Medical Master's World

Chapter 293

Master Qin, who is admired by the whole people's Hospital, is a master who really saves patients in their hospital.

Of course, if you are a master of traditional Chinese medicine, there will be no illustrious people, but what you see with your own eyes is still quite shocking.

So to master Qin, Lin Yueyao's heart only has endless admiration.

It's a blessing for the common people to have such attainments in medicine at such a young age.

Qin Jun is a little curious, "well, I'd like to see Master Qin."

There are capable people in all walks of life. It's not surprising that people in other industries are called masters. For example, there are many people who call themselves masters who have done success studies before?

Moreover, this person's surname is Qin, so we can only say coincidence in coincidence.

But now Lin Yueyao says that this person is also a doctor. It's not a coincidence. It's obvious that someone is cheating in the name of master Qin.

Soon, a BMW five series stopped at Lin Yueyao's door. A young man came down from the car. He was handsome, wearing a suit and tie. He looked like a successful man.

Seeing Lin Yueyao, the man's eyes brightened.

"Yue Yao, I'm Qin Feng."

Lin Yueyao is also very excited, "Qin Master Qin. "

Although I've talked a lot on wechat, it's hard to avoid being shy when I meet.

Qin Feng came forward, saw Qin Jun, some puzzled.

"This is..."

"This is my cousin. This is master Qin." Lin Yueyao introduced it so as not to be misunderstood by master Qin.

Qin Feng is polite, stretched out his hand to shake hands, "Hello, I'm Qin Feng."

Qin Jun's face showed a hint of fun, "are you master Qin?"

Qin Feng Leng for a while, some embarrassed, then a faint smile.

"It's all the wrong love, master. I'm ashamed."

Lin Yueyao showed her appreciative eyes, "master Qin is so modest. The two surgeries you did in our hospital are amazing. It's not too much to call you master."

Qin Feng smile, just slightly nodded, did not admit, also did not deny.

However, in Lin Yueyao's view, Qin Feng admitted it.

"Well, let's go first!"

After the introduction, Tang Min is still satisfied with Qin Feng. After all, his appearance is OK and he is a good talent.

"Xiao Qin, I heard that you are a miracle doctor. You can feel your aunt's pulse and see how she is recently?"

"Well, auntie, please sit down."

Lin Yueyao's family sat on the tea table and watched Qin Feng feel his pulse. After all, they were legendary doctors. They also wanted to see the elegant demeanor of master Qin.

Qin Feng feigned pulse, nodded, said.

"Auntie, your pulse condition is stable and your physical condition is good, but your blood pressure is a little high. You should pay more attention to it at ordinary times. There is no big problem."

After Qin Feng finished, Tang Min was stunned. Then he looked embarrassed and nodded with a smile.

"Ha ha, that's good, that's good. Sit down and I'll cook for you."

Seeing that the second aunt's face was not right, Qin Jun quietly followed her, turned into the kitchen and asked.

"Second aunt, what's the matter?"

Tang Min frowned and said, "master Qin is not so bad. I have high blood pressure? I'm obviously hypotensive. A few days ago, I was still a little dizzy and confused. The doctor prescribed some medicine for me. How can I see out that I have high blood pressure? "

"I'll try."