Medical Master's World

Chapter 1083

Jiang Liang's face was as pale as ashes. He didn't expect that he would be "killed" by money one day in his lifetime.

The sum of these cash is at least several hundred million. It's like a lot of bricks. Jiang Liang is in great pain.

He opened his mouth to scold Qin Jun, but he didn't say it, so he passed out.

"Jiang Shao!" Liu Huahua's face changed greatly. He quickly helped Jiang Shao up and sent him to the hospital.

Qin Jun made a gesture to Duan Baodong. Duan Baodong immediately understood and asked those people to load all the money and send it back to the bank again.

Liu Qingqing took Qin Jun's arm and left the restaurant in a low key.

"You can really toss, so much money, just to smash him?"

Qin Jun smiles, "isn't this what he asked for?"

Liu Qingqing is also smiling, holding Qin Jun, two people stroll up.

After shopping, I went home and found an unexpected guest.

Jiang Liang!

At this time, Jiang Liang is sitting in a wheelchair and staying in the yard of Liu's family.

The injured part of the body has gone through a series of bandages, although it is very embarrassed, but it looks very magnanimous.

When Jiang Liang saw them coming back, he immediately said.

"Qingqing, don't be cheated by him. Just now I learned that there was a batch of counterfeit money in Donghai. I suspect that the car he just made is counterfeit money!"

Of course, Jiang Liang doesn't believe it. It's hundreds of millions of cash. Who can say it's easy to take out?

Hundreds of millions, not hundreds.

Even for a super family like Liu Qingqing, it is necessary to arrange the withdrawal of several hundred million yuan of cash in many ways, discuss with various banks and make an appointment.

As we all know, withdrawal of more than 150000 yuan is considered a large amount of withdrawal, which requires an appointment in all major banks.

Don't you need to make an appointment? In a few minutes?

Who do you think you are?

Leader Sun?

When he was in the hospital, the more Jiang liang thought about it, the more wrong he was. Later, when he saw the news that there was a batch of counterfeit money in Donghai, he realized that the boy surnamed Qin was playing with him! How can you do this!

Liu Qingqing frowned and said nothing. How can Jiang Liang be haunted?

"Jiang Liang, don't talk about money. Do you think I can get money when I find a boyfriend?"

At this time, Qiu Yuanhua and others also came out. They also knew that Jiang Liang had a good eye on him at the beginning. The young man was very good at speaking and flattering. Unlike Qin Jun, he was arrogant and indifferent.

"Qingqing, you talk well. Let's have a peaceful talk. Xiaojiang has come all the way back from abroad. It's also for you."

Liu Qingqing frowned, "Mom, don't make trouble here."

Jiang Liang strike while the iron is hot, "Auntie is right, even if it's not more than money, it's more than sincerity."

With that, Jiang Liang took out a colorful bracelet from his pocket.

There are gold, silver, emerald and diamond on the bracelet. It looks very gorgeous.

And this bracelet is not only valuable for jewelry, but also valuable for craftsmanship.

It's a bit similar to the gold inlaid jade of China, but the process is more complicated.

Jiang Liang took out the bracelet and handed it to him.

"Qingqing, this bracelet, called maid's bracelet, is a bracelet given by a foreign Royal Queen to her maid. The craftsman's craftsmanship is very excellent. Even now, it's hard for anyone to make this bracelet by hand."

"This is unique, Qingqing. If you wear her, it means that you are the unique woman in the world, and it symbolizes my friendship for you."

Liu Qingqing frowned and didn't take the bracelet, but Qiu Yuanhua saw it and was surprised.

"Oh, this bracelet is so beautiful. Is this the legendary maid bracelet?"