been stopped by the other two people. Besides, Lin Yueyao is not their opponent when they really run.

Suddenly, Lin Yueyao made a decision and ran to the car.

As soon as Zhao Feng's face changed, he pressed the key to lock the car.

Didi Didi

However, the front passenger's door was not closed tightly, so she couldn't lock the car with the key. Lin Yueyao directly opened the door, got into the car and locked the door in the car.

At this time, Zhao Feng and others also rushed over and pulled the door several times, but there was no response. The key was useless at this time, and Zhao Feng kicked the door hard.

Although Lin Yueyao was in the car, she didn't have a key and couldn't start the car. She took out her mobile phone and looked at it again, but there was no signal.

Outside, Zhao Feng's two friends have begun to take stones to smash the car. It is estimated that the car will not be strong for long. When the door opens, Lin Yueyao's fate is beyond her imagination.

At this time, Lin Yueyao really regretted that she didn't believe his mother and Qin Jun's words and believed this guy.

Now think about it, what Qin Jun has done is right. It's a pity that she still treats Qin Jun like that.

Touching the watch on her wrist, Lin Yueyao was filled with remorse.