Medical Master's World

Chapter 292

After returning home, Qin Jun received a call from his second aunt.

"Xiaojun, the day after tomorrow, Yueyao's birthday, will you join us?"

"Good, second aunt." The bag of biscuits that Lin Yueyao gave Qin Jun before was still in Meng Wengang's place. There was a birthday invitation in it. He didn't see it at all, so he didn't know.

"Well, you haven't come home for dinner for a long time. Come ahead of time tomorrow. Yueyao recently talked about a boyfriend. I'll see you at home tomorrow."

"Oh? Yes, good I didn't expect Lin Yueyao to talk about her boyfriend. Although the woman is a little self righteous, she is Qin Jun's cousin after all. I hope she will have a good life.

Tang Min continued, "Yue Yao said that master Qin is also a doctor. He seems to be very powerful. You may be able to communicate."

Qin Jun is stunned, master Qin?

Is there any other master Qin in Donghai traditional Chinese medicine?

In the whole country, those who can be called masters are all masters of traditional Chinese medicine. There are only a dozen of them.

Kong Fanlin is the youngest master of traditional Chinese medicine in the whole Donghai and even the whole Handong province.

As for Qin Jun, he didn't have these documents. The reason why he was called a master by the eldest husbands was more out of respect.

Lin Yueyao seems to have been admiring master Qin for a long time, but Qin Jun didn't tell her identity. I don't know if master Qin is related to this.

After making an appointment with the second aunt, Qin Jun went to the city to buy some gifts. After all, his cousin's birthday can't go empty handed.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yueyao rolled her eyes.

"Mom, if Qin Jun wants to come, just ask him to come the day after tomorrow. What do you want him to do tomorrow?"

Tomorrow is the day to meet Master Qin. She doesn't want to make a mess because of Mr Qin.

Tang Min rolled a white eye, "let your cousin also come to help check, that what master Qin, you have never seen, do not observe well, I can rest assured?"

Lin Yueyao was speechless. "What can he see? Master Qin is a doctor respected by the whole hospital. Even general manager Meng has great respect for him. What qualification can he have to judge others based on Mr Qin? He will come tomorrow. You'd better let him talk less. "

With that, Lin Yueyao continued to play with her mobile phone and chatted with master Qin.

I don't know why. Last night, master Qin suddenly added her wechat and said that he had just received her gift. He knew that his birthday was coming soon and wanted to make an appointment.

After chatting for a day and a night, Lin Yueyao is as much in love with master Qin as a girl yearning for spring. Now what she talks about on wechat is like a couple. The thought of meeting tomorrow makes her a little excited.


The next morning, Lin Yueyao got up to make up before six o'clock, dressed up carefully, and then met her outside.

As a result, master Qin didn't come, but he did.

Lin Yueyao rolled her eyes and felt lost.

"It's beautiful today." Qin Jun boasted casually.

Lin Yueyao is in a good mood today. It's rare that she didn't accept Qin Jun.

"You have vision. Master Qin will come soon. If you have any medical problems, you should be ready to ask. Don't hide. This is a rare opportunity."