Medical Master's World

Chapter 1084

Qiu Yuanhua took it over and couldn't put it down. He praised the bracelet all the time.

Liu Huahua also said, "Auntie, you see Jiang shaoduo is sincere. He bought such an expensive bracelet, but no one else has given you such expensive jewelry?"

With that, Liu Huahua winked at Jiang Liang.

Jiang Liang then responded, "no, Auntie with this bracelet, really more queen style, this bracelet is I specially selected for auntie, although it's valuable, but it's also worth the money."

Jiang Liang's reaction was quick. He said that the bracelet was for Liu Qingqing, but now it's for Qiu Yuanhua.

After all, Liu Qingqing is the richest man. He is well-informed. What kind of high-end things have he never seen? And young and beautiful, even very luxurious gifts are hard to move her.

But it's much easier to send my future mother-in-law away. If I can get Qiu Yuanhua's support, I will get twice the result with half the effort.

"Really? Then I put it on! "

Qiu Yuanhua put the maid's bracelet on her hand, full of joy.

Liu Huahua praised him all the time.

"Auntie, it's very beautiful and charming for you to take this with you."

"Really? Then I'll take it! "

Liu Qingqing frowned, "Mom, how can you accept other people's things?"

Without waiting for them to answer, Liu Huahua quickly said, "what are you afraid of? It's not an outsider?"

Qiu Yuan said, "yes, it's not an outsider. How beautiful this bracelet is."

Jiang Liang is very happy in his heart. It seems that this bracelet is not for nothing. It's worth the money to get the heart of his future mother-in-law.

Jiang Liang took a look at Qin Jun and jokingly said.

"Mr. Qin, it seems that you haven't given your aunt any decent gifts, have you? I keep saying that I'm Qingqing's boyfriend, but I haven't even given a decent gift to my aunt. Is that a bit unreasonable? "

Liu Qingqing frowned. Of course, Qin Jun didn't send it. The military order card was a gift from Qin Jun to Qiu Yuanhua, but Qiu Yuanhua didn't want it and threw it on the ground. That's why this gift became Liu Qingqing's.

But in this way, Qin Jun really did not send.

Qiu Yuanhua held his arm, but also a pair of not very satisfied with the appearance.

Seeing this, Qin Jun said with a smile.

"Since my aunt likes jewelry, I'll ask someone to send me a jewelry."

Finish saying, Qin Jun made a phone call to go out.

Liu Huahua sneered, "this surname Qin is really beyond his capacity. Do you still give jewelry? This maid's bracelet is already the top of the jewelry. Any jewelry and diamonds are in vain in front of it. Don't make a fuss

Jiang Liang also sneered, "this guy is good at making fake goods. Maybe he can make a fake thing later and muddle through?"

Liu Qingqing helplessly shook his head, "you say a few words."

Seeing Liu Qingqing helping Qin Jun so much, Jiang Liang gritted his teeth and was very upset.

Soon, a Mercedes Benz came over and stopped at the door of Liu's house. A man came down from the car, who was the general manager of the car he had seen before.

Card total hands holding a big box, all the way carefully came in.

"Mr. Qin, here is your jewelry!"

Qin Jun nodded, "hard card total."

Card always flattered, "absolutely dare not, can give Mr. Qin service that is my honor, absolutely dare not say hard."

Everyone was stunned. Mr. Ka was also a character who often appeared on TV. They all knew each other. How could Mr. Ka come to deliver things to Qin Jun in person?

Qiu Yuanhua was not interested in the bracelet, but he was excited when he saw the big box.

"What is this?"

The card always opens the box to reveal the golden light inside.

"Madam, this is a gift from Mr. Qin, Queen's crown."